Mercy's Situation is NOT fair!

I pretty much just told you this exact thing. Had you had any game sense, you wouldn’t be popping valk and expect to not get punished while you’re flying in the air if you kept track of ult economy and knew enemy soldier/mccree had their ults ready.

You can boop him off a map still, and he’s also not intended to be killed during it. I’m not even sure what this argument is? Another support has some kind of advantage over Mercy in something so clearly she’s just bad? Like what?

This argument would have made sense had Zen not intentionally become immune to nearly everything during, while giving up the ability to discord and deal damage during.

It’s more like it’s boring to use and isn’t engaging. She just flies around and uses her beam more; as said above. It’s nothing different.
It’s too easy to use. That’s the problem. Too easy, too boring. Not fun.

Transcendence doesn’t make you throw super healing balls to literally everyone on your team. It becomes a super heal where you can actually help your team engage.

She never did.

Then why are people advocating her to? That’s all I’m asking

I’m sorry. The forums aren’t always clear as to who someone’s replying to.

I can see how you could interpret

as, “Mercy should out-heal focus fire”, even though that’s likely not what they meant to say.

Obviously nobody should be able to out heal focus fire. And nobody should heal through guaranteed crit-shots.
What I more meant was (I’m bad at wording things); Mercy should have top healing regardless; as she basically revolves around her healing. She cannot multitask like the other supports and main healers.

Moira? Throw a damage orb and spray your team, damage the enemy to refill your bar.
Ana? Throw a 'nade down! Attack the enemy on occasion while you heal.

Off-healers can multitask, too.
Zen? - Heal a teammate, throw balls at an enemy to give damage.
Lucio? - Speed or heal, WHILE ALSO damaging the enemy.

Mercy? Heal or damage boost or shoot a gun or resurrect somebody. She cannot multitask and is the only support who can’t.

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I completely agree, I think that blizzard shouldn’t their attention on mercy in particular and focus more on balancing other heroes and continuing to bring us better content and badass skins for new events

So you’re saying that they do counter Mercy’s ult, but the counter can be avoided through careful / intelligent play? I agree completely.

What is your criteria for an effective counter?

You having horrible positioning and game sense is not the enemy countering you.

Best description of Valkyrie:

Titanium always knows what to say :stuck_out_tongue:

Blizzard has made it clear so many times that they don’t care about the opinions of support players. There’s no point to PTR because they hardly care about feedback.

Hey thanks. i was looking for this.

No problem. Hopefully you can finally realise how vile Valkyrie is.

Actually I needed it because Titanium is actually trying to say they don’t think valk is useless in another thread

Link the thread right nowwww.

tis the one we were in yesterday.

Widowmaker and Doomfist cry in the corner.

He never said it was useless. He said it isn’t sufficient enough to be an ultimate.


And then I quoted a bunch of times where they do say it’s garbage, it’s usless, it’s outclassed because for some reason zen and orisa matter for a comparison, a tank and an off healer.

dude mercy is op stop