Mercy's Situation is NOT fair!

And there lies the problem that y’all who don’t player her don’t seem to understand. We fell in love with a hero and had immense amounts of fun with her and now we can’t anymore because of how dull she’s become. Personally, Mercy is the only reason I even started playing this game. She had a very awesome lore and I loved her character. So you can see why I’d be upset about what’s happened with her. That and honey I know how to play other heroes, I main Symmetra as well and I love her rework, I think it’s healthy for the character. I just don’t like Mercy in her current state. That’s why we’re like this

Zenyatta: heals 300 HPS for his whole team in a certain area, invulnerable
Mercy: Heals 50 HPS for her whole team, not invulnerable

Mercy’s ult now charges slower because of the healing nerf. It might turn the tide of a fight, but barely. The impact is minimal compared to other ults. They were trying to make Valk almost as high impact as Ressurect. It’s not fair that other characters are allowed maximum impact with ults, but Mercy isn’t. It’s hypocritical on Blizzard’s part.

Exactly this. People say that Zen and Lucio do less healing as an excuse, but it’s a different function. Zen can heal safely and far away; or put orb on an enemy for a dive. Lucio heals about what, 20 HPS for his whole team just by doing nothing - and Amp it up is what, like 48? 48 healing for his team with an ability. Mercy gets 50 HPS for her team. It’s literally a better Valk on cooldown. The devs treatment of Mercy is degrading.

You’re not special. This same exact thing happened to it happened to Bastion. It’s currently happening to Sombra. The game changes and hero’s playstyles evolve based around those changes. The rest of us deal with it. Mercy mains are still throwing a fit about it a year later. Which is probably why Mercy isn’t being balanced with the amount of backlash they get everytime they try to balance that hero.

Ok, first of all, relax, and we know that. I’ve actually made posts about devs down right ignoring mains such as sombra, bastion, symmetra, and mercy mains. I’m not selfish nor do I think I’m special; above anyone else. But I also refuse to be silent and quit, and you making comments like this? Not gonna change that, no matter how much y’all try, sorry.

You’re sending mixed signals here.

Why everyone have their sick mind to tell that dragon blade is easy to use? i’m really waiting for you to send me a 4 men blade AT LEAST without any help of your team.

I’m really failing to see how saying that makes me selfish. I said Mercy was the reason I even bought the game and that I was thoroughly upset that she’s been nerfed so much. And thus I said people that don’t play her as much as Mercy mains do thinking that we should just play a different hero is ridiculous, we should be allowed to be upset. However this does not mean I think my hero is the only hero that has problems or that Mercy is the only hero that needs to be looked at or that other hero mains aren’t being ignored, I know for a fact all of the above does happen. I’m not a selfish monster, I just want my hero to be as fun and awesome as she used to be.


I agree. however a year long temper tantrum with people picking fights just to pick fights all over the place in the forums because they’re upset about it is ridiculous. I’m going to assume you’re not one of them. But you’re just joining the mob specifically calling out the devs for what they did to mercy, while plenty of other people have had their mains changed and adapted whether they agreed with that change or not.

And no one is stopping you from being as upset as us or from calling out the devs.

Normally, I’d argue that effectively healing your team makes it impossible to be in an optimum hiding positioning at all times, or even that having the best game sense in the world won’t tell you where all enemies are at all times, but I won’t, because you’d rather make personal attacks than try to convince me of your point.

Not exactly sure what chapped your @**hole on this particular issue, but you sound like a jerk and I don’t feel like arguing with you. Have a nice life, loser.

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Behind your team during a high noon instead of high up in the sky because you can be is impossible?

alright then. It’s not like mccree is usually the hero people think of when they talk about worst ults in the game.

For the record, If you took “You” as a personal attack rather than it being used in the general sense, Iunno what to tell you.

Do people seriously think Mercy is inferior or bad? I mean, the hero has the highest or second highest pick rate in OW league and kind of auto-included in most team compositions due to her ability to aid her teammates in ways no other support can.

Some might find her boring to play (subjective opinion) but she is by far the support most people want as teammate and the reason why you kind of always looking for one mercy main when hosting a group because any comp without mercy unless you have some very specific tactic is kind of well… Let’s put it this way, if the opponents have a mercy and you don’t the chance of you winning the game is reduced a lot.

Fun is subjective, but when several people who used to play her think she’s horrible to play as now, then something is wrong. She’s not Mercy, she feels like a completely different hero.

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