Mercy's Situation is NOT fair!

Most of the time she’s going to be as far as possible from the fight since that’s the best way to utilise Valkyrie. Good luck getting dem heals. :stuck_out_tongue:

Agree they shouldn’t nerf her healing, but resurrect should be removed or be an ult-only ability.

Perhaps make her “e” ability a temporary chain heal instead of resurrect. Resurrect is game-changing and should be part of her ultimate.

I don’t really get the whole Anti-Mercy crowd. I’m a tank/support player, and I honestly preferred Mercy when she had Rez as an ult. People really didn’t complain about Mercy until she got invuln and then it just got worse and worse after her rework. So if they were to add LoS, and replace invuln with a damage resistance instead, that could satisfy both parties.

Also, some things I’ve noticed: A big complaint with Mass Rez was “hide and rez” which (1) has already been discussed as not being a very viable strat in the ladder, and (2) Current Mercy hides more than she did before. If Mercy wants to rez in her current state, she has to hide. There’s no other way around it. She has to go behind a wall or behind a shield. Either way, she has to hide to pull the rez off or else she is easy pickings. At least with Mass Rez, Mercy players had a choice with whether they hide and rez or they just rez in the thick of things. You don’t really have that option with current rez. With its long cast time, if you don’t hide while you cast it, the Widow or Hanzo on the other team will pick you off, their Rein could pin you, the Brigitte could Bash, or the team could just focus fire.

Most of the Mercy mains I have seen on the forums (like Titanium and Aria and all those other cool people we are familiar with) have been respectful for the most part. The only times they would lose their cool is when their frustrations would get the best of them, which honestly happens to everyone. And to be frank, they have a lot to be frustrated about. They got a rework they did not ask for, and both during and after her rework, their input has been ignored. We have not seen any indication whatsoever that their feedback is being valued.

And most of all, the people who main her are not having fun playing her. Sure, there are some that enjoy Mercy 2.0, but the vast majority of people that play her on a regular basis, from my experience, don’t.

To put it in perspective, that would be like completely reworking Tracer and changing something big in her kit (like, say, her mobility), but instead of seeing what Tracer mains think, they instead go to tank mains and see what they think. That would make no sense. Yet, for Mercy, she keeps getting changes and the people that main her are seeing no results from the feedback they are giving. That’s where most of the frustration I see is coming from.

The threads I have seen have made it abundantly clear that they don’t want her OP, and they don’t want her UP. They want her balanced. They want her to be fun. They want it so that other supports can be picked, but that if people still want to pick Mercy, that would be viable too.

And from what I’ve seen, people didn’t start claiming that Mass Rez was unhealthy for the game until after her rework. Yet if you looked at the trends when she did have Mass Rez, she was a good pick in low ranks, but as you got into high ranks, Ana was more favorable. I’m sure that if Mercy still had Mass Rez when Moira was released, a similar trend would occur. Moira and Ana would be the top main healers Diamond and up, and Mercy would be more picked Gold and down. Plat would be that weird middle ground where both would work probably. I’m actually kinda curious how Mercy 1.0 (or some Mercy 3.0 with Rez as an ult) would fit in now since we have a larger support cast.

I’m going to stop here before I turn this into a book so here is a quick TL;DR. Mercy mains are frustrated because their feedback is bearing no fruit and getting no results, and each subsequent nerf, instead of affecting her balance in the meta, is just sucking the fun out of her. They just want a balanced and fun Mercy where other supports can be picked and Mercy feels fun and engaging again.


Mercy in valk moves at 9/m. If you didn’t get behind cover in time thats a you problem. You probably shouldn’t be up in the air floating around when you know they haven’t popped their ults yet either.

Do mercy mains exist just to complain? Or they don’t have enough brain cells to pick and play another support? Play moira, she deals dmg and heals really well, mercy was a must pick for a long time, just because of rez and 60 hps(which was a buff at one point, which means they just removed the buff), mercy mains abused that status, but when they get pushed from the must pick pedestal they start crying like spoiled children that that is wrong and unfair.

i think that is what ult is supposed to be ?

It got perma flagged to obilivion.
And now I really miss it.

please don’t take that out of context, i mentioned how they can focus mercy using another ult so that is what i meant by “focus” and like i said up, it would be a fair trade, an ult for an ult. plus that ult can cause more than 1 person to die so it can be more successful than you think, anyways just game sense in general so i wont explain that to you.

also funny how you mention earlier above how she’s the hardest to kill when you have an ulting zen? last time i checked, you can’t even “kill” him lmao. so killing a mercy is technically not the hardest. :slight_smile:

Because that’s not the reason why she got changed.

Two prime reasons were:

  1. Instead of actually playing and contributing, Mercy turned into hide&rez
  2. People abused the rez to cheat the SR system
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lol mercys nerf is fair



Yeah, you know us, who actually play her on a daily basis, who get focused and murdered constantly. She isn’t nearly unkillable, please get over yourself

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I’m curious about one thing though.

If Mercy players spent so much time hiding for rez, how come the average healing done back then was about as same as she has now despite gaining Valkyrie in the rework?


How dare you use logic in here?!


Junkrat not fun? Just what are you smoking? There’s nothing more satisfying than popping a riptire on a Winston that just dove you

I find him pretty much a blast to play!

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“Stay dow- WEUGH!”

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That was the best part!

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Because rez was prolonging fights, giving her the opportunity to get almost the same amount of healing as she has now with aoe healing. that’s the game theory at least

I’m certainly no expert (given that I didn’t use the hiding strat, you’ll just have to take my word for it) but wouldn’t a fight with one man down, and a main healer to boot, have been over fairly quickly? That wouldn’t really draw out the fight that much? Also, given that Mercy was also given added survivability with the bunny-hop and Valkyrie, wouldn’t that compensate for any time won with the rez? But instead we see a decrease in healing after the rework rather than an increase.

I wouldn’t know, I only at most left the fight 4 seconds or so to duck away when things looked lost.

This “prolonged the fight” argument is hilarious. I love how the Mercy antis keep trying to find more ways to argue when their other arguments are shot down.