Mercy, what is your opinion

I’m glad somebody else agrees. Don’t think it’s asking for too much either.

Heals at 60 should be the default. If you gonna remove rez, heals need to be at least 70.


Heals at 60 should be the default, but it’s not. I agree. Just gun shy about asking for common sense adjustments.

Doesn’t matter, it has to be. You need to understand that 50 heals isn’t the standard, it’s nerfed.


Valkyrie update and successive nerfs were good. Heal beam nerf was overkill since she no longer has comparable healing output to Ana and Moira, and a less effective defensive ult than Lucio and Zen.


I was a mercy main in season 1 and she plays the same now.

The only difference is that you don’t bring back the entire team every minute - just one dude every 30 seconds (which is fairer).

Edit: Actually that little flying jump thing to GA past people is also a good change.

Anyway, just play Torb.

I think that a big rework would be a huge mistake. She doesn’t really need it, and its much harder to balance new abilities added to the game. We could easily end up with a new version of Mercy that sucks and is still boring to play. Buffing valk or minorly changing how the abilities she already has work would be way better than a rework.

My change ideas for anyone interested.

  • (valk) single target healing and damage boosting, but way stronger. Like 85hps/40% boost
  • (valk) removing free flight
  • (valk) res no longer impairs movement, and the radius is increased, but the cast time is the same.
  • (valk) no longer has that tiny cast time when you press q.
  • (valk) lasts 10 sec and charges slower
  • (GA) implement the super jump bug as an actual ability by pressing control instead of jump when you use GA.
  • (res) cancellable by pressing E again. Starts cooldown.
  • (staff) healing starts at 50hps and ramps up by 3hps to a max of 65hps for every second of consistent healing. Decays after 2 sec of no healing
  • (staff) damage boost starts at 30% and increases to a maximum of 40% after a certain amount of boosted damage is done. Im thinking like 2% (or 1% to a maximum of 35%) added for every 200 damage boosted. Decays after 2 sec of no damage.

I also think that her fire rate needs to be fixed. It’s hard to feel valuable when your sweaty after a team fight and you’ve only generated half your firemeter. They also need to provide a list of all the things damage boost doesn’t work on when you press f1. Alternatively, they could make damage boost work on everything, but make transcendence do slightly more healing so that boosted hanzo can’t out-damage it, and minorly tweak anything else that had a similar issue. I really hate that its so inconsistent now, and I think its cheap that they took it away from certain abilities, especially abilities like dragons or dva bomb that are pretty easy to avoid unless you get grav’d.

Base gameplay of beams and guardian angel is really satisfying. GA is the best feeling movement ability in the game, and using the beams have hidden depths once you get the hang of juggling them.

Rez on E is clunky as hell. All the iterations made on it over the past year have proven that it can feel good to use or be balanced, but not both. It should go back on an ult, that way it can feel good to use again while being balanced out by the drastically reduced uptime for everyone who isn’t godlike with her. Imagine killing Mercy freezing her rez cooldown by twenty or so seconds, and you have a start on how much less frequent (and less annoying to play against) rez could be if it was an ult.

Valkyrie is pretty boring. It’s literally Mercy’s base gameplay (dashing around and using beams) but much easier. What’s the point in playing at the top of your game in order to get your ult as fast as you can, when all you get for your hard work is an underwhelming movement ability that even takes away the fun and skill of beam juggling?

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She dosent need it though, she is perfectly fine.

I’ve been playing Mercy season 1. I understand what you are saying. I would be happy with heals at 60. That would be the middle ground.

I don’t think Mercy needs buffs, but I would be alright with a few changes. For example, her on fire rate. There’s no reason it should be so low.

As far as balance goes, I don’t think she needs huge changes and I don’t think she needs mass rez. My unorthodox suggestion? Projectile speed increase on her pistol. Hear me out. Currently, mercy generally outheals most of the other supports consistently (even Ana with her burst healing). I don’t think they should really touch her healing, because she wasn’t designed to heal stupid play. All of her changes were geared away from letting mercy heal people who were in places they shouldn’t be. Her rez changes basically constricted her to rezzing people as a fight moved past her, or an early pick. You can rez someone out of position, but the risk is that you in turn, are out of position. And I think that’s a fair trade. Rez is still incredibly strong.

However, her damage stats are dribble compared to every other support, even with damage boost. Let the girl have some agency of her own. The pistol is part of her kit, give me more reason to use it. A projectile speed increase would allow her to decide better, if dealing damage in her own right is better than trying to heal through incoming damage, same as every other support. It also may help her against a dive. As it stands, I’d rather play Ana or Moira against most heroes trying to jump on me, because of how powerful their kits can be against them (Ana has nade and sleep against dive tanks, and Moira has fade and orb against dive dps).

