Mercy's Winrate This Week

It was more of an issue back when Moira didn’t exist and Ana was terrible. But still, I think Mercy players pushing the ‘main healer’ narrative are a big part of why Lucio is a bad healer.

Seriously How does the concept of Main Vs Off (utility) healers make Lucio a bad healer
as I explained it does nothing but change who he’s competing with for his spot on the team. if he’s in a bad spot he’d be there regardless.

Blizzard confirmed that she is the support with the highest winrate and a ton of people by only ONE TRICKING her has arrived to gm in a few hours

mercy is basically trash tier now, which drives me crazy. mercy was my first “main” in the game and I still have more cumulative hours on her than any other hero. I can’t believe they nerfed her again! What also sucks is that sombra has never been good in her entire history. I want to play sombra so bad just because she’s such a cool hero, but picking her makes me an insta-troll.

dev say that all heroes should have 50 winrate every time

So why ever play Ana if Mercy is able to heal just as much? It works both ways

Seems like you don’t understand so I’ll explain the situation.
It’s only wrong when Mercy does not have the highest winrate.
The fact that McRee, Hog, Sombra have trash winrate for the better half of a year is not important.


Um… You do realize Blizzard calls Mercy a main healer. Its not a narrative that anyone is pushing, it’s a fact that Blizzard has spoken about on many occasions on the forums in interviews and their dev update on Mercy’s rework.

So please I know you may not like the hero and her players but it’d be better not to add to the overall false information.

What’s also hilarious is we have been saying most of the supports are in a really bad state and they come back with, “No, they’re not. Lmao” basically all supports get buffed 8 months down the row. Some multiple times

Hmm… it’s like we knew what we were talking about.

That’s not what the developers said.

They said they still want her to be the go to pick for healing. That doesnt mean to make her weaker for other supports to compete but rather to decrease the wide discrepancy.

But, she should still be the go to according to them.

Everyone did.

Having the same power of the original ultimate tied to an ability was insane (you could rez one person with rez and in the rare chance she was used in higher tiers, this is how it was used to keep momentum).

Plus, it forced you to use rez in the best way possible which was to tempo rez.

Not only that but you could rez 4 people in 20 second rather than have it tied to a single cast.

We all knew it was op.

Because they arent flawed statistics, and I am providing objective information which I value more than your word.

Only its not flawed.

Really? Because as a student who just completed his undergraduate studies and currently applying to veterinary school, I think I know very well the material.

An opinion cannot be wrong. Its not falsifiable, because if it was it would not be an opinion.

Blizzard in some interview or on a post stated that I believe it was around a number between 10-20%. You can find it if you look, I wasnt sure so I just went with the average.

Of course. One deals with smoking and another deals with video game statistics.

Thats where the differences end.


He did a great summarize of how many if not most of the community feels about Mercy and her changes and you come in and just disagree without adding anything worth while.

If you agree or disagree then maybe add the ‘why’ to it, if you want others to understand your point of view.

Who is that?? (Filler characters)

yea i love when my main is first under powered, then op for a year and then going back to under powered. I really fckin love that.

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GreyFalcon is Greyfalcon you’ll often find him in mercy threads

An accessible hero with a sub 50% win rate is alarming. Especially coming from the minuscule class that is support.

I can get a heavily skill-demanding hero being trash in low tiers. I can get a sub-par DPS performing poorly given there are 15 of them.

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There is a gap between F lister and A lister in terms of hero balance. Mercy being limitted to melee range vs. Ana potentially independantly operating far from the fight. Anti-nade and sleep dart providing utility. Hell if you wanted to make it balanced let Mercy heal a tiny bit more but then limit Mercy’s utility a bit that’d be the ideal way to balance it but they can’t do that because that means reworking Mercy since they can’t seem to find a happy medium while rez is on E


Could it be that all Mercy mains had been boosted in the past and now are on their way back down to their proper elo?

Wow. In only 8 months? That’s some serious balancing talents you have.
At this point why is Jeff still in charge of Overwatch?
Him and all his staff should just quit Blizzard, and let it all to you guys.

I havent dropped in sr

Never heard of him but aight ahah

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