Mercy's Winrate This Week

According to Overbuff, Mercy has the 4th lowest winrate in the game across all competitive ranks, at 48.49%.

The next lowest is Sombra at 48.43%, followed by McCree at 48.34% and finally, Roadhog taking last place at 47.97%.

While I dont think she will drop to worst, her trend indicated that by next week, she should be the second worst winrate hero in the game.

If what the developers said in their comments following her most recent nerf are true,

Then something should be done before that happens.


“But muh entry level hero, she shouldn’t be good”

Ignoring the fact that she’s struggling in even gold where you’d think her simple nature would let her stand above Ana on average because you know Gold.


That may a lot of peoples opinions, but the developer clearly do not agree. As mentioned above, they want her to still be a strong pick.

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I know that just venting about some really dumb thing’s I’ve read, the game only has 6 healers, only 3 of them can classify as a main support and people think it’s a good idea to arbitrarily limit that number even more because reasons.


Ok? Whats wrong with a character not having the highest winrate for once for 2 years straight?


Because she had such a high winrate, it seems odd that it would drop so dramatically.

I assume that’s what this post is about…


She never had the highest winrate.

SHe had the highest pickrate and as a result would be around 50% winrate because there would be one every match and obviously she would take the loss or win being on both sides.


I feel like they will not change her anytime soon as her Res ability is too powerful for her to not be “a strong pick”


Except she was barely picked at higher ranks and her winrate wasn’t that good pre rework. Even if it was, there’s no reason not to speak out about this when the devs said themselves they would “go back” to looking into her if the community had issues with it and would “keep an eye on her to make sure she was still a strong pick”. This is not okay, the rework failed.


It’s so interesting to me how Mercy is the only hero we ever seem to really care about the moment her winrate drops just below 50%, as if a sub-50% winrate… at 48%… is somehow the end of the world for that hero.

it’s almost as if there’s something more important people want from this one specific hero, like an especially high winrate associated with a singular hero that they happen to play a lot. I dunno. Just taking some guesses here. But it’s worthwhile to note how in a topic that even specifically mentions a hero like Roadhog being in last place for winrate, the title and focus of the post is still only about Mercy.


That seems to be a theme, yeah? Mercy undermined Ana and Moira as main healers for months if not over a year. We can’t seem to find a happy medium.


Wow, I can’t believe you actually posted here. Love your videos and agree with a lot of it. Surprised you didn’t get banned from the last post though.


Thanks. <3 (And me too, hahaha. Props to the mods I guess?)


It isnt. But the developers said they wanted her to maintain her status as a strong pick and the “go-to for raw healing power”. Right now, that is not the case.

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She is struggling even in Bronze.

You must have missed the million threads with complaints about other heroes’ sub 50% winrate… There are a few of them active right now, about McCree and Hog.


Overbuff and masteroverwatch are not a good stats indicator anymore since the private profile’s.


Mhm, Hog also needs love, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be vocal about Mercy too.


Then all the statistics about Brig being overpowered must then be thrown out the window.


Stuff like that does really back up the suspicion that other healers have had for a long time that at least some of the devs show favoritism toward Mercy.

Plus, Mercy has the highest pickrate out of all of the ones in the bottom 5 too.