MERCY: Whats REALLY going on

  • Differentiate each of her abilities according to whether she is holding the staff or the pistol. When with staff her abilities would rely on other allies and when with pistol she would be independent, but less agile.
  • Merge both beams. Let dmg boost beam stack with the healing one, but put it into a resource meter like moira and bastion’s healing. Also let her dmg boost herself when in pistol mode. New dmg boost would be recharged by dealing damage or supporting someone else while they are dealing damage.
  • Let Guardian Angel be usable without the need to be targeting an ally while in pistol mode, but at half speed, half total distance and with a 4s cooldown.
  • Let her ressurect herself when shie dies in pistol mode.
  • Shorten staff/pistol switch time to 1s

That’s because she is not a tank oriented main healer. If you can keep a rein up the same way an Ana or Moira or Baptiste could by holding M1 and not giving up any resource, and on top of that have more mobility and an easier time keeping yourself alive, and dmg boost and Rez, then what’s the point of ever picking anything else? Rein/Zarya and triple tank is literally the only situation in which she doesn’t ever really work. If she was to get the burst or healing buffs necessary to be a main healer, then she’d have to give up something in return, or maybe make her skill ceiling higher. I’d be okay with this, but at the same time, I don’t want her charm taken away from her. She is designed and built like a classic pocket healer(think vaccinator medic coupled with sniper in tf2, or heavy/medic) and she fits that role perfectly.


It’s just the flavor of the meta right now somehow “teaching” everyone that high sustain is the only role of a support, despite the fact that collectively Zen/Brigitte/Lucio have about ~63hps before cooldowns are used.

No, she works in dive, take the blind fold off. Dive is not a deathball that over-relies on heals, these are different comps. Dive benefits most from Mercy’s consistency and mobility, meaning she can always be at the action and follow any DPS for big plays.

And Mercy heals more than Ana on average and barely loses out to Moira…


Except Ana and Moira can both do so. And that’s not what I’m talking about, anyways. A main healer should be able to keep someone up against a single person attacking unless they are very efficient with their shots or against general unfocused damage. Mercy can’t do that, at least not well enough to compete with other healers whatsoever. A main healer’s output should not be lower than Winston’s single target damage and as low as the lowest damage output in the game.

Moira and Ana both also have much higher damage output, and Ana has far more utility as well. On top of being able to put out both more short-term healing AND more long-term healing once players are above the respective heroes’ skill floors.

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You mentioned healing output, not damage.
I’m not sure how they solve the fact that Mercy doesn’t do much damage compared to others, increasing healing is not the answer, there is already too much in the game.

Stop using the Winston argument, Winston cannot kill someone (purely alone) while Mercy is healing them due to reloads. Maybe Tracer? not sure.

Ana and Moira healing needs a flat nerf (not much) but it needs brought down.

I’m not saying Mercy should keep tanks up as well as Ana or Moira, I’m saying she should be able to be viably run as a main healer in a balanced 2 tank composition. Rein Zarya should not be outside of Mercy’s scope of viability. It should be harder to keep high health targets healed, but not as fruitless as it is currently.

Ana can be run as a main healer outside of deathball. Mercy should be able to be run outside of dive.

Moira beats Mercy by thousands starting at plat. And again, both also do thousands of more damage, and Ana’s utility is far higher on top of that. Also. short-term healing is far more important than how much you can top people off after fights to inflate match-long statistics.


The fact that people ask a Mercy to switch is the players not willing to coopertate. I don’t think this is a fundemental problem in Mercy’s kit.

I’m not sure why anyone would ask your brother, super, to switch off Mercy. Hes got like what? 1600 hours on her now? I wouldn’t ask a player like this to swap, like theyre obviously experienced at Mercy and are able to compare to other Ana players.

Players are just dumb, nobody knows how to change playstyle to work with a Mercy. They just want a hard pocket Ana so they can feed to their hearts content.

if mercy gets a direct buff she’ll be OP in GM, currently im sitting at 4300 on my alt one tricking Mercy with a 68% winrate. My main, this, can barely stay in Master one tricking Mercy. Mercy pretty much needs a rework that enables an actual skill curve rather than being good in GM and a healbot everywhere else.


I mentioned both, because damage is something other healers have on top of being better pumping out healing that Mercy doesn’t.

I’m not saying Winston can kill someone alone, I’m saying it makes no sense for the lowest sources of damage in the game to outdamage a main healer’s output at all.

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That’s assuming the Ana can actually land any shots :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah because they have too much healing.
Mercy’s kit is not designed to do damage out of Battle Mercy which I’m sure you will reject as a viable method of playing when needed (during ult works very well if you can aim)
I’m not sure how they solve that as Mercy currently is without pumping up healing even more.

Mercy can actually output more DPS than both Moira and Ana if she uses her pistol, especially with crits factored in. That most Mercy player’s don’t probably has to do with her damage boost being more useful, that’s her form of damage contribution. But at the end of the day, all 3 main supports have to choose between damage or healing, and typically healing is what gets the most value. The damage argument is very flawed.

Ana has more utility? She has anti-heal and sleep dart, Mercy has a resurrect and damage boost. Even if Ana wins in value for her kit, Mercy has mobility Ana could only dream of and very efficient self-sustain.

