MERCY: Whats REALLY going on

INTRODUCTION: I am your typical everyday Diamond DPS Player who enjoys overwatch a Lot. However, over the past few weeks, I have started wondering why when I join comp games and we have I a Mercy on our team someone Imedialty asks that person to switch off mercy saying Something along the lines of "We need an Ana Or Moira, GET OFF MERCY!". I have talked with my brother who you may know as a GM/Top 500 ranked Mercy "Main" (His name is SuperBondez) And he has said that yes people very often have told him to switch off his best-played hero. My question is why is this. I have found out the answer to that question. 

HER PROBLEMS: Mercy has been the beautiful Swiss Angel we all have gotten to know and love But recently people have been opening up their eyes to her main Problems.
  1. One big problem off Mercy Is she can’t do much I know she can Rez and Fly Etc. However, Mercy as a hero feels very ineffective when playing her. Your healing Beam is not Nearly effective as other healers and this is because of the Non-Aim aspect. Your Ult not as effective as other supports(My brother has said “Her ult is to keep herself alive”). Mercy’s ult is a free get-out-of-jail card (Limited to herself only).

  2. Mercy has no defenses. I know supports are supposed to be like this and this still even isn’t the case Ana: Has Sleep Dart Baptiste: Has Jump Boots, immortality field and self-heal Brigitte: Has Shield Bash and self heal with every landed hit of Primary Fire Lucio: Has wall ride, indefinite self heal when on Healing Aura song, and indefinite Self Speed Boost when on Speed Aura song. Moira: Has Fade, Self heal every so often with Secondary Fire, and Self-healing from Healing Orb. Zenyatta: Has Discord. MERCY: Has Blaster (Which should not be taken out if you are trying to heal team and you have to aim with it which an unusual defensive trait amongst the support) Mercy Is just mostly(if not only) healing-oriented.

  3. Resurrect Will never be balanced (probably) Her Resurrect will always so powerful you need to have her on your team like in the DREADED Mercy Meta OR it will be so bad and you will always ever use it after team fights or when you KNOW you’ll be safe because remember she has little to no defensive ability.

  4. The Other supports are better. In the 3+ Years OverWatch has been out supports have just gotten better and better-leaving mercy behind in the dust. This is because other supports are easily capable of switching between damage and healing outputs and other supports have way more utility(Except Moira which is a discussion for a different post but long story short on that, Moira can only do healing and damage However Moira’s “Problem” is not nearly as bad as Mercy’s in My opinion.

    I don’t believe She needs a flat buff. I think Mercy Needs Her Skill ceiling Raised (Possibly an entire rework and new abilities) So that is my response to this “MERCY NEEDS 60 H/ps back”


She doesn’t need buffs. Move on, already.


Why so many topics… sigh

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Because this is an Obvious issue


Giant brightly coloured floating target? Seems counter-productive to staying alive when you’ve basically turned into a huge “shoot me” target.

Many ults can be used to keep oneself alive. Of all the times I’ve ulted as Mercy, only a small fraction of the time is it to get away from danger and the majority of the time it’s when multiple targets have taken massive damage or when multiple ults are about to be used to attempt and win a crucial team fight.

To say it’s used only to keep herself alive is like saying transcendence is only used to keep Zen alive, or sound barrier is only used to keep Lucio alive, or Rally is only used to keep Brig alive. Yes, there is occasion where this happens, but to say it’s the only reason it’s used is a stretch.


I disagree that mercy has no defenses, has the ga and bunny hope which makes it much easier to survive (except maybe moira). If you talk about a defensive concept with weapons or damage then yes. But I agree to get her back to 60 hps

  1. Just because you don’t know how to use the ultimate doesn’t mean its not effective. Its not just a hold M1 and fly into the sky ult like many Mercy players think it is.
  2. She has some of the best mobility in the game. GA, bunny hop, super jump, quick rejen. The pistol is also very good if you can actually aim. Go watch some of the Battle Mercy videos on the tube.
  3. Correct, Resurrect will probably never be balanced properly, best to remove it all together or at least put it on her ultimate (ONE RES ONLY) and give her a good E ability.
  4. Other supports are better with tank heavy composition/death ball. Mercy is best with DPS/spread out comps. Her healing is designed to be consistent, shes not a burst healer. Also lets not act like it takes a long time to whip her pistol out.

Just because the Meta doesn’t favour Mercy doesn’t mean she needs changes.

Looking at actually statistics instead of feelings Mercy’s healing output is perfectly fine.
Low ranks she has the highest, as you rise through the ranks, Moira takes over slightly, then at the top Ana takes over. Makes sense when you look at her design.

