Mercy's Situation is NOT fair!

Get outta here with your logic.

There’s a reason why Mercy has lowest amount of On fire status and this is because she cannot make swing games anymore, she has no impact really unless you start depsing.

Every hero should have a playmaking ability. Resurrection does not guarantee any playmaking. She gets no potg’s either anymore.

Mercy went from unfun to play against to unfun to play as, ironically.


I tried making a thread once about how Mercy never got on fire and was told that she was already OP and didn’t deserve any more buffs. :laughing:

Still not sure how fixing her fire-meter would buff her gameplay, but ah well.

It’s not about buffing her on fire rate, it’s about making her kit have impact again and impactful kit usually feels like a good kit or better than she has currently. Healing gives no fire, damage boost is only minor fire amount, depending how much they damage, ress gives no fire… she gets most fire from capping an objective and assists instead of doing anything by herself lol. It’s probably mechanically impossible to get MVP anymore as mercy, that’s how bad her kit has become.

I know that, that’s why I find it hilarious anyone would oppose it and proclaim it a buff. :laughing:

Lol, Junkrat got trashed because he was unfun to play against.
Mercy is getting special treatment, like always.

You know Valkyrie is a trash ult when your team mates ask you when your Rez is up and never about Valkyrie.

or when you blow it to just get back from spawn and no one complains.


This was part of the problem that led to the SR exploit. Healing used to give a small amount of fire. A very small amount over time, but it did give fire. There was a time where I could spend nearly an entire match on fire if I was performing well, even without big rezzes. Then they removed the fire for healing (and iirc they nerfed the assist fire rate as well), and the only way for Mercy to gain fire reliably was through resurrections on the point. Which led to Mercy’s adapting their play to get on fire more often in order to gain SR since SR rewards were based partially on the on fire rate, which led to hide & rez. They never really “fixed” the SR bug, it was just a happy accident that Mercy’s rework sort of negated the way it originally worked. It’s weird how no one sees this is an issue.

Nowadays if I ever get the on fire status, it’s because I capped a point and it fades very quickly. Sad.

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You know valk is a trash support ulti when it’s best used to get some key picks like enemy widow or their supports rather than supporting your teammates.

Most of them don’t think she’s underpowered but unfun to play as given her ult is nothing but an EZ mode spectator and that thing we call an E requires us to hide or be babysat even though hiding was supposed to be one of the things Blizz wanted to get rid of.


Yeah… every nerf to me has made her more and more and more unfun to play.
She’s boring, she’s not engaging. She has a glorified spectator mode as her ultimate that does barely anything for the team. Cool, you can mass-heal. But it doesn’t save anyone from ultimates and isn’t as impactful as resurrect as an ultimate.
It’s stupid, it’s petty and Blizzard needs to realize that.
She isn’t fun to play anymore. She’s not balanced, she’s not “fixed”, she’s not a “Success”. If she was, there wouldn’t be so many damn threads about her demanding that she be reverted.

50 HPS does nothing in a focus-fire teamtight. Resurrect isn’t earned, it’s given with a 30 second, unbalanced cooldown. She can’t do as much as she used to and she’s starting to lose her charm.

I’ve much rather she go back to 1.0 than this. I haven’t even played Mercy really aside from FFA; I hate these changes so much and it’s unfair that Blizzard keeps ignoring the people demanding she go back to literally anything else.

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Mercy shouldn’t be outhealing focus fire.

She’s a main healer who cannot multitask like the other ones can. She really should at least be able to help them survive better.


Nothing that you described was active.

The complaint is : Mercy’s ult is boring! All you do is watch stuff!

Your answer: But it’s powerful, it lets your teammates get healed more or do more damage! And you can’t die!

None of those things are Mercy actually… Doing… Something?

You know what Mercy does for the rest of the game? Use her beam.
You know what Mercy’s ultimate is? More of her beam.

It would be like if Zarya’s ultimate was just a stronger Zarya beam for a little while, nothing else. Or if Hanzo’s ultimate was just stormbow. Or if Rein’s ultimate was just a stronger shield. None of those are different than what the hero is normally doing when not ulting, ERGO, they are not ENGAGING or FUN or ACTIVE!

People have legit complaints because Mercy used to be active and engaging, and she was changed to not be as fun or engaging for many players. They want a place to complain, and the game forums seem like a good place to do it, so if you don’t like it then stop clicking on the Mercy threads.

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Focus fire is supposed to counter healing. It’s converging your resources to take out a priority target.

100% agree with this.
She’s so boring now. To the point I don’t even want to play her anymore. :frowning:
They’ve ruined Mercy, and not for the better.

At least with Res as her ult, you had to think about situations. Now it’s just free and you can stand around like a braindead pigeon while you res that one guy who peeked and got headshot by Widow.


The fact that you can throw Valk away so easily and it doesn’t really make that much of a difference for your team fight is a huge bummer. It used to be crucial to get the timing of Mercy’s ultimate right, and now the only thing deciding Res is a 30 second cooldown. It feels so cheap and blergh, it’s horrible.


She is able to.

Also, anytime I see Mercy mains complaining about Valk having no impact I just think of EeveeA’s response which was along the lines of “I’d argue they’re bad and dont know how to use it.” Makes me laugh a little every time.

Play any other healer. Mercy by far has the easiest way to deal with this.