Mercy to be fun again

No reason to criticise and talk about her current state cause, ITS ALL around the forums.
It has been a year since the rework.
Even after all this feedback for mercy, The developers have shown nothing but ignore us.
But look all we want is a fun mercy again not a viable one.
Well the devs probably hate mercy players, no surprise they also do support this mercy toxicity going around towards mercy mains since nothing has been addressed :slight_smile: such bullies.

Fine maybe mercy isn’t as important as the other heros, and blizzard just loves and cherish other community mains ; Ana, tanks, etc. WELL then don’t say that you love all characters. Eat that back. Cause you don’t deserve to say so with this treatment you give mercy even after so much constructive feedback.


If you don’t find mercy fun to play now, chances are you never actually had fun playing her and you’re just deceiving yourself into believing she was somehow more fun with a different Q.


Battle mercy is fine :)) and the sluggish 1.75 cast rez time? Please go try it out. I rather rez was removed.


I don’t follow your logic there. I loved Mercy before. She’s bland and terrible now. She was not before.


What exactly did you love about mercy before?
90% of the gameplay is the same as before.
If the only thing you liked about playing a hero was to press Q, did you ever really have fun?


2 Paragraphs…one sarcastic, one not.

Y’know what? I agree…a 1.75 cast time is too much. Let’s just have Sound-Barrier activate instantly. And Hanzo has no wind up time for his arrows. And Sym’s teleport is just instantly there, because it’s not fun to just watch the teleporter die because it has to sit there like a rock for 2 seconds setting up. Or maybe we should just have McCree travel at normal speed during his ult and it’ll just instant lock-on.

I make no apologies for the sarcasm, but here’s the much more grounded paragraph:

There’s a reason for the cast time. Without it, Mercy was OP as hell. It’s an Extremely powerful ability on a regular ability. So much so that without the ability to stop it…without counterplay…mercy’s pickrate was a 99% and picking literally anyone else was borderline throwing.


Not once have they ever stated that one hero is less important than another, you’re putting words where they do not exist.

You’re incredibly rude so why would they respond back to you? They don’t owe you or anyone else anything, so please refrain from being surprised when you don’t get the specific answer you’re so desperate to hear.

I loved Mercy from day one, and I love her now. 600+ hours later and it hasn’t changed. Please, you don’t represent all of us and should not speak for all of us either.



oh then if tmr your hero has their Q reduced to nothing but a flying bot you would be happy? imagine is genji’s were to press q but there would be no sword for a team wipe but just enable him to jump into the sky multiple times with infinite ammo

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Fun is so subjective, I am still having a blast with Mercy and I play her at a high diamond and low Master level.


I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not but to save me writing a book go read Titanium’s thread called something like “why I have yet to not despise Mercy’s current state”. I’ll put a link to it when I finish work.

A little bit to get you started: Some of what she does is the same, but her new ult and cool down e killed her depth.


then remove it and give her something more fun and balanced?! isnt that what we ask for

Get creative.
Read the state of the game.
Pull out your pistol and kill the pharah that is harassing your team.

The Q is only as fun as you make it.

Sure you can just press Q on genji and kill some symmetra turrets and jump off a cliff, but is that your idea of fun?

What was her depth before?

No it isn’t. I’ve seen dozens, though probably more like hundreds of people asking for a full revert. We is not an appropriate pronoun as mercy mains are not a collective hive mind.

That’s because she was always really badly designed. Ana or Lucio could lose their ult entirely and they’d still be fun. Mercy’s moment to moment gameplay is and always has been boring. The only reason anyone ever liked it is because everyone was trying to hunt her down so hard, and that’s only because she was either wildly overpowered or had an overpowered ult.


sorry i was a little rude but i got mad after the devs replied to a “Dev hate tanks” thread after we have given a year of constructive feedback. i guess this shall be my last

If you just want something different, why not take any of the other 27 options in the game?

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Since you can’t write an answer i’m just going to assume you haven’t formed your own opinion.

The depth is still there.
It’s just more spread out rather than just being shoved into a single button.

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hey imagine your main being unfun, bland and ignored for a year?

My favorite hero, for a long time, was unplayably bad so long that I completely gave up on ever playing her in competitive. She was bad so long that by the time she was finally fixed, I didn’t even care anymore. I had moved on. I guess she’s meta now. Whatever.

It could be worse.

Tell you what. We’ll knock another 5-10% off Mercy’s winrate, send her pickrate to <1%, and leave her there for a year. That’s what Ana players went through. That’s what you’re trying to take away from everyone by fighting for Mercy to be ‘fun’.

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The let’s look at the balance triangle, shall we? Balancing is based on these 3 points:

  1. Playerbase impression.
  2. Developer impression.
  3. Hero stats.

Let’s start by looking at mercy 1.0.

  1. Mass rez wasn’t like by many players.
  2. The devs thought it promoted bad play.
  3. Mercy wasn’t viable back then. I could be mistaken, but was she not F-tier?

Let’s take a look at the current Mercy, shall we.

  1. A lot of players have no problem with Mercy, but some Mercy mains find her boring to play now. Her pickrate has dropped in the higher ranks, but she is still being played, especially in the lower ranks.
  2. The developers thinks she in a good state according to the Kate’s developer feedback.
  3. She is more viable than Mercy 1.0, but the current Mercy does has a low winrate, but they could think this is not a big problem. I remember a developer post on the old forums that the developers don’t really balance around winrate because those stats arwct accurate.

So judging by this is Mercy not in dire need of changes and could the developers think she is not a high priority to address right now.