Mercy, what is your opinion

She needs another rework as the current one was unjustified (the issues she had were entirely fixable without reworking) and simply created a million more issues with her without solving any of the problems they set out to fix.

They either need to get rid of it entirely or Resurrect needs to be ultimate only again, whether that be with 5-man rez, Valkyrie, or even a single rez. Its proven impossible to truly balance as an ability and is choking the life out of the rest of her kit, as well as still being as “unfun” as ever, for both sides this time.

If Valkyrie is kept, then it needs a rework to make it more skillful and more specialized in its strengths.


Overall pretty decent hero. I personally prefer pre-rework Mercy, but in all honesty all Mercy needs RIGHT NOW is for chain beams to be removed and replaced and she’ll be golden.

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She’s balanced but in a horrible way, if that makes sense. Rez shouldn’t be holding her healing hostage.


Before the changes: She was boring, I barely played her and kinda felt even with an ult like mass rez I wasn’t actually doing anything to help After the changes: Still really boring and while she got a bit more complicated her ult was in a state that you don’t know when is the right time to use it, also still dislike playing her unless its pharamercy


I wholeheartedly agree with you, I personally feel like 50hps isn’t enough, it makes her feel slow because of how I play the game. I basically GA all over the battle field to stay alive, but its hard to make sure EVERYONE is healed, due to them slowly getting to half or a bit more than half health.


Balanced… but incredibly boring. Extremely boring. Should just be deleted from the game if the devs are okay with embarrassing themselves that much.

Heh, I saw some video from some guy the other day - basically gameplay of him trying to convince us Mercy is fun. Just was clips of him jumping to people and slowing it down to look cool.

Good lord. I get tired just thinking about Mercy. She’s god awful.


balanced, fun to play, and impactful

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Did he manage to keep the entire team at a decent level of health/power boost or even get any defensive kills? I’m in high plat, and I try my hardest to keep every alive, while I also attack so my low teammates don’t die. But I do agree, she is balanced, but boring.

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I don’t know. It was a series of highlight clips that were only a second or two long each. All of them was just him jumping to someone… one was him jumping over a catwalk in Volkskya, and shooting someone in the head. I mean, it looks impresssive, but mechanically there isn’t much going on. I’ve done stuff like that and Mercy is among my least played. Either way, doesn’t show what was happening between highlights.


Yeah, that doesn’t sound that interesting. I wonder if he’ll post actual gameplay of her.

balance wise mercy is doing alright not great but just alright
but she has problems and i’ll go over them quickly

  1. pocketing works well with mercy bc of her mobility and survivability but now it’s less useful due to the fact that she heals @ 50 hp/sec
  2. rez is counter intuitive with the rest of her kit because she has high mobility and rez takes all of that away and they added the movement reduction to battle suicide rezzing and there are other ways to battle it
  3. Valkyrie is not impactful enough as an ultimate compared to nano trans or beat
  4. there are not a lot of decisions to be made before/while using Valkyrie

i can get into more detail on each of them if there are any ambiguities


That’s your problem, right there. There are no sides. Some people think that she doesn’t need a revert and that she’s not “perfect” but doing well enough. There’s many more positions besides this and even more differing opinions on what to do and what not to do.


She’s balanced but her bugs make her so much worse than she should be. There are so many things that ruin her movement, her target accuracy, her resses, etc.

It just feels like the bulk of her kit is conpletely out of your control.

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No matter your opinion she definitely needs a little buff to her primary heals

60 was fine imo but 55 would be good too

50hps is just sad for a “main heal”


Generic responses


She needs itsy bitsy tiny buffs to her healing abilites, but that’s about it :slight_smile: I love mercy and mercy mains, best support <3

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Slight Buff/QoL changes. Mercy’s kit as is encourages activity and forces the player’s head to be in the game. it wasn’t nearly as cancerous as old mercy.

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I do not think she is balanced. Her healing is just too bad right now. She is not busted, but she is crazy weak. If your idea of balanced is just that a hero is not meta then sure she is balanced. If your idea of balance is that a pick is viable then no she is not balanced. Every healer, and I mean every healer, not just moira and ana, can do mercies job and do it better. Lucio gets speed and a defensive ult to compensate for the slow healing. Zen gets damage and a defensive ult to compensate for his slow healing. Mercy has rez which they had to make practically unusable to even remotely justify it being an ability. Ana and Moira are better for obvious reasons. I am throwing matches nowadays when I play mercy, because anyone is better now. I still play her because she is my favorite, but its definitely handicapping the team unfortunately. INB4 “damage boost”
That part of her kit relies on your team mate to actually hit their shots. Reaper is really the only hero I get consistent results with using damage boost due to how difficult it is to miss, but using it on pretty much anyone else is a coin toss for its effectiveness.

Really what she needs right now more than anything is to be a healer again, but I doubt we will see that again as it has been decided she should not be able to heal worth anything ever again by the community. All of these mistakes over complaining over Mercies second most balanced state leading to the most unbalanced hero from its beginning to now.


Remove rez in any form and return heals to 60. That is all it would take.


Honestly this. Its all she needs right now to be ok again.

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