Mercy, what is your opinion

Wait is there footage of the older version? I thought it was completely new.

I think she should have Rez re-introduced into her ult slot. With it being an unearned basic ability, the rest of her kit has to be mediocre at best.

Mass rezā€™s main problem was that it lacked serious counterplay. Maske it require LOS and have a small cast-time in order for it to be hacked, stunned, etc.

Slap on an e that would incentivize the Mercy to stay in battle to get the most outcome out of it and bam.

The main problem with her in her current state is that you cant tell the difference between a good and bad mercy, everthing has just gone to autopilot at this point.


People forget that Mercy was never super strong and was grnenrally outclassed by Ana as you went up the ranks. The issue was that the SR exploits associated with Mass Res which they fixed (prob couldā€™ve fixed it faster and maybe looked at who was abusing it/moving higher than they shouldā€™ve been but oh well). What she needed was an ā€œEā€ ability to encourage people playing poorly by hiding and going for mass res to get in amongst it more, not a ridiculous invulnerability buff (seriously, no damage reduction to complete damage reductionā€¦? Baby stepsā€¦?). A simple LOS to address peopleā€™s concerns about ressing behind a wall, and a heal when it went of so that Hail Mary cart res was slightly less suicidalā€¦ The invuln buff was basically crafted to encourage people to go for 5 man res, diving into the whole enemy team =_=ā€œ


Maybe mass-rez could be limited by a Lucio-radius, or if not, revert to the original rez but people come back as only half-lives?


Exactly, people who are upset at those who want another Mercy rework or revert, forget that we have so many ways to stop Mercy from executing Mass Rez. Theres Sombra, Lucio, Brig, Dva (push back), even Rein can charge her away. If MR made a come back, it would punish those who ignore Mercy, and those who spam their ults.

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Oh please you should see OWCJ where they legitimately talk about her feet.


Half lives, but with burner armor? So like, they come back, weakened, but they have a small amount of amor so they donā€™t instantly die, and the healers can get back to their job?

Exactly. You may not need the armor unless we say it equalizes across all heroes. So everyone comes back at x-health as a percentage of total HP for each hero. Something of that sort where you are resurrected enough to fight or flight but not have a whole team resurrected to overpower the last 2-3 opponents. Then Mercy will think twice about pulling it out because sheā€™s got cool down (which would need to be adjusted for mass-mongousness).

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She needs committed direction to either off or main healer. With neither as a solid strength she is not only undertuned, but terribly designed.


Uh, so. I ramble a lot. Hereā€™s your long comment warning lol.

I didnā€™t start playing Overwatch as much as I do now until about a year ago, but Iā€™ve had the game long enough that Iā€™m familiar with the OG Mass Rez ultimate ability. The short of my opinion is that MR was waaay too powerful, but her character now is very underwhelming.

A lot of the way this game is played is that your team groups up, and you push forward to enter a team fight. Building up ultimate abilities is a huge part of combat, and proper utilization of these abilities are often a deciding factor in the way a team fight is going. Mass Rez had the ability to, after a fight was finished and done, completely undo all of the hard work a team had just put in. It made using abilities a waste of time and effort, and not only that, but it lead to A LOT of Mercy players hiding and refusing to heal during team fights just so that they could make use of Mass Rez. Itā€™s inherently counter-intuitive to the entire point of playing the game, period.

As someone who plays Mercy and flexes support in general, Iā€™m very happy that MR is no longer a thing. It also creates more of a need for Lucio and Zenyatta because of their defensive ults. Mercy was considered a must pick and a win condition of the game for a long, long time. While Iā€™m happy that this is no longer so, I do believe her character was nerfed into nothing in order to get here.

That being said, there are a few good things about Mercy now. Sheā€™s supposed to be an easy, beginner level character. Mercy helps teach new players how to position themselves and target priority as far as healing and damage boosting teammates.

That being said, if a player is taking damage, her healing is so minimal that it does nothing unless that character pulls away from the fight. I also think Valkyrie needs another buff, because as a whole itā€™s very lackluster as an ultimate ability.

