Mercy vs High Skill

LMAO, Rez isn’t that strong.

First of all, Rez not only has a longer cooldown than all other abilities, it has a channeling time of nearly two seconds where she can’t move and plenty can happen to her during that time if the enemy team remembers to put her in check.

Secondly, for it to be useful, at least one of her teammates has to be dead first and then within 5 meters of her. That’s one teammate who won’t be around to protect her. So if the teammate being rezzed is a tank, that’s one barrier out of play. A dps? One less source of damage. A secondary healer? One less healer.

If in the middle of the fight Mercy’s whole team has to temporarily disengage, throw themselves around Mercy and the target she’s rezzing, and worst of all play without receiving healing from Mercy as her rez is being channeled. The enemy team can then take advantage of the moment to either reload clips, heal up, reposition, or flat out counter the Rez with a little aggression.

Next, the way Rez works can be exploited by enemies looking to counter it. Simply stand over the area where the soul of an opponent you eliminated rests and the enemy Mercy won’t be able to fly to rez it safely.

And finally, even if Mercy pulls off the Rez, you can just kill that opponent again. No. big. deal.

Mercy has been nerfed enough as it is anyways, and nerfing a popular support hero ain’t gonna suddenly make Ana a more desirable pick; you just add to the number of support heroes no one wants to play. If you really want Mercy to be more skill-based, then she should be reworked out of her passive playstyle.


ok. I have ABSOLUTELY nothing to explain to, to someone who doesn’t know how powerful res is.

Cheers. Have fun.

Nah, you just have nothing more to explain. Period.

Not really. Probably you’ll never even see coordination in most of your games. So you’re not used to people helping each other out.

But in games that people actually DO help each other out, all you need for res is for a rein to hold a shield, for zarya to bubble you, for to hold defense matrix, for winston to bubble you. for you to hide behind a wall. Countless different ways to make enemy pick offs completely pointless. But if you can’t see that, and didn’t realize that the same mercy was considered garbage before the rework, and res made her into a must pick, I got nothing to say to you.

No, that’s a glory days look back at the rise of tank meta from S3. The game’s tactics have shifted more than just meta changes. Now it’s all about support utility and ULT econ. Something players hardly thought about for the first few season of the game.

The game is now about who gets ULT first and how the team keeps ULT econ tipped in their favor. You’re not Mercy boosting Junkrat just because it gives him more DMG, it’s being done because it builds his ULT faster.

Now if the meta shifts to GOAT comp (rein/dva/zara/lucio/moira/brig) for attack, then sure Ana will have her utility come into play. That’s the sort of shift that has to happen but even then it’s going to be pick/counter pick sort of options.

There is just nothing else other than massive power/mobility creep that will bring her up to the level of other medics when it comes to utility. Being her utility counters/helps a very specific game play style and tactics that died 6+ seasons ago.

Yet if they just change her to help with current meta and tactics it ruins the chance for other tactics to develop that include her. So for example lets say her bio nade was weaker but she gained more mobility. Great for current meta, but then she doesn’t help counter the newer GOAT comp as well.

Ana is the mini van of Overwatch right now. Why drive that if you don’t need to haul stuff? Yet you don’t get rid if it, being you might need to haul something. So you park it and wait.

You assume I don’t see coordination? Dude, in most games I AM the COORDINATOR!

I’m the Doomfist who checks enemy Brigettes from checking my fellow tanks, the Reaper that keeps aggressive Winstons from diving and shutsdowns sniper comps with ease. I look for clean engagements and know what win conditions to aim for.

And FYI, barriers can been weakened and destroyed with enough damage, or just be on the right side of it. Heroes that fight in close quarters excell at this. Not my fault or my problem you’ve got sniper mentality.

Why use lucio when mercy can outheal her 9 times out of 10. Just saying.

Because Lucio is an off healer ?

Mercy wasn’t dominating when other healers were good. It suddenly her fault if they got nerfed ?


What people fail to understand is that Mercy’s primary role is healing, and she won’t be contributing to the damage output of the team (other than damage boost), which doesn’t account for as much damage as the other supports. So essentially she SHOULD be out-healing all the other hybrid supports.

Do I think Ana needs buffs? Yes, I do…but not in the healing done category, but maybe in mobility or self sustain.

As far as the “Mercy takes no skill” argument, that’s all opinion based and everyone has heard pro player remarks lately about the complexity and specific challenges that Mercy faces, so if the professional players are saying it, then it sort of makes these threads irrelevant. What would I listen to, a professional or some random ladder player that clearly has biases?

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They made ‘‘EZ’’ healers to rewarding to play. Sure we can buff anna up to that level but we already are in 3 support meta. So its either that we nerf the rest to anna’s level or we get some sort of 2-2-2 forced meta where we can have ‘‘op’’ supports that can defend themselves. Personaly i would go for that last and buff anna to a point where she can reliable defend herself and still be a good healer (flankers will cry).

Currently i main anna just because i somehow like her allot. But when playing her in competetive i can never shake this feeling i am (soft) throwing. I mean if i would go mercy i would heal more have insane mobility/survivebility have a RESS and i could damage boost for some nice combo’s. I would lose: abillity to do some damage on enemy 2,3k per 10 minute (most mercy’s will damage boost this) , i will need healing nade for myself half the time so im not even gonna try and compare it to RESS, and anna has no mobility VS mercy godlike mobility. I mean only people who cant see how unfair it is are people who never play anna.

