Mercy's Winrate This Week

You’re implying that Mercy mains (generalising) gang up on people and “berate them”. Now that I’m calling you out, you’re backpedalling.

Sorry that’s called my own personal OPINION from scrolling though this post.

Would you mind letting me get back to reading it?

Hahaha, whatever man.

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That’s not necessarily true. Having bad statistics and acting on them isn’t always better than waiting and making a more informed decision based on anecdotes or some other source.

It’s fine to look at them and form opinions, despite the flaws involved, but to say the developers have to do something based on these statistics is completely illogical and unreasonable.

I’d rather not have her nerfed at all. She is a well designed hero and she is getting punished for it.

We can not have another source. Blizzard would be the only option but they have not said anything to us. We work with what we have. Simple as that.
EDIT: We also have no proof that the devs think she is fine. Again we have heard nothing.

She was wildly overpowered. She had to be fixed. It was going to be nerfs one way or the other.

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Exactly. There is no other source.
I never said they think she is fine.

All I’m saying is to demand the developers do something based on necessarily flawed statistics is unreasonable and illogical.

That is all.

A revert would have made way more sense rather than 14 nerfs over months and leaving her in the dust. Then they could have planned revert tweaks or a new rework.

But they reworked her due to “hide and rez” which we had no statistics on. Some people say it happened every game, some say it never happened. :thinking:

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Well, a revert with another rework later wasn’t a bad idea (and I argued for it at the time) but that was more about fixing her emergency overpowered state quickly. But she doesn’t have that anymore so there’s no reason to panic and revert - it would make more sense to simply go straight to the rework, when it is ready.

And I still say the absolute number of nerfs is meaningless. It doesn’t matter if a drop of 10 points is 10 at once or 1 ten times, it’s the same thing.

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A fair point to make but the truth goes both ways. Mercy at the same time can’t be so powerful that characters designed to be more skillful become pointless.

I see that, but what should we do instead? Just have complete blind faith that the devs know what is up? I’m not one for assuming the higher ups are doing what is best for the community. We would not have even have to make these threads if we actually got a response. Something like “Based on all the stats we have as the devs, she is fine. Look”

Yes, and some people say the moon landings never occurred… and the Earth is flat. Doesn’t make it true. People who played through it periodically comment even now on how bad it was, but regardless, it’s rather non-nonsensical to try to argue mass rez wasn’t a bad mechanic. It’s understandable that everyone wants a super ultimate fun impacting ability, but what Blizz feels is best for the game is what it is. I am not opposed to a different or reworked ult, but mass rez I firmly believe will never see the light of days, and I suspect it is in part due to how this would affect OWL games…


Probably would not affect OWL at all. Pre rework mercy was not played much by the top tiers of competitive, this much we do know.

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Personally I think rez should be removed from the game completely and mercy should be re-worked. (Again)

To be a little more skill reliant but also alot more fun and engaging to play.

Her current form IMO is the lesser of the evils but she just feels so i dunno? Bland?

Exactly. It wouldn’t even effect OWL due to how weak she was. She’s already only used for boost and single rez incase her Widow dies.

In truth I don’t think either a revert or rework will help at this point.

I think Mercy players have kind of built up and idealized old Mercy as fun in a way that she doesn’t really live up to. I think part of the fun they are remembering is the fun they had when the game was a lot newer to them,and they werent as tired of playing the character yet. Some of it’s also just nostalgia making things look better than they were.

I also don’t think the dislike a lot of people feel for Mercy 2.0 is based on the legitimate merits of the hero. I think a lot of it is just resentment at the change itself. And we should remember that Mercy was overpowered for ages and is probably now a little underpowered - playing a hero that was wildly overpowered for a while, then just overpowered, and finally ended up a bit bad is going to feel awful. It’s got nothing to do with her actual gameplay merits. I predicted this when we had early Mercy 2.0 - people would get used to be super overpowered and would never be able to accept the hero again when she was finally fixed.

Because of this, I don’t think a rework will be accepted or succeed. People will hate it for exactly the same reasons they hate Mercy 2.0, unless it’s overpowered, then they’ll cautiously like it until its nerfed and hate it even more then. I don’t think a revert will succeed either - it’ll feel underpowered due to power creep and if you think the community dislikes Mercy now…

I think if you liked the old Mercy and don’t like Mercy 2.0, really the best solution is just to play someone else. The wild balance ride had basically ruined the hero for you. I’d just play another and hope that someday the feelings fade and you can have fun with her again, or find more fun with someone else.


I very much disagree, and that’s pretty much all I can say since this whole post is based on guessing what people feel and lumping them all together. I can say no, you’re wrong, but considering you’ve lumped everyone who’s played Mercy 1.0 into this “they’re just nostalgic” viewpoint, there’s not much I feel like saying about it.


So with private profiles, Overbuff probably isn’t very accurate anymore. Just saying.

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