Mercys' so called "Niche" right now

Currently there are many people saying Mercy is still a good main healer and pick, but she only fills her niche.
Which is pocketing…
And my problem with that is, at this point in many lower ranks the only worth while pocket Mercy can provide is for a Pharah, who is not played a lot. And if she is just pocketing Pharah, she is not providing the rest of her team any healing. No longer making her much of a “main healer”.
And in higher ranks, Ana is just much better and you can get more value out of, especially at that skill level. Pharah is not played much the higher you go because the higher the ranks the better the hit scans get at shooting flying enemies.

So basically what I am trying to say is that Mercy is in probably the worst state she has ever been, in the history of Overwatch. She can be played, but no one wants to play her. And those who do, usually end up providing less value than you could get from a different healer.

Please come through Geoff, she needs help more than ever!


its that problem of she doesn’t play like a hero anymore, she plays like a sidekick, and nobody wants to do that.


Was with you up until this point. Pocket healer isn’t supposed to heal everybody. Kind of defeats the purpose of being a pocket healer. I do think she really needs some help though. They are right when they say she still excels in her intended niche, the problem is her niche is situational at best.


That is a really great way of putting it and definitely how I feel when playing Reaper. That is actually the problem with most of the “problem” characters. Well… Outside of Bastion. If he is working, you are basically Batman, but if he is not, you are still Batman, but the version where Bane broke that fools back.


That was kind of also a point I was hoping it would touch. Some people calling her a pocket healer, then also calling her a main healer. :slight_smile:



Mercy is a off healer. It’s what they wanted from her.

Sad when even she is out chosen by lot healers now. Blizzard balance in a nutshell


So why not ask devs to buff Mercy in a way that doesn’t involve Multi-Rez?

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No shade no tea, but my post had nothing to do with multi-rez lmao. It’s not talking about the past or future of Mercy. Just the present.


Junk, reaper, and a rein going swang mode are all prime targets to pocket in the lower elos. They do lots of damage and don’t need much aim.

I didn’t say he didn’t. I want all heroes to be fun and balanced in Overwatch and for every player to enjoy playing the game. :slight_smile:

Oh… very slowly flags


This ^ . She performs that awkward not quite a main healer, but not quite an off healer either role. Least when Ana was released in 2016 and Mercy was ‘a troll pick’ her ultimate could redeem her. But that’s not the case anymore.


Mercy’s niche is losing. Sad.


Where does it hurt?


Well isnt that kind of rude lol

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Casually flags…


Mercy’s niche? Being a corpse the enemies trip over as they march upon your team that has insufficient healing.


To be completely fair, us Reaper mains are known more for being edgy teenagers than polite individuals. My personal opinion is that no hero is more deserving of balance than another. They just need to be balanced. I wish the developers agreed with my highly controversial sentiment.


at reaper-bone

I do enjoy playing Reaper. He was my first dps to buy golden guns for. Sadly I do see his faults, and it is a pain

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