Mercy's ultimate

and here i thought i was the only one kind of needing to make fun of that. I’m relieved to see that i’m not :no_mouth:


That’s kind of unnecessary.

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Most of them was mercy mains who reach big ranks over the night

Factually it is though?


Do you think you’re cute?

Um…it’s a joke?

The guy says “factually” so much in his replies that it’s almost a meme.


Mercy hasn’t been “Mercy” since she lost mass resurrection. That was a huge part of her fantasy. The current Mercy feels like a different hero. I haven’t really played her since the removal of her original ultimate. Her kit just doesn’t feel as polished as it did at launch. She feels really clunky to play to me. That’s just my opinion though.

Also, just want to add that she got her rez less frequently when it was her ultimate. Now she has it once a fight. They could have done a number of things to change the way her old ultimate worked without changing her whole kit and fantasy. One of the things that came to my mind was to rework her ultimate meter so that at 100% she can resurrect 1 person, 200% she can resurrect 2 people, 300% she can resurrect 3 people, and so on up until 500%. Obviously, it would need some tweaking so that getting to 100% and further feels reasonable.


Just because it’s a joke doesn’t make it funny.

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I dunno I found it funny.

Humor is subjective


I didn’t, so it’s obviously subjective.

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So…why make a big deal out of it?


Factually, I and many others found it to be funny


Because as annoying as it is when DoDo does it, it is more annoying for someone to make fun of them just because that’s how they talk.

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Factually it’s how they type.

I mean, again it’s almost a meme at this point.

Chill. I mean…they’re not berating somebody for “being cute” in a snide way.


It’s definitely necessary.


We really don’t need it back.

Also, making fun of how someone talks is like the people making fun of the voice of someone in voice chat, which is considered toxic.

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They apparently don’t see it that way. As annoying as it can be, it’s unnecessary.

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Get ready for a :poop: storm as the anti-mercy folks come from under their rocks to throw a fit.

Even when they’re not here just the mention of those two infamous people causes a pointless semantics argument

That’s impressive honestly


Factually you were the one who brought them up :relaxed:

So factually you are the one at fault for this :relaxed:

(Alright I’ll stop…even though that was a bit fun to do)