In Shanghai vs Spitfire, both teams had a Mercy for the first two rounds of Illios. Alongside her was Zen, Winston, Dva, and various DPS (Pharah, Widow, Tracer, Hanzo, etc.).
And the crowd and twitch chat were going wild, the casters too even, all talking about how it was so nice to see DPS comps being played, to see “real games finally” and the crowd going wild at DPS plays/kills. But so many of those DPS don’t have the space to get those kills without a Mercy. And then on the third map, when they swapped off Mercy and DPS and back to GOATS, everyone was really dissapointed in twitch chat.
I think it’s just interesting to point out, because so many people like to say that Mercy should never be viable or meta in OWL/high sr’s, but that’s literally where she thrives the most and enables DPS comps, dive comps, sniper comps, anti-GOATS comps, etc. She also enables a lot of DPS that aren’t as viable without her, like Pharah, Bastion, Junkrat, Widowmaker, etc.
So I think it’s safe to say, that its good for Mercy to be viable and playable in OWL high sr’s. Just because her kit isn’t mechanically aim intensive doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a place at being played in the highest tiers.
Of course, she shouldn’t ever be overpowered or meta-dominant, but it’s healthy for the game when she is viable. She enables a lot of comps and playstyles that wouldn’t work without her.
Jeff even said it himself when doing an interview with Emongg on twitch, he really enjoyed OWL season 1 because of all the Mercy + Widow + Tracer + Dive being played. It’s fast paced and fun to watch.
The reasoning behind this post is because I think Mercy will probabaly see a lot more playtime once the PTR changes go live and make their way into OWL, and I just hope we don’t see people start to spam for her to get nerfed just because she starts getting played more.
EDIT: I also know that many people want Ana to be super meta, because she’s “the most skilled support”, but I don’t think they realize that the team comps she enables and promotes are NOT DPS-oriented. Deathball, triple tank, etc. are all enabled by Ana, and she just doesn’t synnergize with most DPS. I love Ana, she’s my second most played hero, and I like when she’s strong, but if she’s meta dominant it’s usually a very un-diverse meta. I think the Devs need to make sure that all the supports are on pretty equal footing, as when the supports are all viable, so is everything else. Support balance leads to meta diversity.
And for anyone asking my opinion on current Mercy, I think she’s in a pretty great spot, although I am glad Geoff came out and said this:
The possibility of getting a potential heal buff or burst heal ability, as well as potential damage boost changes, is exciting.