Mercy vs High Skill

But my point was IT IS a really scummy thing to do, thats EXACTLY why I did it, giving a mirror example of the kind of nonsense the OP has been doing, good lord really?

You seem way to mad over a simple player discussing is opinion on the forums. Maybe Reddit is where your kind of anger belongs?

Do you think it will make a difference? It just seems like a way to devolve the discussion. I dunno, there’s just so much fighting and name calling everywhere…

I’m sorry if I misunderstood your intention.

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You dont get to pull the “Its just muh opinion” card when you saying stuff that is blatantly wrong. Its like me saying all Genji players are idoits who demand healing 24/7 and are selfish, and then coming back with “well thats just MY opinion bro” when I have some angry genji player rightfully pulling me up on it.


remember that mercy’s healing hasn’t changed at all. The rework just made res into an ability, with a medium level defensive ultimate.

Ana did compete with mercy, even after her healing nerf. It was just that her effectiveness against winston was terrible, so lucio replaced her (STILL not mercy).

Because reliable healing isn’t as important as people think. utilities on the other hand, are.

Res right now is the strongest support utility in this game, BY FAR. Discord is another great tool. so is speedboost. Ana’s nade is a very very powerful tool. But like i said, since res is just too powerful to compete with, there’s no hope for ana to be viable. 1.7 cast time for res won’t do anything. can protect her during it. Zarya can shield her. Rein can hold a shield, winston can bubble. So many ways to protect her during those near 2 seconds.

The way i see this game reaching a balanced state between the supports is to change 2 things. (I’m not considering brigitte a support. She needs a major rework. Fixes won’t solve her problem).

Ana needs a stronger utility. But i’m not talking about sleepdart or nade. I think her ultimate should be buffed a bit. Adding mobility to it again isn’t that bad of an idea. Specially since during season 3 and 2, and zen weren’t in the meta the way they currently are. was there but not as a defensive hero. more of an offensive brawler. They can prevent extra OP nanoboosted characters.

And mercy needs a heavy nerf for res. More than this current one. Something that truly makes it a risky move.

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You’re just crumbling the thread into whats hurting your feelings and i’m sorry if me calling a hero easy offended you. However if you’d like to discuss more we can take this else were because frankly this back and forth isnt going anywhere nor is it related to the thread at this point.

I admit, maybe I did overstep a line abit, but Im just trying to show the kind of nonsense the OP is coming out with, and then seemingly shocked and horrified when that initiates very passionate responses from people hes insulting.

And for the record, you dont need to tell me that disabled players can and do well and can reach any tier in any game, Im classed as mentally disabled myself.

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Well, I admire you for reaching such a high level! I don’t have any disabilities, but I struggle a lot with the mechanical parts of the game! I, and many others, could learn a lot from someone like you. :slight_smile:

And like I said I’m sorry for misunderstanding, I used to be a teacher and sometimes the old reflexes kick in.

But thats not just what your saying, your saying they require NO skill set, that literally anyone could pick up and play them and get them to 500 easily but dont because “its too boring”. You REALLY dont understand how thats going to REALLY annoy people who play allot of said hero?

…I’m been played arint I? Ive taken the bait like a sucker, sigh

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I said shes low skill, not no skill. I would say between her and the other healers, she is the easiest to pick up and do well with. Is that wrong of me to say that?

No the apologies are all mine, I did overstep the mark, even if i was trying to prove a point no one wants that kind of language to read.

Well the great thing about OW is theres heros for every type of player, and if OW ever purged all those heros so that only the so called “high-skilled” ones are allowed to exist it would be a very sad day for allot of people…except for the OP im betting.

Dont worry about rank, enjoy the game, ranks just a digital number in a video game at the end of the day, I only said what I did to purposely say the scummyish thing I could think of.

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Not to mention ults that can easily counter Valkyrie on top of doing work against the rest of the team—Deadeye, Tactical Visor, Graviton, etc. Valkyrie is strong (and I often save it to counter a strong push or something like a Moira ult), but it’s not an instant win after the nerfs.

This is correct. Mercy is low skill floor but a higher skill ceiling than most people will give credit for—and full-on haters like the ones that infest these threads especially won’t give credit there. But the difference between Mercies who are slow to switch beams and aren’t perceptive or quick with the Guardian Angel and where I am now, zipping all over the battlefield, healing and damage boosting especially at the right times, paying attention to not only my own positioning, but that of all my teammates and all my enemies is quite significant.

To be a good Mercy, you have to be constantly in motion and adapting to the situation. Maximizing her efficiency is the difference between healing a nearly-full Reinhardt instead of damage boosting the Soldier that just activated ult and similar things. A game the other day I was healing our tank, he was half-full, our Pharah activated ult and I immediately snapped to her and flew up for damage boost, then immediately back down to heal those who needed it.

This whole idea that Mercy is EZ mode instant win no-brains invalidates all other healers (as though the problem isn’t with Ana herself) simply doesn’t hold up to actual play. Haters like you’ll see in threads like this are never going to acknowledge it, probably in large part because they aren’t very good with the hero and really have some insecurities about it.

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Ofcourse every hero needs skill in some capacity. However mercy (i would say) is the easiest healer to heal well, be reliable, and benefit the team with.

No some of the other healers are not fine. If they would then we would see them more often.

Mercy is just too good right now not to use, that’s the problem. Why use lucio when mercy can outheal her 9 times out of 10. Just saying. Look at the stats. Mercy will continue to dominate if nothing is done. Reworking her wont solve anything. Toning her down would be the best option on her healing output.

As of now they continue to not say anything about other heroes except for the Moira orb not going through shields. Not hating on Mercy here but come on, saying shes balanced and doesn’t need anything is quite odd. Like I said shes way too above average right now, let’s either buff other heroes or tone her down.

and she created an entire meta something overpowered supports like Mercy and Brigitte do

You realize this is exactly the sort of meta Ana should be strong in right? And you also realize just how hard she was nerfed before? And just how long she’s been out of the meta? Waiting will do absolutely jack all.

There’s plenty of reasonable buff ideas for Ana that would simply bring her on par with the other supports (the balanced ones at least) and even at her strongest, she was fairer than most. Although, it should also be Moira’s meta (hell, Lucio’s too) so its true, Mercy and Zen are part of the problem as well.

Blizzard keeps nerfing the other healers and it makes Mercy more and more stronger.

I always hated Mercy’s regeneration. You do know she regens 20 health for 1 whole second after not taking any damage. The is actually strong and makes Pharmacy even more annoying.

If you nerfed that or got rid of it, Mercy would be even more balanced but people are too used to the overpowered Mercy. They can’t see how to balance the other supports and end up making them worse with nerfs.

This game is truly all about damage and not about the Tanks and Healers.

If both supports goes down, the fight is over.

if you got rid of mercys self heal, she too would become totally underpowered, what your rely asking for is everyone should just have less health, then the damage you do to mercy would kill her.

Yes, because it’s not fixed. Mercy rules. Ana sucks. It’s broken.

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