We’ve had most of the past year be overpowered Mercy with the current design that isn’t really any fun unless it’s stupidly overpowered.
We’ve now moved on to having the character be somewhat to significantly under-powered on PC.
The developers haven’t really had a great track record on the other supports. You’ll notice one of the reasons people don’t want things to shift just yet is because the other supports haven’t had a moment to shine for most of the past year +.
Isn’t most of the reason you started posting on forums because the developers made changes to Roadhog you didn’t like that lead to a significant fall for him?
This isn’t a case of the developers in charge of balance/hero design doing a great job and we should always follow them to put it mildly.
From a balance perspective the Mercy rework took a hero that was already viable/op and added a powerful cooldown ability, added two movement bugs/features, and replaced an ultimate ability.
Unless the value of the powerful cooldown + two movement bugs/ features + new ultimate is = to or < than the value of the old ultimate the character will be overpowered unless you further alter parts of the existing kit that people like.
This hits further challenges in that Resurrect had incredibly varied results as an ultimate.
From a fun perspective for many people the healing as Mercy provided a low level of fun that was even’d out by an Epic Ultimate (You’ve got the same thing with the Medic in TF2). Switching to Valk while adding fun to players that have a desire to fly ruins moves the character away from having the big epic moment.
You barely play Mercy, what is the appeal for you of keeping this current design as opposed to re-working it? I can fully understand supporting the current design if you actually play it and like it but, if you don’t I don’t see why you’d be against a re-work. I can see how people’d hate mass res and might prefer the current to that coming back in a revert but, a re-work wouldn’t necessarily be going that way.
Finally, the developers aren’t necessarily interested in incremental change. They could have started by just going 5 to 55 instead of dropping by 10 to 60 but, they choose not to do so. They did the same thing with Ana when they changed her damage. They didn’t take an incremental approach and go down from 80 to 75 or to 70 they just leaped all the way down to 60.