Mercy will ALWAYS be popular

She is overtuned.

She will always be popular and I’m not against that, but the fact she overshadows every other support usage with 80%+ pickrate is a problem.

She will always be viable from now on, doesn’t matter what meta. She is way too versatile: Easy to use and get value of, consistent, insane utility, best healing.

She needs nerfs, but no big ones

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I hope we finally get a new primary healer (That is also capable to solo heal, like Mercy. Solo healing is mostly seen in QP but I don’t think QP should be ignored) and then tweak our existing supports. Moira and Ana have a much higher potential than Mercy, but they’re hindered by barriers and defense matrix. I have put minimal thought into this but - Maybe bring down their potential HPS but make them more consistent?

I would rather blizz give our current supports a place in the game before just releasing a new one to distract us. Last time we were given a new main support was during the instant cast valk days, and she didnt see a lot of use around her release, mercy was still the better choice. Problem with giving us another main support is either they will be better or on par with mercy giving us more support power creep, and possibly leading to triple support meta or they will be like moira’s launch, “she is cool and all, but im still going with mercy cuz she is much better.”

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I think that word “consistency” is really the key here. I’m a support main. I play most of the supports a fair amount, but I have as much time on Mercy as i do on all the others combined. It has just naturally happened without a conscious “shes OP so I’m going to play her” thought, and here’s why:

First: Am I main heal or off heal? I often am the main healer because someone either instantly locks Brigitte or Zen, or none of the other 5 people picked a healer. Which is fine. That narrows my choices to Mercy, Ana and Moira.

Now as main heal, I’ve tried plenty with all 3, and I’ve always fallen back to Mercy, even if I start a match as the other two, and over time I’ve figured out its because shes the only one that can be effective enough to make up for other people’s mistakes.

Here’s what I mean by that: I play in gold and low plat, and I solo queue. As Ana, I cannot be effective because without coordination, people don’t stay in my LOS for healing, I often get little to no peel, and in the rare chance I get to anti-nade, follow up on the target is poor. As Moira, I run out of healing meter too frequently. People at my level don’t use cover or peek corners to avoid damage, and teams love to engage in prolonged long range poker wars, even without a shield tank. People also love to run away from my short range heal when injured.

That leaves Mercy. She’s the only one that can account for all of that. Long range poke war? Unlimited healing. Weakened target? Damage boost. People not in range, or I’m getting dived? Guardian angel. Then there’s rex for the person that is effective but spends half his time taking a dirt nap. You know, THAT guy.

I don’t know what the solution to this problem of Mercy must pick is, but I know it she gets hit too hard, I’ll be left with 0 main heals effective enough to keep a team alive and healing is going to be awful in most ranks.


idk why she’s suddenly a hot topic on the forums today. someone said the devs mentioned her but I can’t find any sources??

any help or info would be nice :frowning:

OK , Here’s an argument - To win a game you need a main healer, right?
Mercy is one of the three main healers in the game. Playing Ana is just unrewarding and sometimes useless, Moira has a resource meter for her healing , Mercy, on the other hand, has a consistent healing and doesn’t require aim. She will be always The best healer until they nerf her( which will probably happen and will make her even less fun) or buff/rework/change the other healers.

I can agree with this for the most part. Mercy will always be chosen in lower tier games, because she’s the go-to easy healer, which is sort of the point of her hero.

However, with the point she’s at now… ? That isn’t exactly excusable for viability in every single meta.

She needs another rework, or revert to pre-invuln rez with LoS checks.

That is not Mercy’s fault, she is fine currently. Maybe Blizzard should stop throwing all the other supports in the garbage.

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Zen has been the best off-healer pick in more metas than Mercy, even including when Mercy was the meta. Is he OP too?

guess we’re ignoring frog boy

forgot to mention also: mercy NEEDS a teammate to have that kind of mobility (unless she ults) which isn’t always going to work out if your teammates aren’t exactly the most communicative

It’s not really the “no aim” part as much as “The other two are countered by barriers”. - which are currently everywhere.

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You pretend he is a support nowadays? O.o

don’t talk about dad like that

Possibly. I would love to see how strong zen is if mercy wasnt being played. How much worse he would be without a constant 60hps to keep him up. He would die more, discord would be up less often, would take longer to get trans etc. I would like to see where he would end up assuming mercy got nerfed and isnt always played anymore. But zen could prob due with a minor nerf.

Also zen has been meta in dive and out current meta, so has mercy. So it hasnt been more metas that zen has been the best off support, but he has been meta for longer, since late season 4 compared to early season 6.

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After one of Mercy’s nerfs (I don’t remember which), Zen + Lucio was the meta for a while. Zen benefits from Mercy, but he’s absolutely not reliant on her.

She shouldn’t have her highest pickrate in GM, thats for sure

After one of mercy’s nerfs people we happy to think she wasnt the best choice anymore. If the other team wasnt playing mercy, you were not required to play one either. It was fairly short lived, people came back to the realization that mercy is still the best support and here we are. True zen is not reliant on mercy but greatly benefits from her, just like rein heavily benefits from having zarya being able to bubble him.

That doesn’t change the fact that Zen operated fine without Mercy, though.

He did, it was quite a different game then too. Fights were much quicker, the only sustain dive comps with zen lucio really had was rotating support ults. You either won a fight, or lost a fight very quickly. He doesnt need mercy to be a good hero, as we have agreed on, but she very much helps.

She is a must pick. what are you talking about lower pickrates ? :D:D:D:D

go to any streamer, both teams will have mercy.