Mercy's stats continue to fall

As of this week:

Mercy has the lowest win rate of any healer.

And this stat continues to drop. In the past, many people complained that Mercy wasn’t fun, but at least right after the rework she was powerful. Now she is unfun and losing more than any other healer.

Incidentally, her win rate is only higher than a few characters in the entire game. This places her well below what many in the community would consider a “troll” or “throw” pick.

Both Ana and Moira have overtaken her in pick rate.

Mercy isn’t even in a secure spot in low ranks. Her pick rate is only higher in Silver and Bronze. Before, it was plat and below. If this trend continues, people may want to reexamine their “at least she’s consistent” arguments.

Before the rework, Mercy was objectively the weakest support in the game. Yet, she has enjoyed the highest pick rate of any character in the game…well until now.

In my opinion, I feel that the main factors here are that Mercy is legitimately non-impactful. She’s not winning like the other supports are. And she’s not fun. Even the players that used to play her despite her relatively low power have moved on.

Furthermore, I feel that the only reason Mercy remained relevant in the meta after many of her nerfs was due to the sniper meta.

Mercy’s use was propped up by Hanzo and Widow. She was well suited for this environment with damage boost and had plenty of space to get value out of rez.

But things aren’t like that anymore, and I actually feel Mercy was over nerfed. The developers did not take into account the context of the game was keeping Mercy relevant.

The data would certainly agree with me, as Hanzo and Widow changes have had a profound impact on Mercy.

So can we please stop saying she’s “fine”. There’s not a lot of healing options in this game. She’s one of 3 main healers, and compared to the other 2 she kinda sucks.

So how about some changes that make her more fun and impactful?


Honestly, the only thing Mercy’s still consistent at is not keeping main tanks alive. She’s become an off-healer with her ultimate on a 30 second cooldown. She’s not fun to play and she’s not impactful. She needs a fking revamp.


Exactly. People forget that after the January nerfs and before Brig appeared and new Hanzo became OP, Mercy’s stats were pretty similar to Moira’s for months and Zen was considered the strongest healer. Then the sniper/Zarya meta came and Mercy just synergised much better with snipers and the almighty grav/dragon combo.


The last buff was very much the last straw for her and sorely not needed. No one has ever complained about the amount mercy healed and it was at 60 HPS for a very good reason.


Oh nooo, not Mercy!
Someone needs to have the lowest win rate. Is it really the end of the world if it changes occasionally?


Remember the “She’s gonna need another nerf, even if she has 0 hps Rez makes her broken” posts? Lul


They shoulda’ done that thing I kept saying, where they keep her healing the same, remove rez, and replace it with an upward mobility tool that possibly also does a small aoe burst-heal. :woman_shrugging:

Instead it’s as I predicted. Rez on a cooldown is too strong and they had to keep nerfing her until everything else about her is garbage. Well here we are, in the bin.


IKR, and don’t say “Blizzard wants her to be the primary healer-- waaahhh” argument… I’m sick and tired of Mercy mains ignoring the power of rez on E every 30 seconds, it has a huge impact on the flow of a game… so what if Mercy isn’t most picked hero or pumps out the most healing for that precious gold medal…


Yup. I don’t think removing rez is totally necessary tho. They could have just as easily tweaked mass rez to make it not so forgiving and easy for the mercy to use. We didn’t need Valk. :frowning:


Someones gotta be at the bottom of the barrel. Least she isn’t as bad as Lucio was for the past year.


What power are you talking about, lol. The only time you can use this Rez is either before the fight begins or after the fight is over. Any other time its a 100% death sentence, if the enemy team is coordinated enough to shoot a target that is standing still. There is no legit power behind it. It’s an “Oops one of my teammates did a mistake” button. Nothing more.


it still matters… don’t pretend it doesn’t , and good Mercy’s do it all the time in fights… so in other words you are saying we could remove this “useless” ability? I am down for that, I don’t even think it should exist in OW personally…

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Just wanna say that Mercy’s win rate is not only the lowest among supports, but is only higher than a few characters in the entire game.

That’s right. Bastion and Sombra improve your chances of winning more.

That’s not a good look for a main healer.

Also, “someone has to be lowest” is a terrible argument. Were you saying this when Ana was suffering?


She has that winrate becouse mercy mains still play her on every map. They now have to experience something every other support besides zen experienced.

The hero is situational. The most Mercy players still play her everywhere even if Ana or Moira are better in some situations and that’s why mercy has a bad winrate.


It still doesn’t hold any power, it’s a button to make up for the mistake of a teammate. That’s not power, that’s like a mother watching over her kid that just tripped and hurt itself.
And a Mercy can be as good as she wants to be, her pulling off the Rez is not in her hands. It literally only depends on the enemy team either being coordinated or absolutely stupid.
Rez on E has no power whatsoever and you’re better off not using it most of the time.
It should be removed as an ability yes. Because it isn’t and has never been a normal ability. It’s an ultimate and it should be her ultimate again.


There’s having low stats, then there’s having incredibly low stats.
Yes, there will always be a lowest picked support.

But when that support isn’t even that good at her primary (only) job, where all the other supports can do her job but better, and her on fire rate is also the lowest in the game, and her current state contradicts her hero design, we have a problem.
I understand where you are coming from, and I agree that mercy shouldn’t be the end all be all healer, but something needs to be done here, this is getting ridiculous.
Why should a main healer be delegated to off healer status?
That should never happen, under any circumstances.


Oh no. Mercy is falling after 2 weeks of patch. INSTANT REWORK AND JUSTICE PLEASE…!!



So, we agree, we could remove it with no impact to the game? Just want to be sure we are both agreeing to that?

BTW, mass rez in theory is the same problem, the whole team f’d up and now Mercy has to come in and try to turn it around… just saying, it’s the same problem at a higher level…

I am really beginning to get the idea that Mercy mains want to feel special… and losing mass rez took that away, and now the loss of healing, or I should say reversion, and loss of status hurts even more… not trying to be mean, but all the evidence points to this conclusion.


Ana and Lucio had below 45% wr for a year. WHERE were u honey. Busy being impactful, having fun, and carrying people with your gamesense I assume?


so it’s cool if Mercy is a rezbot? gotcha.

it’s not a terrible argument when I use it against a hero I don’t like ( :

sarcasm btw, not supporting this

Man, it’s almost as if there should be a fast reaction for all heroes-- and that it’s not the forum-goers fault. Hmmm. Better blame the forum-people for talking about something, though.

seriously. blame blizzard for taking so long fixing heroes. a YEAR to fix heroes is not reasonable.