Mercy too weak, 4 years playing mercy

True. I would add: Mercy even at 60 hps did not give this exaggerated burst healing to talk about a huge healing problem. It has no AOE (except during valkyria, but for me valkyria must be eliminated) and has no healing combo to increase hps

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I think I agree that mercy is to weak. I’ve played mercy before a number of times, and probably one of the most frustrating things about her is when you have to deal with a spawn camper (E.G. Tracer, Pharah, Symmetra, et cetera)

I think her gun needs to be changed to a hitscan gun (maybe a laser pistol or something) As hitscan guns are a lot better at warding off characters with mobility related abilities that tend to target mercy… Like have a Pharah targeting you, and you whip out ur hitscan pistol and then BLAM BLAM BLAM, dead Pharah. Like how Anna is like the support version of Ashe (u know scoped gun and bio grenade\dynamite), make mercy into the support version of McCree.

How many alts does this person have?!


I think its some big streamer that asked their fanbase to make this… or something

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  • Appears to be more effective when played like an off-healer, not a main healer or ‘strong single target healer’
  • Resurrect and Valkyrie both force and encourage ‘healing downtime’
  • Resurrect, an unearned standard ability with an extremely long cooldown for a standard ability, is often perceived to be more of a threat by opponents and of more interest by teammates compared to Valkyrie which rarely appears to be
  • A rather low average ‘on fire’

I mean, I’ve played her but I’m definitely not her


What in the world is happening with all these alt accounts in this thread…?

how is it sad, he has a thriving stream and decides to make fun of how stupid the forum andys are by defending this stupid post he made

None of us are bot accounts you Pepega… I still don’t understand how you couldn’t read that there was a streamer.

Not alt accounts… lmaoooo

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

You have Mercy and Moira mixed up.

How does Valkyrie encourage or force healing downtime when it literally increases her healing potential from 750 over 15 seconds to 4500 over 15 seconds and allows her to heal her entire team?

Mercy’s on fire is weak, yeah, but Valk doesn’t force healing downtime, it makes her quite a MUCH more powerful healer.

  1. Mercy has been the 5th and sometimes 6th most picked hero on ladder across all ranks ever since her Valkyrie buff. Meta or not,she’s been viable and one of the most balanced heroes in the game.

  2. Are you joking? When double sniper was a thing,right after GravDragon,she was still a must pick. Mercy/Zen were the meta supports.

  3. Her pickrate has been roughly 5% across all ranks. Even if I check stats for this week,it’s still roughly 3% in Masters and it only gets below 2% in GM.

  4. Healing nerfs or not,the addition of new heroes with easy access to AoE/burst healing caused healing power creep,which in turn made burst damage a necessity and every other damage type irrelevant. Y’all complained about snipers,but guess what? If chip/sustained damage was actually usable,burst damage wouldn’t be prevalent and heroes like Genji,Soldier,Tracer,Sombra,etc would be much more playable.

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The other option is weaken the other supports so that Mercy is a better pick by making the others lesser.

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It interupts her current beam when casting Valkyrie, which while brief is still a slight moment of downtime regardless of her future output being higher (to the point of negating Winston’s tickle gun that is) for the remainder of its duration. That brief moment could be critically important.

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4 accounts in diamond is precisely why you need to get gud :joy:

I think the problem is her synergy with Pharah. Buffing either indirectly buffs PhaMercy. That’s probably why Blizz is having a hard time balancing the two.

Maybe have Mercy’s healing increase to 70hps but decreases by 5 every 2 seconds to 35hps the longer she stays with a character? Maybe have an internal cooldown inbetween characters she heals before resetting back to 70hps?

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Textbook definition of discord raid.

As a true Mercy main, I’m sorry Mr Emre Dincer, I disagree.
What Mercy truly, truly needs is another pretty skin.
Because I want to look my best while I suck.

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lol you say you’re not a bot, then say pepega :rofl: y’all hilarious