Mercy's never felt less fun to play

This is like the eighth or ninth Mercy whine post today… Wow.

Can 100% confirm, longer slingshots feel noticeably quicker than just last season. Look for this to be nerfed first.

Than stop looking at them.


I did some frame by frame testing and realized a few things:

  • A max duration slingshot is exactly 1 second
  • Having a smaller than full bar does not decrease slingshot time, it decreases the travel speed

So effectively a maximum duration GA slingshot will always have a 2 second cooldown, but a cancelled one will be longer.

“I didn’t read the patch notes but here’s my opinion anyway” lol


that’s all u understood? Maybe u need a drawing. I can gladly do that for you

please draw Mercy telling me everything will be okay, thank you


Are you on crack?

Mercy’s base cooldown for GA is 1.5s.
Meaning, the cooldown will only be 1.5s of you don’t press any button after you use GA, meaning no slingshot or superjump.

However, when you do use slingshots or superjumps, GA’s cooldown doubles because there is an extra 1.5s where the ability is active before it even enters the 1.5s base cooldown. So GA’s average cooldown is 3s now and thus even worse than the 2.5s we had in season 3.

I am literally in GM1 as mostly Mercy and can ASSURE YOU, you are just fooling yourself if you think this is a buff in any way or form.

If you honestly felt it to be a buff then you are probably one of those Mercy players that never even canceled the ability to shorten the effective cooldown in the first place.

So in season 3, unattentive players like you basically had the 2.5s CD start after the 1s active ability duration (which was nerfed to 1.5s in season 4) and self sabotaged themselves into a 3.5s lmao.

So yeah, you’re right, for casual or “bad” Mercy players, the CD is now shorter that’s true, since you no longer can/have to cancel the ability manually to shorten the CD anymore.

Watch any comparison you like, I recommend Skiesti’s video cuz it shows the differences in CD very clearly even with a timer.


im generaly tired of the mercy main constant whine but last patch is so akward for her, it kills the smoothness of the hero. Imo the hero is not viable anymore above master, and definitly not fun. Personnaly contrary to the mercy main mafia, i liked previous mercy.

her nerf should have been: passive healing buff, only work on tank, as the goal (and it’s a good goal) was to make mercy more than a pocket


I think she is a top pick. Probably not to the level of ana or kiriko, but she’s up there, for sure.

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There you have your answer, she’s not top pick, yet she has to lose everything so she is fun to play against. All the while Ana and kiriko get to keep anti and cleanse, even though they are top pick. If mercy is a problem, than she should be fixed in line with who is actually a problem. They jumped the line with mercy and made her worse when she isn’t the top offender.

Watch the video by Skiesti here:

Mercy players are never happy.
Please go on whining so that they keep buffing her the way they just did… :slight_smile:
Maybe one day you’ll understand and be happy with what you already have…

Yet they “buffed” her thanks to everyone whining about not being able to hit her. Than “reverted” her because so many people were disatisfied with how they couldn’t kill mercy’s heal target anymore.

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If they gonna do this, they should bring back insta-res with 2 charges Valkyrie.

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Grass is always greener I guess. Fact of the matter is they’re not going to go back to her OW2 launch movement (thank god), and for whatever reason they refuse to go back to OW1 movement. Since you’re apparently the only people that Blizzard actually wants or cares about feedback from, leave your feedback that you want to go back to 2.5s CD GA then.

No it wasn’t.

This reduction ONLY occurs if you press GA and then do NOTHING else.

There are no practical mid-combat circumstances where you press GA and don’t also jump or slingshot as well. You always trigger the 2.5s CD. This change may as well not exist.


Same with brig. So much for making the support role more fun and appealing.


I disagree. Getting used to the new GA nerf but overall isn’t so bad.

For me Mercy is only fun if my team is good. If they are trash then she’s pretty pointless to play.

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Right, and not only that, but I have seen Mercy players for literal YEARS saying out of all the things to not touch on Mercy, its GA, and the OW1 Superjump techs that went with it (pro tip, bring back OW1 GA + techs and give her proper animations), and they broke that rule, and now shes this boring pocketing nightmare that will never be fun to play again.

I played Mercy in the OW1 beta, and stuck with her through thick and thin during the lowest and highest points, and ever since Season 3 of OW2, I have not even booted the game. When I picked Mercy to main all those years ago, this is far from what drew me in then.

None of us OGs are left who remember.

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For real, she gave up 90 hp/s Valk for 1.5 second vanilla GA back. Too bad you need to use the techs for survival, so it’s basically season 3 Mercy with less impactful healing.

Just give us OW2 beta 1 GA that streamlined SJ and fine tune it. They basically yeeted it and never bothered to fix the infinite SJ bug.