Mercy's stats continue to fall


Show me another ability where the base CD is as long as an entire fight.

I’m just referring to spamming E for some ability. Man, you guys are sooo sensitive about this character… it’s actually amazing to watch…

There’s a difference between spamming E and literally only getting to press it once then having literally nothing to do.

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One shot require skills and aim it is not just press M1 to insta kill.

She has the only winrate under 50 in GM

I just remember people telling me that I was wrong and that her stats were going to bounce back. Looks like, as usual, I am vindicated. Mercy is not going to magically get better after she was bludgeoned with a nerf that the developers ALREADY addressed as being a detriment to her. History is supposed to teach us not to repeat itself. Usually that means avoiding similar situations, not going full REEEEE and forgetting why you changed certain aspects of the character in the first place.

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There’s having a low on-fire rate and there’s having the lowest of all healers by a substantial margin

it’s crazy how there are still people defending the nerf… y’all get a grip wtf i’m not a mercy main whatsoever but even i can see that she’s weak as hell rn


I think they’ll release a new main healer that’s also better than mercy, slap a tiny buff on her and expect people to be happy.

The new hero will temporarily make us forget our problems and they’ll be “satisfied with mercy’s current state”. (They probably already are but it’ll make us shut up)

Mercy will be the basic healer to pick up when you’re buying the game and they’ll expect people to just stop playing her as if she’s just a “difficulty level” and not a hero with a personality someone might like.

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The issue with mercy is her nerf was a double whammy. Her throughput went down AND her ult charge went down. That is a very deadly combination.

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I love how you say that like every other character doesn’t have something special.


she needed a nerf no doubt she got the wrong one. If you are going to lower her throughput consider changing the valk requirements

I just cannot tolerate that her healing is so poor now that you never, as in ever, have time to shoot things. Before you could heal a tank to half, switch to dps to full, switch back to healing tank and then shoot things (turrets, enemies out of position)… now she is the only healer who is absolutely unable to dps anything.

^ I agree with this. The more Mercy has to stay glued to her yellow beam in order for her team not to die, the less opportunity she has to contribute in other, less-allegedly-brain-dead ways.

This is the kind of stuff I’m hoping to see tweaked in the future, raising Mercy’s skill ceiling not by arbitrarily making it more difficult or less efficient for her to do basic stuff in her kit, but by making sure she is being frequently called upon to make meaningful choices about what her job should be in that moment.


Oh dear. Something must be done.

I did. Why play Moira or Ana when Mercy’s healing is always good enough for any comp or situation and she packs better utility than Ana, and obviously Moira doesn’t have any.

I’m going to assume there has or will be comments akin to “She’s been OP for too long, it’s time someone else took over” or w.e, so I want to pull a section from Hoshi’s latest Mercy video:

‘There seems to be this idea floating around among other members of the community, because Mercy has been dominant for so long, "it’s about time we got a taste of what it feels like to be a bad support because the other healers didn’t get a chance to shine, and now Mercy is the bad one.’

he followed up with 'I disagree with that on many levels - I get where it’s coming from, I understand that other supports have sort of been put in the back seat for quite some time, and it’s about time that they get a chance to be played in competitive, but it shouldn’t be a tipping scale where one hero gets to be good this patch and the other hero gets to be bad"

And I think things like this do enforce meta, or at least it plays a role in meta. I think this argument applies to a lot of things, not just Mercy - though she is one example.

Do the devs do compensation buffs anymore? Because I feel we’re in a constant state of bringing heroes up, and others down and it’s just very unbalanced. How can we have flexible metas and enforce the idea that many heroes are viable and can work together when it’s a constant tug of war? Hanzo and Brigitte (and Mercy post rework) dominated for months whilst people got reported for playing Sym, Bastion or Torb.

How is that fair?

It also applies to singular heroes too - I was thinking of Doomfist, too:

People want him nerfed, but I strongly believe he’ll go back to f-tier if he does. All those months of campaigning for Blizz to fix one of the worst heroes in the game goes back and it was all for nothing. Then he’ll need buffs, then people will be mad, so then it’s nerfs - back and forth.

Y’all know why I think Doomfist is hated? Because he’s a combo hero, people hate him as much as they hate/d Brig and Genji. He was trash before so no-one had to deal with him unless you had a thrower (for the most part) but now people actually get him in games.

I know this isn’t wholly Mercy related, and I’m probably spouting trash (I just woke up) but it’s been on my mind for a while - Blizzard don’t know how, or don’t care, to balance so everyone’s viable. They make some heroes great and some broken or trash which ends up making it unfair to the players, as well as allowing forced metas.

Sorry if this makes no sense. My brain isn’t working.


Oh no!
The super low pickrate of 7.93%, 3rd most played hero.

In every comment , in every Mercy thread , there’s a “Rez is OP and should never have been a regular ability”. Literally every Mercy main knows it and they suggested so many things , even possibilities for Rez removal and giving her a new ability.

Do we use the same forum or are you new here?

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Just because she’s super popular doesn’t mean she’s effective , you know.