Show me the stats I’ll show you mine. Overbuff is all we got, and it says otherwise. On average across the ranks Mercy is beating Ana and nearly topping Moira. If you want to nitpick specific ranks, than you must also factor in pickrates- like how Moira for example is barely used in GM despite her “high output.” Probably has to do with the fact that it’s not applicable in every composition nor as flexible as Mercy’s healing? Moira needs very specific comps to reach that monster level of throughput, but Mercy will heal just about the same regardless of the comp.


Yeah, Mercy’s actually really powerful. People are just dumb, using Valk like 10 seconds before people start landing shots and you’ve officially AFK’d for your ultimate.

Current meta does, Mercy is very powerful currently.

Mercy’s stats won’t show much when you compare. Theyre different kinds of healing, Ana has burst, Mercy is consistent. Mercy does more healing but thats only because she can’t heal fast enough, which isnt an issue really. Point is because of that the stats arent really comparable. (Like if rein takes 400 damage, people focus him more, So mercy heals longer, ana instantly heals him and reinhardt becomes a threat that people are afraid of)

the only way damage will be a part of her kit is when it does more than Damage boost.

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She’s not a main healer, hasn’t been for a long time. Closer to an offhealer now. Her kit has changed, and so has her role on the team. Good mercys have long since adapted.

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Except she she has massive downtime in her healing if she chooses to use her pistol, which other heals don’t have to deal with.

Mercy’s damage numbers actually down as rank goes up according to Overbuff, because pulling out your pistol is rarely worth not healing your team.

Mercy’s average damage + damage amped is about 1350. Ana’s average damage is 4100. Moira’s is 7000. Damage boost does not come anywhere near other healers’ damage outputs.

Ana, Moira, and especially Baptiste have far less downtime between healing and damage, and can quickly switch between the two.

Which are both extremely powerful utilities. Denying the enemy’s healing is massive.

Resurrect is rarely usable outside of situations where the rez doesn’t give your team much value anyways, isn’t as good as simply keeping more people on your team alive in the first place, and is more often than not less valuable than being able to shut down the enemy team’s healers or pump out hundreds of healing for your entire team in seconds (or both at the same time, because that’s a thing she can do).

Survivng doesn’t do much for you when you can’t keep your team alive.

No, it doesn’t. You can look for yourself on overbuff. Moira outheals Mercy in every rank exceept Bronze, and the gap gets bigger every rank you go up. Ana catches up as players become capable of surpassing her skill floor, and again, match-long healing stats that include after-fight topping of mean far less than the actual healing numbers in the middle of a fight. Also again, Ana has utility and damage as well.

Moira isn’t used in GM because you can just play Ana and get almost as much output but far more utility, or playing Lucio + Zen (and usually Brig). Moira’s low pickrate in GM is not because people are picking Mercy over her.

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She’s supposed to be a main healer, so again, there is a blatant issue there.


Do you know Mercy needs right now? Bug fixes to begin.
And then minor tweaks on everything, like speeds etc.

I suppose Ana has massive downtime everytime she reloads then. Not having to manage resources is actually pretty nice, you know. Don’t take it for granted.

Mercy’s damage boost being able to turn things like Dragonblade into a Slash+Dash 1HKO has far more value than Moira’s orb tickling the opponents throughout a match.

Resurrect can be misplayed same as a sleep or a grenade can miss. Both have huge potential, don’t underplay Rez.

Surviving is one of the most important ways a support can keep supporting a team.

If you hit the “all” tab on overbuff you’ll see where I’m getting my claim, unless you want to tell me arbitrarily which ranks merit consideration and which don’t.

You missed the point about Moira’s high output but low pickrate. It’s the difference between applicable value and potential. It’s why Mercy might not “feel” like a main healer to you but her figures say she is. Run an Ana or Moira in a classic dive comp and tell me you can outheal the Mercy who can actually follow the dive that will break your LoS as Ana or just outpace a Moira. Moira/Ana get their huge numbers in comps that are mostly grouped and immobile. Let that sink in.


Reloading takes less time away from healing than switching to your pistol, spending however long with it out, then switching back. And shooting an enemy doesn’t always mean you won’t have enough ammo to heal your teammates if you manage your reloads well.

I play Ana. It’s not that hard to reload in down-time and have ammo when you need it.

Situationally, yes. Meanwhile, Ana can just do both.

There are far more opportunities to get anti-nades and sleeps than there are for rezes that will actually make a difference.

I didn’t say it isn’t. I said that it doesn’t matter when even when you’re alive, your healing doesn’t do enough for your team.

So you think bronze and GM statistics have the same balance implications?

No, I didn’t miss anything. Moira’s problem is not a lack of application, it’s a lack of potential. Like I said, Ana can achieve similar healing output while offering far more utility.

And yet they can still be run in a normal 2/2/2 composition and do fine. You can run DPS and they’re still completely viable. Mercy is only viable as a main healer in dive or DPS heavy comps.

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Umm what? Yes Valkyrie is supposed to be used to keep yourself alive lmfao. It’s not intended for the healing since it’s extremely low in comparison to other ultimates. If you are taking heavy damage would you want Valk or Transcendence? Personally I’d want Trans because I know I have a higher chance of living.

In a team fight setting where you are trying to push into the enemy is when I’d take Valk over transcendence for its versatility when it comes to switching between healing and Damage boost

You can’t use Trans as an argument against Valk. You are comparing one of the best if not the best support ultimate in the game currently versus one of the weaker of the support ultimates.

Not all the time but most of the time, Valkyrie is used for survivability of the Mercy.

It has other uses but most of the time it’s for survivability in a team fight so Mercy isn’t being prioritized to be killed.