Mercy's Winrate This Week

Sombra’s recent changes have amounted to a small overall net buff in winrate and there’s a lot more people picking sombra now. She’s also seen a small numerical increase in E/D, elims and dmg done.

Mccree just got his minimum falloff damage increased and instead of 4 shot, he can now usually 3 shot at minimum.

Roadhog’s hook was fixed back to be more consistent (and dimensional defying but hey). Then they just did this additional buff to him that should offset the falloff bug fix of his right click.

Pharah, another underperforming hero after the mercy nerfs (snort), is being iterated for changes and will probably hit ptr sometime soon.

These heroes do have the dev’s eyes on them currently and have not gotten gutted for no reason. Mccree too will be getting buffs sometime around xmas or next year, because of pharah buffs that would make it harder for mccree to counter pharah, so ofc they will need to prop up mccree a bit more, plus he’s underperforming in current meta.

The dev’s have determined that every offence class hero (aside from symm and sombra) has to be a one man army like Hanzo capable of teamwiping and carrying teams in their backs solo (instead of propping up the teamwork aspect), so they will buff all the dps to be as good as him so the powercreep is completed. You don’t have to worry bout Mccree getting buffs, the only question is WHEN.

Mercy does not need to be looked at much, a simple revert of the hps change will do, because it was that change that broke the camel’s back and I don’t back down on this argument that she’s now pretty garbage for a supposed main healer.

They spew out a lot of empty words like “we’ll see how she performs blabla” and she performs worse than Ana in gold and still heavily drops in pickrate and winrate. Currently the worst winrate hero in GM with a pathetic 1,3% pickrate and Ana is at whopping 14% and better than average winrate, definitely a must pick like unnerfed reworked mercy used to be. But I mean hey, it’s not like there’s another good main healer anymore lol.

Heroes can receive attention without being detrimental to other hero developments. Or at least, they should, billion dollar company and all that. So telling me that “other heroes are underperforming as well, don’t you dare ask for buffs cuz other heroes need it more” entitlement ain’t gonna work on me.

I don’t play those heroes, I don’t have ideas for buffing those heroes and inserting myself into their conversation would be just foolish.