I know she’s meant to be a pacifist, but self defense seems to be her exception to that. And it wouldn’t break her (since if she’s doing damage, she’s still not healing). Heck, I’d take a damage reduction in exchange for better projectile speed.

She’s really boring despite being balanced.

I know a lot of people find her to be funner than her previous iteration, but I can’t see it. Valk is extremely unengaging and easily the worst support ult imo, it heals the least of all the support ults, and the damage boost is a worse Supercharger. Res still feels completely unbalanced too, as it’s presence as a CD ability has severely watered down the rest of her kit to compensate.

Personally? I think she needs reworked. Resurrect is just too strong to be a CD ability and needs to be tied to her ultimate in some form. It doesn’t have to be her previous iteration again though. It could just be tied to Valkyrie with a set number of charges or whatever.

Then to compensate for the loss of power on CD abilities, she could gain a new ability that helps in the fight and makes her more engaging. Something that’s useful ALL the time, not under certain circumstances.


I like Mercy’s current kit, but I think she could use a few buffs, but nothing along the line of a rework or revert.

Personally I would:

Decrease rez cast time from 1.75 seconds to 1.25 seconds (-.5 seconds) just so I can get back to healing a little bit faster.

Decrease rez cool down from 30 seconds to 20. I feel like the original cool down was balanced around instant rez, not a rez that can be canceled by the enemy and a 20 sec cool down would still make it the longest in the game.

Valkyrie main beam now heals 100 hps and chains are back to 50. This is so that I can actually save teammates when I ult instead of watching them slowly die when 60 hps isn’t enough. This would make her ult a little more dynamic sense you would have to prioritize targets to get maximum value instead of just floating and healing everyone the same amount.

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Every aspect of Mercy is in this weird, unfun limbo.

Her base kit lacks the big, bursty heals found on main healers and the utility and damage found on off healers.

Her Resurrect and Valkyrie are balanced in such a way that they are both too good to be E abilities but not powerful enough to be ultimates. Also they have been balanced in such a way to be either frustrating for Mercy or uninteresting.

Finally, Mercy is obviously set up to work very well with teams that are spread out with ranged DPS. There isn’t another healer in the game who also likes that, so any comp like that will be unstable.


Valk should let you heal or damage boost while using your pistol.

That would be a cool buff to Valk.

I’m still not sold on the idea of reverting back to Mass Rez simply because it encouraged Mercy players to stop healing their team, let them die, and then activate the ability, however, your idea is very good! Mass Rez is absurdly powerful, so there should be some drawbacks. My only concern here would be worried that Mercy and any other support players on the team being able to gain massive ult charge in healing the other low health players in an ideal scenario…

I had no idea the super jump was a bug, I hope they really do add it to the game. Or at least don’t patch it away, because when they patched Brigitte’s jump I was very sad. It has been supremely useful many a time.

Also, I just want you to know that I am in love with the idea of ramping up healing to reward consistency. It helps her become more effective in a team fight, has a maximum so she’s not too overpowered, and decays as a consequence of no healing.

Do you think Blizzard actually reads these posts? Some of these ideas are very interesting and worth consideration. :heart:

Bad Mercy players would stop healing their team because they wanted to pad their stats with more rezzes.

Good Mercy players stopped healing because their team had gotten into a situation where they were taking way more damage than Mercy’s healing beam can handle. Mercy’s only option left in that case was to prepare for a rez. Ana and Moira have E abilities that let them temporarily keep up if their base heals are being overwhelmed, but Mercy doesn’t have anything like that. Mercy’s only backup has ever been rez.

I think that if Mercy were to A) get an E abilty that provided an “emergency healing” option for the second scenario, and B) ult-rez also gave benefits to living teammates, Mercy players wouldn’t be so pressured to “let teammates die”.


Mercy should be accepted for what she is in her current state. Valkyrie should be adjusted to fill the void that was left behind when its interactions with Rez was removed.

This is simple and obvious imo.

Mass Rez should never come back. Period.


I absolutely love her the way she is. I’ve been having so much fun with her lately. I can think of a few qol changes but I don’t think she needs more than that.

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I think she’s an overrated generic character.

O, you’re talking about her kit?
She doesn’t seem to be in a bad spot, but I understand why some players feel like she is in a bad spot.

But to answer your question, I don’t think she need a buff, a revert or a new rework.

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