Mercy vs High Skill

Why is a hero like Mercy allowed to be so easy, reliable, with little to no risk? While Ana requires like the highest skill entry fee but really no reward for it bc a mercy could do what Anas doing with no sweat at all.

If Mercy is going to continue to be so easy and reliable, at least make her a risk to play.

If Ana is still going to require a high skill entry fee to play her they should give her more of a reward if she does well. (Which remember is hard to do compared to other healers.)

IMO they need to introduce more of a high skill sub group to the support category Like Ana and Zen as oppose to having Mercy, Lucio, Moira, and Brig (Some of the easiest heroes in the game next to Rein, although some of those 4 have a high skill ceiling, that doesn’t mean that they have a high skill floor and that they aren’t easy/reliable to play even to a non-experienced healer.)

Fore some background on me, I’m a tank and healer main (This season at least) so i’m not some dps main just complaining that healers shouldn’t complain bc their role is easy. The role itself isn’t easy (And shouldn’t be) but the heroes are.


I don’t think Mercy being easy is the problem. Being viable in most situations is fine. I think Mercy being the go to pick in 8/10 situations is the problem. That means that even the other main healers are just never chosen over Mercy. For all the talk about Ana, I don’t think she’d be chosen over Mercy even if she was balanced.

Edit: keep in mind, Ana is a character that I like. I have 90+ hours on her. But I don’t think she’ll ever be able to compete with Mercy and also be balanced.


Are people still complaining about this?


Yes, and people will complain about this until Ana is viable and maybe at the highest level of play better than Mercy.

Thats only fair.


Can we stop with the Nerf Mercy / Low Skill agenda? It’s getting a bit old at this point.

The facts are this. Mercy is not OP and is in a good place right now from a balanced standpoint (Jeff himself EXCLUSIVELY confirmed this). Mercy is not being looked at right now. Mercy will not be getting nerfs. Ana needs buffs. Blaming Mercy and Mercy mains for Ana’s problems is petty and makes you look petty. Leave Mercy alone.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Well IMO Mercy is a great choice for low skill players who want to play a hero that is easy yet also useful. And when you get to a higher skill level, a skillful Ana or Zen player can be much more powerful than a Mercy


There is risk to her, rez is a big risk. If you rez someone you and your team are vulnerable. During this time you can’t heal or move, so you risk teammates dying as a result of your rez. You also risk dying yourself. Not to mention this is a great time to dive the team, once you get the pick you just dive the Mercy or somebody else (since they’re getting less heals).

Not to mention existing is a risk, you are the biggest target on a team. If you fly to the wrong teammate or are slightly out of position you are dead. Professional players have said there is skill to Mercy, it just isn’t mechanical skill.


Oh, so thats why Ana sees no usage in higher skill levels, because she`s too good?


You don’t have to be part of the thread if you dont wish :slight_smile: I’m just stating my view on the current status of the support class.


Jesus Christ, they already Nerfed Mercy to hell and back, what more do you want? To heal only with her pistol? Ana is amazing and the better you are the more reward you get with her. A good Ana is more of an asset than a good Mercy in my opinion. There’s only so much you can do as a Mercy player except fly around, heal, and spectate ult. She doesn’t make a difference 80 percent of the time but Ana can. Why are you whining about this?


Risk… You don’t play mercy do you? You think its easy standing still for 2 seconds to use an ability?

You think its easy to have every junrat tire, genji blade, mcreee and 76 ult used for the primary focus of solely killing you?

You thinks its not risky to follow a teammate into enemy fire because they are doing something stupid and you know their death will cost you the fight?


You people need to stop complaining about ana being harder to use than mercy


Ana gets focused just as much and doesn’t have an Ult that lets her fly and GA to fly across the entire map, Bo-hoo.


Why do people who love to brag about high skill always complain about how hard it is to hit a character flying in a straight line along a predictable path?


thats such a low risk considering Mercy can fly to any teammate at mach 10. While heroes like Zen and Ana have no mobility at all.

(It wont let me post this again so im adding this bc its too similar dont mind this )

I don’t play at higher levels and I’m not the kind of person to keep track of who gets the most or least amount of play at certain ranks. I just believe at a certain point Ana or Zen become better choices because they offer so much more utility than just healing and resurrecting(which is kind of just glorified healing tbh).

Mercy most certainly is a powerful hero, don’t get me wrong, but she really doesn’t offer THAT much utility


I’m not complaining about that so i wouldnt know :slight_smile:

Rezzing and ulting is a risk for her. If you use Valkyrie and the enemy team has a good hitscan worth anything you are either dead or close to death.

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Yes you are.

20 characters

When did i say it was hard to hit a flying mercy? You must be mistaken