Mercy's Definitive Romantic Partner ❤️

…is Junkrat

At opposite ends of the world, from both the harsh Australian outback to the lush prairies of Switzerland, these two won’t let geography impede their destiny.

Mercy is so kind, sweet, and gentle. She’s like a mother to all of her patients who come her way, and isn’t exclusive to any of the sick and needy.

Junkrat is impulsive, brash, and leaps before he thinks. There’s no job he’d ever turn down to make a quick buck, and he’ll blow up anyone who gets in his way. Even if he blows himself up in the process…

But as they are different, they are also alike.

Two sides of the same coin.

Mercy is a highly educated doctor and received her PhD through formal education. Junkrat toiled away in his workshop alone learning the craft of demolitions, even if it meant blowing off an arm and a leg to reach a breakthrough in his research.

She learned to help people; he learned to hurt.

Our star-crossed lovers would meet one day when Mercy is traveling the world searching for new patients to help. As she is visiting the dangerous city of Junkertown, Mercy approaches the front gate to state her business. But the Junkertown Queen doesn’t trust Mercy, and orders her guards to apprehend Mercy and throw her in the dungeon. As Mercy is cornered fearing for life, she hears the loud scream of an unknown bystander…

“Dipstick!” Boom Boom

Suddenly, the guards exploded and flew off the edge of the cliff, and Mercy stared at the mysterious silhouetted figure who helped her. He introduces himself as Jamison, but Mercy’s only concern is to know what happened to his blown off arm and leg.

Junkrat tries playing if off, saying “It’s nothing…”, and casually explains that he studies demolitions. She stops him before he could finish, and scolds him for developing such tools to harm other people. But as she stared into his eyes and saw his ambition, she knew she had to be there with him if his experiments ever went wrong.

Mercy would stay beside Junkrat, teaching him to be more conscientious, while Junkrat takes Mercy out on a night borrowing Roadhog’s motorcycle, as they raid the Junkertown Queen’s treasure stash.

In the day, Mercy will tend to his wounds. And at night, Junkrat will leave a steel trap and a concussive mine by her bedside to protect her.

Mercy x Junkrat are the perfect couple, just as The Witch of the Wilds was for Dr. Junkenstein.

Fin :kissing_heart:


He’s too young for her. She needs a mature man like Roadhog or Doomfist obviously


i feel like junkrat is more of a polar opposite to symmetra.
i think they’d go together better.

idk who i ship with mercy but i know that i dont ship pharmercy.

pls dont take this the wrong way though, im not homophobic, im gay but pharmercy as a ship just doesnt sit with me.

I don’t think we’re supposed to talk about ships here btw

Bastombra forever <3

Junkrat isn’t even in Junkertown - he got kicked out. Mercy would never even be let in.

This isn’t the place for bad fanfiction.


it’s roadhog
“must violence always be the solution?”
“violence is usually the answer.”
battle mercy battle mercy battle mercy battle mercy


PLEASE NOTE: This forum is not for Fan-Made fiction.


Sniffs and wipes tear This is beautiful, thank you for introducing me to the best ship in the game


I don’t know, the Blackwatch dropship was pretty cool. And those awesome flying boats on Oasis/Temple of Anubis :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


It’s not really a fan fiction though.

I just think that Mercy and Junkrat go perfectly together with the concept that they are so different, yet so alike, and that as they say, opposites attract.

Besides, the Witch of the Wilds teamed up with Junkenstein, and the story of Junkenstein’s Revenge has many parallels to the story of Overwatch.

But anyway, the little thing I wrote is not so much the stories you’d read for fan fiction, but I guess it’s meant to try and ease people’s minds up to the idea that they could go together, and set the stage for what I had in mind. I certainly won’t be writing any novels on the forums, that’s for sure! :wink:


I did the same here in other topic, writing own heroine story - her name is Jagoda Czarniecka - as example for the discussion. But in the end I created unique heroine to the roster to whose people with hearing disability could relate to - like myself. The main problem I have now is what abilities should I make to fill her character.
Anyway, have a good day.

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seventeen days later

I feel like people just love to ship Mercy with a lot of characters. I even see Mercy being shipped with herself. (e.g Angel x Devil)

Unlike Doomfist, Hammond & Winston… forever alone.

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Nothing will stop my queen from reuniting with her prince.

They are yin and yang…

Separates that form a whole to be one with the other intertwined in destiny.

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i have a bad feeling about this

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What on Earth…

I thought this was a joke when I first saw it, but you seem to be serious. I often say I don’t “hate” any ship aside from Shimadacest and Genyatta but like…crack is bad for you. Keep that in mind.


I guess I’m the only person that found this sweet? :frowning:

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No, it’s pretty nice.

I still ship BastionXSombra

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You all forget Mercy is the definition of a workaholic. She’s got not time for the dating scene when she’s being a doctor 24/7.

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