Mercys' so called "Niche" right now

Im low enough rank for her to be effective as a pocket, but even still if everyone is focusing on our smur- I mean team mate, they will go down. Which is usually when I shame the DPS on our team by going battle mercy.

My point being that even at lower ranks like mine she is still in a bad place. The healing nerf was never the answer

Biggest issue is many of Mercy’s player base actually loath Valk as an entirety. It removes you from the fight and offers zero impact. Even with a single rez it would still be trash.


I would be happy with rez gone if Valk got removed also.


Honestly, just revert her healing, remove chain beams and remove movement penalty during rez while increasing the LOS check (no more rezzing around corners).

Giving Mercy any kind of clutch healing would be stepping into Ana’s territory.

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Well, it’d be 50hps with 80hps burst on a longish cooldown.

As for changes otherwise, I’m kinda wary about the 60hps because I think it’s a big reason why her pickrate kept bouncing back to must-pick after every previous nerf.

Mercy’s in a better state now that Ana has been nearly all of the time she’s existed.

What I’m hoping is that the more possible builds for a rework get suggested, the more likely they are to actually try and fix her. No Rez builds, no Valk builds, Valk and Rez swap places builds, earnable Rez builds, et cetera.

It’s just a pie in the sky hope, I have no faith in the Devs to fix her at all, but there’s no doubt in my mind she needs some changes.


I think if the Mercy community got behind a design approach that was similar enough to current Mercy, without a massive buff to Rez, that that would be the fastest way to get her to be fun and balanced.

“pocket healer” is a terrible niche & design for so many reasons.

  • works against the philosophy of the game itself, teamplay
  • encourages splinter co-operation instead of full teamwork
  • suggests this game has “carry” heroes to be pocketed

You’re such a broken record :rofl:


There’s really no benefit to playing her anymore. Before her wave of nerfs she outclassed the other supports with Valkyrie, Rez, and her healing output. Now Valkyrie doesn’t feel like an ultimate, Rez isn’t useful in a team fight because it’s suicidal, and her healing output nerf has made her healing 50 per second, which is what it was before her rework. A healing mechanic should do more than 50 healing per second if it only heals one player at a time, especially in a team fight. Lucio, Ana, Moira, and Brigitte can heal multiple targets at once which makes them much better healers in a team fight. You can’t count Transcendence and Valkyrie because they aren’t available at anytime.

I agree that Mercy’s healing at 60 was too much which made her always picked over Ana. But Mercy 1.0 and the current which heal for 50 aren’t good if they only heal one target. I think that if either it was bumped to 55 or it could lach on to 2 players in LOS with slightly less healing she’d be fine.

My experience is less pocket healing and more frantically keeping all the white crosses at bay. You simply can’t keep allies healed fully and if the enemy team focuses one target then all you can do is damage boost nearby allies and intend to Rez that person. Pocket healing just tells the enemy to focus your beloved teammate down.

The best you can hope for is to make yourself the main target, and use your mastery of GA to stay alive, flying in and out of gunfire to lure the enemy to fire at you rather than teammates.

Living dangerously on the edge with a workout towel to wipe the sweat and an inner prayer that Hanzo doesn’t fire the luckiest shot of his life.

Mercy is a healer made for Beginning players and should never be dominate at top levels of play, but still strong in lower levels

She’s not a bad pick at least in gold. Yesterday in comp I solo healed as mercy and won because I don’t like to play Ana unless I have an off healer and I’m not good at Moira. We held the first point on Hollywood without letting them get one tick.

h ttps://


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Her niche isn’t pocketing, its dive and bunker.

Have you watched the OWWC qualifiers? Pros are still playing her, but she is trash according to the gold mercy mains on this forum? :thinking:

She’s more of an anti-pick and dive hero, situations where she can use her res more reliably and take advantage of her mobility. When the current meta is going tank heavy and bowling over the enemy team, it’s difficult for Mercy to get a moment to use her res and heal safely. Ana and Lucio are favored because of Lucio’s speed boost while Ana can work from safer distances away from the swinging hammers.

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Mercy should not “pocket” anybody. She should use her mobility and flexible healing to keep as many teammates topped off as possible, and really only stop to heal tanks when there’s nothing better to do. Staying with one teammate or in one place is just asking to die while providing no real value.

Even to maximize damage boost, Mercy should spend most of her time cycling between teammates to boost damaging abilities as they come off cooldown. She can boost a specific teammate for longer if they’re in a position to do some serious damage - and Pharah often is - but Mercy can get more value out of her own gun in a lot of situations.

And rank shaming has come to play. I wondered when people would get desperate and go there

Also, OWL is trash and some players dont care about it

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