Now you have a choice – use simple GA on short distance or use long/high ga ss/sj that will be ready again at the time when you touch the ground.
Healing decreased, that no doubt, its bad for agressive stressful "above platinum " games , but in metal and qq its ok.
P.S. btw, we wont get agreement with you just becase different physicial pattens drives us. I play for fun and flying simulator Mercy is big part of it. You probably focused on winning at any cost.
I think the problem is just that they decided to mess around with GA, despite the protests from Mercy mains, and now they’ve dug a hole so deep they can’t climb back out. Their entire look at Mercy is her GA because they’re the ones that wanted to mess with it in the first place.
I would love to get out the “pocket-bot” playstyle (Trust me, I’m tired of being yelled at for not pocketing dps who think they’re T500), but as long as her kit is completely dependent on her team this will never change.
I’m afraid to ask for a rework because of Blizz’s track record, but every change they have made to her isn’t making any sense to the player base.
if you wanan go this route DMG boost wasnt issue until Devs started putting out high dmg heroes. (outside pharah which was mroe healing not dmg & ults amp was only issue with ashe and sojourn really)
Amps (zens too) can exist as is w/o issue.
Devs only need to update how their high damage heroes interact with amp (i.e. they dont need it so disable them benefiting).
and/or disable double dipping dmg mods (so you dont get damage amp’d crit only get the highest mod not both mods)
Disabling amp on the 70+ dmg per shot heroes would fix all the issues with it.
also would fix pocketing a lot (as less benefit to sticking to a person you can’t use half ur kit on)
all that w/o actualy nerfing her or zen’s amp.
because amp actually is fine with most of the cast of heroes. the high dmg ones are issues. (and they are minority)
but yes. GA never needed fixed from OW1’s. It worked. it was fine. it was fair.
No you don’t, do you guys even read the patch notes
GA + full length slingshot has a CD of 2 seconds now, down from 2.5
In Season 3 you had 1 second of “active state” during your slingshot, and when that was over you started your 2.5 second CD.
Now you have 1.5 sec of “active state” during slingshot, and then the 1.5 second CD starts after that 1.5 seconds. But since the first 1 second of that 1.5 active state is during the slingshot, it’s essentially only a .5 increase in CD on top of the base 1.5 seconds. So a 2 second CD.
You could never cancel the active ability state of a slingshot “early” because the second you canceled the slingshot to start the CD, you canceled the slingshot and thus lost the momentum from it. You COULD cancel a crouch Superjump early by letting go of the crouch key immediately after pressing it, which started the CD instantly, as opposed to holding down the crouch key, and that is no longer possible, yes.
The only way you are getting a 2.5-2.8ish CD is if you do a tiny slingshot hop or mini superjump and let go of the spacebar super early into the slingshot. Which feels bad, yes, and it shouldn’t work like that, but overall her base GA (which is integral to keeping up with pocket targets like Pharah and keeping in range of beam targets), and your full distance slingshots are both buffed from Season 3.
Her movement is much better overall this season than it was in Season 3. Does the healing revert feel boring? Sure. But it was overpowered and needed to go. lol.
Mercy is basically at her Season 1-2 state now with slightly more downtime on her mobility, but it’s necessary to balance out how ridiculously strong and easy her new GA slingshot is in OW2.
This will not end… they should never ever had to change her and the CURRENT state is just unacceptable. They even said that they know that changing Mercy will cause a lot of outcries… WHY ARE YOU DOING IT THEN?! Give us S1 or S2 Mercy back. Do not say “yeah we revert it” and then nerf GA without good healing (that also made her ult finally good!) and say “see its fine now”.
Exactly this. They created a balance nightmare for themselves when they decided to rework GA in Beta 2 into this omnidirectional meter monstrosity. They managed to make her movement easier and stronger all at once and now we are suffering the consequences of their poor design choice.
I would do anything to get her OW1 GA + slingshot + superjump back…
I also love how Skiesti was like the only person who was pushing for the GA rework to go live in Beta 2 and telling the Devs it was good and now she’s acting all mad that they have subsequently nerfed the CD. Like what did you think was going to happen when you took a balanced mobility ability and made it insanely stronger and insanely easier?