Overall, I think itā€™s a bit hard to find a place to balance Mercy. In the lore, sheā€™s a very talented medical expert ā€“ her ability to resurrect players is part of the OW storyline. I expect that Resurrect is always going to be part of Mercyā€™s kit. I also think that when the game first came out and it was just Mercy, Lucio, Zenyatta as healers, she was supposed to be the main healer, but now sheā€™s 100% an offensive healer.

Going by current off healer kits (Lucio, Brigitte, Zenyatta), an offensive healer a lowered healing output but a secondary ability to compliment their team (which for Mercy is her damage boost; Lucio has speed boost, Zenyatta has discord, and Brigitte has armor), they also have strong, defensive ultimate abilities. Valkyrie pales in comparison to what Sound Barrier, Transcendence, and Rally can do for the team in a fight.

Overall, the best ideas I got to help make Mercy better are this: increase base healing to 55 per second, maybe consider adding a 50 heal over time after Mercy disconnects from a player. As for Valkyrie, maybe consider yet another brief increase to 65 healing per second but also add the 30% damage boost at the same time as the healing.

OR, instead of increasing it to 65 healing per second, maybe Mercyā€™s ultimate converts a certain percentage of a characterā€™s health into shields to help mitigate some of the damage being taken.

On that note, Iā€™m going to bring this comment to an end because I wonā€™t stop if I donā€™t make myself LOL.


Give me 60HPS back and a decrease to her movement penalty during rez from 75% to 50%~40%


She could use a revert or a buff to Valk.

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The other idea I had a while back (which probably came from like E.T. or X-men movies) was the idea that Mercy can fully res targeted teammates in LoS. Literally tag them and press ā€œgo.ā€ But afterwards, sheā€™s rendered useless for several seconds (although she canā€™t be killed)ā€¦ like she fades out having given others life and in exchange for the LoS rezā€™s, that team goes down a person for a little while?

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I think sheā€™s fine. I find her fun and balanced.

I donā€™t think she needs a revert at all (and Iā€™d probably stop playing her if they did), and I donā€™t think she needs any buffs atm.

Iā€™d rather see what itā€™s like when GOATs isnā€™t prominent and see if she can find a place in the meta.


Balanced for low skill players, but they need to up the skill cap. Maybe add an option that does more hp/s if the player prefers to use a beam or something. Currently mercy is a w+m1 hero with some shift thrown in, very boring and very little to learn.


Valkyrie is poorly designed and should be tweaked. Itā€™s bloated with skill covering powers that mess up Mercyā€™s gameplay, regardless of how balance it may be.

Also, damage boost needs to grant more ult charge.


That was a looong comment, but thank you for sharing your opinion! When you said, ā€œMass Rez had the ability toā€¦completely undo all of the hard work,ā€ I had an idea come to my head. Above, youā€™ll see my response to QualityMung, saying, what if the heroes who got rezzed, came back with half lives and a small amount of amor so they donā€™t instantly die. If this happened, the devs could also make it where the heroes who were resurrected, had half or less than half of the ult charge they had before they died. This would even the fight, by giving the enemy team a chance to get ult charge, the healers could heal and build up their charge, and the fight would go on. I havenā€™t put too much thought into this, it might be faulty, but its just an idea!

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She could need some changes to her ultimate Valkyrie. Maybe change or remove resurrect too.

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Do you have an idea for a new ability if rez was removed? I saw someone say (on Aria Roseā€™s thing) that she could get an ability called ā€œSoul Burstā€ that takes some of her health, too shoot these shards that damage the enemy a bit and slows them down (think of Meiā€™s freeze ability, but it goes away quickly), giving her or a teammate a chance to escape.

I think Mercy, should get some changes to make her gameplay a bit more, interesting. She a point and click person and occasionally use guardian angel. I think Damage Boost should be gone, its useful in some situations but most the time you use heals. Bc if you ever damage boost someone and they die, they will immediately blame you and say, why werent you healing.

I think she should have some other ability where she can summon a flare gun that she shoots and she can fly to it bc its annoying that she needs someone to fly to. Gives her a bit more thought. Rez will forever be impactful regardless but I dont think it should be changed or removed. Thats really what made mercy, mercy. So getting rid of rez would be terrible.

Her ultimate is, also not fun to use as all. And you also become a huge target for any hitscans in the sky. She should at least gain some kind of shield that can be destroyed or something