Mercy's Winrate This Week

We had no statistics, but they did. That’s the whole point.
They decide what to do since they have all of the statistics and the development tools.

You’re proving my point…
Some people say it happened every game and some say it never happened. That is necessarily unreliable information and can’t be trusted.
Just like the statistics the OP is citing.

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In the original rework post there was literally no mention of a single statistic, the only thing cited as the sole reason for the rework was because Resurrect was “disheartening to play against.”

If you’re gonna bring something up at least look it up first :confused:


Winrates mean very little in this case. Sombra, despite being the lowest winrate, is regarded as almost S tier by the majority of pro players.

Mercy went from being the best pick in 100% of situations to being the best pick about 25% of the time, yet the majority of Mercy players still spam her regardless or team comps, artificially lowering her winrate.

Mercy is still very strong in a bunch of different comps and maps.


How does one have statistics on if someone’s “hiding”?? How do said statistics determine if they were “hiding” or “taking shelter”? Sorry, I’m not believing it. They also reworked her for being “unfun to play against”. Where are the statistics for that? Oh right, there are none because fun isn’t something you can get solid statistics on.

Also, then they have statistics on Bastion right? Why has it been over 500 days of silence?


How can someone actually be jealous that mercy has more threads then anyone else? Lol who cares? She has the most fans next to so it’s only natural that mercy mains are vocal, because the majority never liked the rework op or not.

Instead of turning this into a trash bin, like the mercy mega thread, you could just be quiet or actually put your jealousy aside and say something that helps this discussion. Thanks :slight_smile:


The overall win rates are just a small part of the story. Her win rate gets really bad when you go to high ranks. At those ranks, it’s much lower than the average win rate, which means that playing Mercy will cause you to derank. None of her competitors is even close to that position in high ranks. She’s in a very bad spot there.

I wrote a post containing the statistics about this a few days ago.

For those of you who feel Overbuff statistics are unreliable - that’s just not true. Here’s a post I wrote with a detailed explanation of how to understand them in the age of private profiles. I believe it may have the distinction of being the only forum post based almost entirely on math to have been the front page.

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Umm what? Firstly, statistics weren’t mentioned once when talking about “Hide n Res”. Secondly, how exactly can you have statistics on hiding? That’s ridiculous. If anything, such a thing existing can be mistaken for stuff like taking cover.


Except Moira and Ana are better healers and they don’t spend the whole game healing. Mercy spends like 95% of the match healing where’s as Ana and Moira spend like 65% of the match healing and they still outheal. What’s the point of a raw healer when there are two betters picks who get the job done faster and better.

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A couple points here.

  1. Immediate post rework Mercy was wildly overpowered. February-July Mercy was not. For instance, in season 9 when her pick rates started off quite low, her win rates were average. Mercy players were finding the same success with her back then as they were with Moira or Lucio (and less success than Zenyatta had). In fact, at no point during her two month pick rate rise were her win rates high. That’s not what you would expect from a wildly overpowered hero. Current Mercy is not a little underpowered, she’s distinctly underpowered. Especially when compared to her competitors.

  2. At this point a rework is probably necessary for several reasons. The first is game balance. Mercy is near a degenerate point in design space. Numerical tweaks seem to take her from mandatory to throw pick status. She should be moved away from there so she can be balanced properly and stably. Secondly, the recent changes have shifted her too far away from the team’s stated design goals for her. Third, there’s enough community dissatisfaction about her current state to merit looking at it again. They should wait until they figure it out properly, but they really should rework her.

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It sure does, considering that the only ability that benefits her and only her is the use of her pistol.

Other than that every ability she has is for the purpose of supporting her allies.

Her gun is very rarely used and she must forgo healing for a period longer than any other healer in order to heal. Ana may not be able to heal while dealing damage but she can swap between very quickly.

As a result, Mercy usually either has 0 her damage done, or less than 1,000 (accounting for staff melees and other moments where you need to use your gun).

In truth I really dislike those dev comments about Mercy’s role. I kind of hope that was just that one dev’s opinion.

I think we actually can attempt to at least broach this question statistically.

If Mercy players by and large spent a large portion of time hiding instead of healing, then you would expect their healing numbers to be low. I don’t have statistics from that far in the past, but TItanium saved them and posted them a while back.

The rework didn’t have a strong effect on Mercy’s healing numbers (despite the addition of Valkyrie’s chain beams).

That I can agree more with.

Mercy has all of her abilities linked directly to impacting her allies and none of them can be used to assist her.

Or people learn basic positioning mechanics on mercy because that’s all you need really. Then realize that the more challenging hero (more challenging in every single aspect of the game) puts out more heals, then they switch to learn the more challenging yet rewarding hero.

Seems okay to me.


But doesn’t the amount of healing done depend on the situation?

Personally, I don’t think she should have damage reduction during it.

That way you get punished for a full team Rez when the enemy team is right there.

The developers tried to incentivize the mass rez with the buffs but in my opinion, it should be used to tempo rez.

Yes it could potentially resurrect the whole team but that was the risk.

If you use it to tempo Rez one or two people, you should be safe and if you try to Rez the whole team, you have a lot of risk there as the cast time would come into effect.

Across all ranks on PS4, her win rate is the 6th lowest, which is honestly surprising. However, her win rate in GM is almost perfectly in the middle, at 14th lowest.

They have all the stats and in the Korean Fan Festival, they actually addressed that they are aware of Mercy’s decline (and no not the “I think we’re done” moment but he was actually asked).

Exactly, and they know this is the case.

Which is why Mercy was in overpowered status for months because they wanted to “wait” even though the community had told them it was broken.

Atleast I am going by the only statistics we have rather than the anecdotal nature of other posts.

And please point to where I demand the developers do something. I said they should, and that is my opinion.

I think what you’re saying is illogical.

I know, I’ve seen you post this before. I don’t think that was one dev’s opinion. It’s inherent in almost every comment the devs have made about her and almost every aspect of her design.

When her healing was buffed to 60 hps, the stated reason was that they wanted to emphasize Mercy’s role as a strong single target healer. After the rework, Jeff said that the main attribute he wants people to think of when they think of Mercy is high througphut healing (mobility was second). When they game released, Mercy was clearly the dev’s idea of what a main healer should look like. She was clearly intended to be the healing focused healer. When you quantify healers contributions to the game numerically (I have info about this if you want), no other healer’s healing number takes up nearly as high a percentage of their contribution as Mercy’s does.

Like it or not, an exceptionally strong focus on healing is the central pillar of Mercy’s design. More so than any other healer. It always has been. Everything about her tells you this. You’re seeing the results of that now. When her healing is reduced, she just can’t compete.

I don’t think this should worry you as much as it does. A focus on healing is not the best of strategies in Overwatch. Utility and aggression almost always trump it. Especially when coupled with burst healing (which is often more useful than sustain). You’re seeing it now with Ana. She heals less than Mercy or Moira, but she’s much better than them when she’s used properly. You’re also seeing in with Moira - no one can outheal her if she sets her mind to healing, but she doesn’t dominate.

A reworked Mercy who is closer to her intended role (mobile, consistent, healing focused, high throughput single target healer) wouldn’t dominate. She’d be a Moira for mobile comps. A good safety net, that you could forgo if you opted to take a more aggressive approach.

They do. They have publicly stated several times that they balance things on a trinity of balance which includes statistics, player feeback, and developer opinions.

Statistics are one part that is demonstrating this, and the other part is player feedback which is admittedly a vocal minority but is all they have otherwise. If they didnt like that then they shouldnt involve player feedback into their trinity of balance.