The only issue that we can see from statistics we have access to is her damage output. There isn’t much we can do about that though…and no giving her more healing output is not the answer.
I wonder what we would happen if Resurrected HP was included in her healing output (along with other support abilities)…hmmmm. Its basically a burst heal.


When you are comparing a slow heal over time to burst healing, I’m not sure the stats really stack up.

For me, if you are going to look at the stats, the interesting stat was her crazy high pick rates back in Mercy 1.0, even when her win rates were pretty bad.

People were not playing her because she was strong, because she wasn’t, it was pure gameplay.

The changes they have made with her have lost that. Ana who is weaker than her for most of the ladder has a WAY higher pick rate now.

They just broke the parts of the game play people enjoyed.

All of the pauses created by not being able to just heal someone and GA out because 50 HPS isn’t quite enough, so you have to hang around just a little, and mode switching with Valk, and the pauses with Rez, they all add up.

She USED to be the hero people would enter flow state playing, and people loved her for it.

But now the flowing game play which people loved is gone, and with it her crazy high pick rate.

She was bottled lightening, and Blizzard should have a good long look on how to return that to the bottle.


I agree, Mercy feels like a sidekick at the moment with a rather conflictive kit and potentially frustrating ability that’s unearned (e.g. Resurrect) in a fast paced match. You’re better off playing other healers, Ana or Moira for example.

And how does this contribute to the topic’s discussion? Your reply seems rather off-topic. It’s not for you or even me to decide how many topic’s about Mercy are too much, it’s up to the management who maintain the forum :slight_smile:.


Mercy is Schrödinger’s support. People insist she’s fine and balanced whenever you bring her up, but as soon as they get one on their team they demand you switch to a better healer.


i don’t think op is asking for a buff.


I’m fine with her on my team when were not trying to run goats.

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She is fine, just situational. People still think she’s got the same solo healing potential she once had, and I can’t tell you how many mercy’s I see throwing away their value by pocketing tanks and not enabling dps once. She can’t possibly heal enough to keep a reinhardt up, so if you’re running Rein/Zarya she should be treated as an offhealer, in which case her ult often makes her inferior to zen and lucio. I find that she’s ideal in 3dps comps, dive, and double sniper.

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Why shouldn’t a main healer be able to heal tanks in a normal 2/2/2 composition? You don’t have to switch off of Ana or play her as an off-support because your team has DPS, why should you have to as Mercy? If you can’t run a main healer as a main healer in a standard composition, then there is a blatant issue there.


She can heal tanks in 2/2/2, she’s still the best main healer for dive comps. Ana/Moira are just better in deathballs, and that is OKAY, it allows every support to have strengths/weaknesses as far as comps go.


I think a better way to describe what op is saying is that valkyrie allows mercy to do her job decently while keeping herself as safe as possible. You can’t deny the ult boosts her survivability immensely with the fast free flight, small misleading hitbox, uninterrupted passive regeneration, and increased beam range.

There is a place in the game for consistent healing rather than burst. Ana’s healing is inconsistent in that she needs to hit her shots, especially those tricky life saving ones on tiny hit box dps. Mercy trades burst healing for the guarantee that she will be able to heal her team all the time. As for her pickrates, lower ladder generally imitates higher ladder. Ana’s pickrate is justified in higher elos because she’s high skill high reward, but if you take a silver game in which one team has a silver Ana main healing and the other has a silver Mercy, good chance the Mercy team will receive better heals. I don’t think burst, high mobility, and good utility in dmg boost and rez would pan out well for her, especially considering how low risk of a hero she is. As for the flow aspect, I’d say her gameplay feels even more fluid now thanks to all the guardian angel mechanics and superjump (And yes, I do play mercy, and a whole lot of her)

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Mercy’s healing is not enough to keep a tank up and enable DPS. A Mercy and a Zen collectively output less healing than a single Ana or Moira on their own. I absolutely agree with making heroes stronger in some scenarios and weaker in others, but this goes beyond that. A main healer shouldn’t be delegated to a DPS accessory.


You seem to be thinking that a healers job is to keep up the person they are healing.
Sorry but I really don’t see that as the case.
If a tank or even a DPS is sitting in the line of fire, they should eventually die (with DPS dying quicker)
Supports are for well…supporting, they shouldn’t be able to indefinitely keep someone up, they just extend the live of said person till they stop being stupid and get out of LoS.

Other supports need healing reduced if anything, not Mercy’s increased. Damage/Healing creep is getting bad.

Ana and Moira are burst healers, with aim being required for one, and resource management for the other. They work well in tank/death ball compositions for obvious reasons.

Also no in regards to the healing output.
Look at actual statistics before you make bold claims.
Mercy has the HIGHEST healing output in the low ranks, Moira takes over in the middle ranks, ana takes over at the top. Which makes perfect sense.


remove ressurection entirely and give her something jazzy to replace it