Mercy's stats continue to fall

Why else would she be popular?
Something about her would have to be effective.

Let me correct myself -

Ok there you go.

Hi I’m Jeffrey Badman and I’m responsible for the balance of Overwatch.

We’ve taken note of your concerns and in order to buff Mercy we will trash Roadhog even more, I hope this will solve the problem players are facing.

Kind regards

What has Mercy to do with Roadhog’s bug fixes/nerfs?

Please don’t question our reasoning, we are always right and never wrong.

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And we’re just as sick of Blizzard ignoring everyone and everyone alive bunching us into one hive mind way of thinking.
Res on 30 second cooldown cannot be balanced and her entire kit is clunky. Not to mention her 50 HPS put her in a major downgrade. Mercy isn’t fun, she isn’t balanced and it isn’t okay. We don’t care about medals, we want her to be viable. Hell, I’d rather she go back to 1.0 before her invulnerability was added. That’d be so much more fun than what she is now.

Mercy mains and many other people disagreed with and didn’t like the rework, and yet Blizzard still went through with it and deemed it a ‘success’ and yet are still nerfing her pointlessly.
We also only ever asked for an E ability and yet Blizzard gave us the one thing to take away all of her weaknesses; invulnerability during resurrection.

Your priorities are in the wrong places. The people to blame for all of this stupidity is Blizzard for never taking the suggestions and feedback that they ‘are always reading’ and ‘appreciate’.

Constructive criticism and complaints are excessively ignored. Suggestions to improve the heroes we all love are ignored. They don’t care about us or any of our heroes.
They claim that “it’s the numbers that look good” but even with all this sh*t to Mercy’s winrates, they do not care.

Amazing, right?


Bastion has a higher win rate than Ana, Moira and Genji.

You can’t compare the win rates of heroes from different categories. If you go by win rates, Torb is the third best hero in the game!

Indeed, this is why I play Moira now. I feel like I can actually do something for my team, whether it’s saving someone from near death with Coalescence or simply trying to protect backlines or someone with low health from an opponent attacking them. It’s far more engaging than using a healing beam with Mercy, that struggles to keep tanks alive, nearly all of the match. My proudest achievement today was getting a voting card stating that I healed 45% of team damage taken as Moira :slight_smile:, as well as five votes.

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Maybe it’s time she stepped back from the lime light, it’s after all what the devs wanted. I mean as I see it now its 48.9%… what’s the problem?

The problem is not really her stats. It is just that she cannot competently perform her role relative to her previous incarnation and if you wanted to nerf the character to bring her into line, that would be one thing. They went overboard, however, which influences how fun the character is to play. I can tell you that if they lowered the damage of my hero by a significant percentage, I would notice. That actually happened with Widowmaker and it was extremely noticeable.


Also her winrate is worse than it was before the rework. So what exactly was the point of this garbage rework again?


Good thing I also included pick rates in my argument.

Also, different roles should have different numbers.

There are only 3 main healers in this game. Their stats are going to a bit different than a niche DPS.

Here’s the true, Mercy is nerfed as hell because Res is on a constant cooldown and there’s no skill about it. They had to nerf every single thing of her because they insisted on this ultimate in her E each 30 seconds.
And let me say more. She’s not fine. She’s messed up. They ruined her so much, and now she’s just not worth to play anymore. All the other healers can perform better, and she feels like a brick to play. She’s not okay, and people who say she is are mostly haters of the character. I’m sure it’s not hard to notice that an ultimate on a constant cooldown is pure stupidity and it’s the reason it ruined her so much.


‘Compared to Mercy, they’re must picks’. That’s not how logical expression works. Not picking one hero just means there are many other options with as much value each. If you mean you can’t use Mercy in every single scenario, then yes. But that’s not Mercy’s fault. It’s the user’s fault not wanting to pick heroes based on team synergy.

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Hot take - Rez doesn’t belong on E. It’s an ultimate.


I don’t know how people can’t see this is the problem. Like, it’s just so obvious.


Except that there a lot of people that play Mercy who like Mercy as she stands, its only one group that doesn’t…

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Why is someone’s opinion less relevant because they’re not ‘Mercy mains’? I play Mercy alot, but I dont consider myself a Mercy main, not a main on anything in that regard. I flex according to team’s needs and composition synergy, not because of some spiritual connection to a certain hero.

Yet I can totally tell how wrong you are about your view on her Rezz. This is a TEAM game. Speak up in comms that you need cover for a Rez, tanks will gladly do that, and some will go even as far to body block for you. It’s also common sense knowing how to differentiate a safe Rezz and a risky one. In no way Rezz is a life trade unless you use it in the most bot like possible way. ALSO hilarious how you mention gold and up, when MERCY GETTING PROTECTED WHEN RESSING is a standard procedure in the highest level of play; pro matches. What ‘high tier’ are you talking here?

Wanna flame me for no Mercy play time? You can’t. I have as much play time on her as with other heroes. If anything, my views are less biased than someone who only has Mercy in their hero pool.

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They really could have nerfed any part of her kit like guardian angel or her ult and she would have ended up in the same spot she is now. Her healing was just a scape goat to return her to when she was extremely unreliable and hardly played like in season 3.

Plus, did you read at least ONE line of this post? Does not seem like it.