Mercy vs High Skill

Have you tried rezzing?

rezing isnt a risk if you have half a brain (Not a personal attack i meant the player, rezzing isnt a risk all u gotta do is know when/ when not to rez)

Nothing in this game is a risk if you have half a brain :thinking:

:spider_web: Whoooopsieeeee.

Imagine all those things coming to kill u and not having mercy movement and health Regen… Ana has one chance to land a sleep dart…

Compared to Ana, Mercy is easy… There is nothing wrong with Mercy being easy, folks love her and enjoy playing her, but let’s not kid ourselves…

thats all i’m sayin here, i’m being crucified lol

no… not as proof “she is too easy” but that she outshines all other supports except zen.

(she is easy and stronger )

fe lucio is also not that hard to play, or moria … but why would you pick them over mercy? i dont see the point that makes mercy more risky to play … (which was the beginning of the conversation).

In what way I should she low risk. A healer with the least survivability, no mobility and no ult to escape/live. Who has to rely on a skill shot cc, fight for her life, or require more peeling than every support in the game, but also wants to stay at sniper distance where she has to defend herself. On top of that, her healing is the easiest to block.

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It’s funny how all the people that play Mercy didn’t ask for a rework, but other players did. Now that she’s in a good spot and not OP, people are still complaining. Make up your mind!


A rez is always a risk! It’s inherently designed to be a risk! There are safer ways to do it, of course, but losing all functionality and moving significantly slower (I don’t know the percentage) is about the biggest risk in the game.


We’re not complaining, just saying that shes the easiest with a high reward, and ana is the hardest with little reward.

But mercy will always be the priority kill over ana….

So why exactly are you blaming Ana’s problems on Mercy? Mercy :clap: is :clap: fine :clap: now :clap: . She is enabled by the meta right now because of her reliable single target heal and mobility. Ana was enabled in triple tank meta and bayblade meta similarly


We’re not? However mercys popularity is indirectly taking the spotlight away from other healers. But even if it wasn’t 4 of the 6 healers are easy, so why play a high skill like ana when you can play a easy reliable mercy?

A 100% revert of Mercy (including having to stand still during Resurrect, no invulnerability and 50 hps) would make her viable. Mercy would be a troll pick again and the meta would be defined by others.

I’d say the problem with Lucio and Moira is their lack of ranged healing and the fact that Speed Boost is no longer necessary.

The current Metas (Dive, Sniper and 3 Support) favor being able to delete a target extremely quickly and Mercy is a character that both enables and reverses that when no other support (except Zen and Brigitte) can. There’s no room for Ana because why would you need Sleep Dart when Widowmaker and Hanzo do the same task but easier, permanently, and without cooldown? Why would you need Speed Boost when most of your team is going to be spread out all over the map or when you need something that counters Dive?

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I love that ending, gotta be professional


The thing is, there are dps heroes easier to play than Ana. When you make a support difficult to play regardless of the reward, when DPS exist that are easier, no one would play support. I’m a Mercy one trick and I hate it. But I cant aim and have low mechanical skill. If you make a DPS hero too easy to play or a Support too hard then everyone would shift to play DPS. Supports need to exist and be easy so that someone will do it.

Ana needs a buff but it’s simply wrong to insinuate that mercy is skilless


not skilless, but she requires significantly less skill to operate reliably and efficiently then ana.