Mercy will ALWAYS be popular

She’s the easiest hero that has damage boost and healing at her fingertips. Even if they removed res or damage boost, she will still be popular.

She has the best mobility and a pretty good self defense in certain 1v1s (maybe against a widow or something with her pistol).

So please stop with the “Mercy is OP!!!” She isn’t OP, she’s what the ideal support should be; high mobility and pretty good heals.


Damn insane 60hps too much


I think it’s a perfect healing per second. Not too much or too little. Moira imo does everything but mobility a bit better than mercy, since it pierces enemies and she can use her e to heal



It’s one or the other.


Lol I meant to say that she would always be popular, but she isn’t op xd

A hero can be popular and picked a lot, but popularity doesn’t explain a near 100% pickrates in all forms of play, pro play included.


100% good joke we literally have threads showing her pickrates being much lower using actual stats.


Being popular is fine, being OP is not. She isnt being picked a lot right now only because people enjoy playing her, its because she is miles ahead of the other supports. Not picking mercy is pretty much just throwing. Before when she was just popular but not that strong her pick rates went down the higher we go on the ladder, now its the opposite, higher ranks have higher mercy pick rates. Its not due to people loving to play mercy, people just want to win and she gives them a much better chance.


I’m sorry you need to treat it as a literal response in order to create an argument, but Mercy has an absolutely absurd pickrate that it doesn’t matter if it’s 90% or 100%.


Primary healer who can heal in a barrier heavy game. I wonder why she’d be popular with people.


If you really believe that, we are playing a different game.

Mercy is the second most pick hero with around 11.12% pick rate. She’s the easiest support imo (I used her partially to get to masters). She’s fine where she is. No matter what happens, she’ll always be relevant because of her mobility, even animetic thinks so… :slight_smile:

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Yes she will always be popular due to her ease of use compared to the other main healers.
Why then should she be the best in terms of consistency and often the only choice?

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Who says she’s the best?



Best relies entirely on the current meta.

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Problem is she transcends metas, she was the best in 2 very different ones, dive, and this slow shield sniper meta we have now. What is a realistic meta we could have where she wouldnt still be the best?


It also relies on having the most reliable healing out of any other healer coming out on top-overall despite other healers having a numbers advantage in terms of what they COULD put out if other factors didn’t drag them down.
Makes sense that she shouldn’t be doing the most healing due to how easy she is compared to other healers? yes?
It should directly correlate to the skill level required to play, but currently the easiest healer has the best healing. It’s backwards.
Same for many other heroes, but this about Mercy :slight_smile:


Yes, she has to change weapon in a half and hour animation. So she basically has one skill and another that exposes her for almost 2 seconds each 30…let’s make her heal 20 hp’s per week.
Remember, that Mercy you want Will be also the one Who heal you…at the same rate…

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Its quite funny seeing people actually upvote this post, I cant tell if they are actually delusional enough to really believe mercy isnt the best support, or they just want her to remain OP and not get nerfed again.

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