Look i dont really care in what way they balance anna but 1 thing is VERRY clear she is verry much lacking on other supports. Also now that moira is nerfed its clear that mercy is TOP-healer so expect more and more ‘‘nerf mercy’’ disccusions.

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in fact it did imo.

before the rework she was a single target healer… she could only heal one person, that was kinda a weakness of her.

blizz took that part away and gave her a really good AOE heal ultimate…

this new ultimate is weaker than mass res. It’s a good one. But not that good.

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Lol the new profile feature wont stop us from knowing you’re a mercy main, we can still see your icon and name…

people are always gonna complain when it comes to mercy.


If ya’ll wanted to bring Resurrection back in line with other support utilities, it would need to be an ultimate because ressing even with a very long cd is a very strong ability.

Wait almost like ress used to be her ultimate and valkyrie is now a very underwhelming ulti…:thinking::thinking::thinking:

But you guys know as well as I do that they are too stubborn to switch a powerful ability like ress back into ultimate where it was supposed to be. So Mercy remains as a strong healer and other healers would have to be buffed to compensate for the fact that they gotta be doing things that are worth having a teammate down for 30 seconds. Ana grenade used to be really good, it still remains really good but not exactly having 1 teammate good. Discord is one of the few abilities I would personally consider having 1 extra teammate, so it does compete with resurrection as utility if communication and focus fire is available. Speed boost used to be a mandatory ability… till everyone got so much mobility in general barely anybody needs a boost anyway. And the gameplay and victory conditions seem to have vastly changed.

And yet if you nerf resurrection even more such as the cooldown, why bring mercy for the ress utility if you can basically never, ever use it and there are massive risks in using it without communication? Moira can heal more than Mercy and new symmetra makes it certain Moira can heal almost anywhere mercy can heal. And if you buff the other supports to compete with ress, aka 1 teammate 30 second worth utility, they will become overpowered as well when used in a full 6vs6 situations.

Even as we speak, mercy and zenyatta are mandatory because they currently are the only healers who can somehow still stay meta. People think they are OP, but they’re hardly OP when all support casts have faced nerfs in the waves of powercreep for the dps and all other damage sources and healers as they are can barely keep up. Other supports are underwhelming, good reliable healers are not OP.

What other supports could use is maybe an ability or buff to their arsenal that scales well with teamwork, communication, coordination and focus fire. That way the better your team, the better you can utilise your arsenal.

Ana’s sleep dart is one such ability that could use it’s cooldown reduced. Other disengages have 2, 4 and 8 second cd and 12 cd ability on hard to use skillshot that can even be blocked is far too long. It’s a skillshot and sleeping enemy alone does not do much but let ana disengage and delay them. Together with your team can open up many possibilities offensively and defensively and Ana needs help disengaging anyway if they do not let her have new abilities to help her survive.

Give her sleep dart 8 second cd and reduce the sleeping time duration 33% and vola, a competitive healer who is a lot harder to pin down and punish for going on the frontlines.


This isn’t true. People exaggerate Mercy success to place excessive nerfs on her by just cherry picking Comp data. That’s not objective. Mercy has her price to pay too. Ana is much better than dueling in 1vs1 than Mercy, shutting down ults, healing from a far, hitscan, anti tank for the team, and deathmatch. Mercy is a good heal, and resurrection bot that is fragile. Mercy is very codependent to get anything done. Both have niche uses.

Mercy has plenty of risk, you just opt to ignore them. In reality across the board Mercy has the weakest offense/defense capabilities and low pick rate a lot in duels/deathmatch comps/unlimit/CTF and many other modes. Mercy is top heavy on support to balance because she has nothing else. Top heavy support tend to be more popular in Comps/Quick Play.

Didn’t Ana also got several buffs back to back, more damage, more ammo, self nano in deathmatch, and heal through allies. Those big changes. Don’t get greedy. There are other character are far worse off in pickrates/win rates like Torb or Bastion. If you feel Ana still needs a revamp, then be patient. Scapegoating Mercy isn’t going to help Ana.


Try playing Mercy for a few matches. See how much of a target you are, while having literally only your peewee pistol as self defense. No Discord Orb to weaken enemies who try to chase you, no sleep dart or bio nade, nothing.


you are not playing 1vs 1… mercys best defense is her superior mobility…

she is not the helpless victim as you suggesting here. maybe you are just not taking profit of her mobility and self heal.

Its not so hard to understand

Be careful what you wish for. If you want Ana to be like Mercy, then Blizzard could just gut Ana. Give her more heal power, but nerf her CC, and damage to the ground to balance. Change her ult to res. OR they could revamp Ana to easy mode to spike her win rate/pick rate/popularity and turn her to the Junkrat of support. Spam bullets the sizes of tennis balls that ricochet around corners. Very user friendly. If you miss, you get a second chance.

You can still snipe, but spamming can be more fun. It seems no matter how many tweaks and buff Ana gets that she asked for (more damage, heal through allies, self nano deathmatch, ammo) it’s never enough. Ana players can keep moving goal post and ask for more and more and pretend they didn’t get any buffs.

Cut to the chase, easy mode revamp Ana.

Mercy is a different animal at high levels. Anyone who thinks her job is easy has never seen her played correctly at a high level of competition.