Her max/long range slingshots effectively have a CD of 2-2.5s.
It’s not a flat 2s buffed GA as I find myself even canceling long range GAs a lot of time to start the CD earlier in exchange for a bit less momentum (which is obviously not possible anymore)
Her mid range slingshots have 2.5-3s CD
Her short range slingshots have a whooping 3s CD flat, same as any form of superjump (also 3s flat)
Her mobility still feels like garbage compared to season 1-2 Mercy or OW1 Mercy.
Especially her superjumps took an even bigger hit than in season 3.
Anything but ultra long range GA’s has been nerfed or remained the same.
It forced Mercy players to rely way more on bunny hopping and canceling GA, which imo are the least fun aspects of her kit.
I am not condescending, I am mad an overdramatizing for the sake of showing how garbage these changes are.
I know enough abt the changes to know I don’t like them at all.
They even further nerfed superjump rezzes, as you now have an even bigger time period where you cant GA again going from 0.75s to 1.25s and even made it so you cant Valk reset GA’s CD during superjumps or slingshots anymore.
And you wanna tell me her mobility is overall way better than season 3 Mercy?
It would be a whole different story if they just kept the active ability state at 1s instead of unnecessarily increasing it but this? This is garbage.
It takes away any form of player agency since canceling the ability early is no longer a thing.
Yes, which sucks and makes no logical sense for tacking a longer CD onto shorter distance mobility, and will probably get tweaked in the future.
But it also affects people different based on their Mercy playstyle. So telling people they are wrong for saying they think she feels better than Season 3 Mercy is silly IMO.
I think her movement feels in between Season 1-2 and Season 3, so I’m glad it’s at least better than Season 3.
But I would do anything for a full revert to OW1 movement, OR for them to put the CD of her current movement back at 1.5 seconds but put a cap on the maximum distance of slingshots to be like 10-12m which is what the OW1 slingshot distance was. I think it would make the slingshots a lot less powerful in themselves and thus not need a longer CD.
Currently you can basically have 2 GA’s in one with slingshot, as you can GA to someone far away, turn and GA almost the entire way back. OW1 slingshot was a little 10-12m boost at the end of GA, not an entire extra GA. And that’s the problem with why current GA needs to have a longer CD in the Dev’s eyes.
I am sorry you don’t. I prefer them to last season but I hope they change her more sooner rather than later. I haven’t found her to be very engaging or fun like OW1 Mercy in a while.
Would love to see Rez changes/reworks, some sort of new healing mechanics on her R button or something to simulate the crit heals from Season 3 but not free/endless, and more GA changes. Also already missing Valk’s crit heals which made the ult feel a lot more solid.
If you have nothing intelligent to say, then dont comment. We are currently discussing Mercy and not the typical anti OW2 bias of some people here. Thank you.
And pretty much one of the only cases where it’s a buff.
It’s a nerf for me and every other Mercy player that canceled/cancels their slingshots 80-90% of the time.
As I said, if someone who plays Mercy pretty much never canceled their slingshots in the first place, obviously this is a buff for them.
The way I said that was not exactly friendly, I am aware of that but my point still stands.
Unless you do a max lengh slingshot, it’s nerfed or the same as in season 3.
That… sounds quite good actually…
Tbh I like Mercy with her constant healing more as that one at least doesn’t warrant more nerfs coming her way.
Now all that’s left of to remove the life leach passive too as with this one remaining in her kit she will NEVER receive any GA buffs/reverts in near future.
Her healing and mobility have both been gutted, damage boost is meh, rez is meh, valk is meh. This might honestly be the worst state she’s ever been in.
Guardian Angel:
“Cooldown reduced from 2.5 to 1.5 seconds”
“Jump and Crouch cancel active ability state duration increased from 1.0 to 1.5 seconds”
Healing Beam:
“Healing is no longer increased for allies under half health”
This healing beam change imo is what I experience the most.
If it got reduced to 25% hp instead of half (50% hp) over it being removed I think Mercy woulda been perfect.
But so far the mobility changes is good. The CD is just enough to not be forced to AFK hide behind boxes.