Mercy's nerf was unnecessary

Out heal monkey, ofcourse, he Is a tank. But guess What, monkey can kill mercy prety easy, just have to see when she fly and done, he can go for her and the coldown of his jump it gonna be ready to jump again when mercy fly again, is so easy.

But still you can heal more with Moira if you know how to use her. I can heal a lot More than a mercy with her and getting kills too.

Yeah I’m complaining. That doesn’t make me immature. It’s almost like this forum is to complain to the developers about problems. Also I agree Hanzo is strong and should probably be nerfed,but Mercy is still stronger.

Because if you buffed all the other supports you’d have to buff the do to compensate and that leads to power creep

I’m going to be honest with you dude

Kinda having trouble understanding the “Buff the do to” part of your post

Like, it’s either a thing that spell checked messed up for you, or it’s a gaming term I haven’t come into contact with

We’re in one shot meta, Mercy didn’t start or shape it, but we’re here and she’s the only support that can viably work against a barrage of oneshots, champ.

We’re not really. We’re in a Hanzo meta. Widow is a viable pick too but I don’t see her anywhere near as much as Hanzo, althought admittedly I haven’t bothered to look up actual pick rates.

Anyway, that’s 2 heroes. Other one-shot heroes aren’t Meta.

Yeah, no she can’t. She can work against picks. If many people in your team get one shot at once, you’ve lost the fight, with or without rez, champ.

Her nerf punishes players out of position since she can’t out heal incoming dmg. This is a good quality of life change for the OW game and community.

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I just think they could try buffing other supports instead of nerfing Mercy again, they try to make every supports viable in an equal way, but right now they’re just making Mercy not as viable as the others.

They did that but ended up nerfing Mercy anyway.

if Mercy’s healing was problematic casue of that… then Ana(the msot powerful) and Moira need heal nerfs as they both beat her in hp/s.

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Her gun is pretty good, but it will get your team mad if you have gold elims and damage.

xD you’re right it can be pretty good and dangerous.

I would like to respectfully disagree with OP. I believe that these Mercy nerfs have been completely necessary. If you think about Mercy, since launch she has been the classic example of an OP hero. If you didn’t have mercy in a team comp, you were almost guaranteed to lose (or be at a huge disadvantage). Once the initial rework came around, she was still completely OP. You needed mercy to succeed. After more nerfs and more tweaks, she is finally in a state (in my opinion), where she is no longer OP. Between the other support buffs and her nerfs, she is now not a must pick. For me, that is a success. It has been very annoying, at least for me, to constantly have to use mercy as a main healer. Being creative, I would like to do more interesting comps with different heroes, which I now feel I can do better.
That is just my opinion though. Thoughts?

Just so you guys know, this guy is trolling.
Admitted to trolling in this post of his
He made that thread after getting “inspiration” from this thread Anyone here study theology? Would be interesting to hear your views on the Mercy discussions
Don’t pay attention to him.

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I say that in my post. I posted in the theology thread and made my own dedicated thread, and now am conducting an experiment. Thanks for the research help.

No problem buddy, enjoy your break from the forums.

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Don’t see an issue. So, what are your thoughts on my actual post? Do you agree, disagree? So far you have just called me a troller for stating an opinion and seeing what happens.

Expect more people complaining for nerfs in the next week or two

it wont be long till they’re back at it once again asking for nerfs.

So basically like what your doing.