Mercy to be fun again

Um…as an Ana player, that is not what I went through.

The only time that happened was just after valk when she had the two insta-rezzes.

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Ana was already obviously a bad idea by the end of Mercy 1.0 (barring maybe GM, but even there you should have been playing Zen and Lucio) and she’s not been usable again until now. If you were playing her in the meantime… well, it wasn’t a good idea statistically, I’ll just say that.


doesn’t answer the question. you mean to say you only have 1 hero out of the entire game you enjoy? you bought the game to play only one hero?

you bought the wrong game dog

I’m signing off for the night, but I’ll leave on some common ground.

I want mercy to be fun too. There’s a reason she is and always has been my least liked support. I didn’t find her fun before, and I only find her slightly more fun by an iota.

Being hyperbolic and overreactive is not going to bring about change. start with some levelheaded suggestions, data, and please don’t soapbox. It just gets a bunch of argumentative people who want nothing more than to say things like “I’m glad mercy is terrible harharhar LUL”


Well everybody is going to listen now that you made such an intelligent and constructive thread. A true cherry among the sea of Mercy posts.

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Eh, I think maybe you are thinking of earlier times. At the end of Mercy 1.0 her pickrate was very high and creeping upward at all ranks. It was starting to become fairly common opinion that Ana was just a bad idea outside of very high rank, and possibly iffy even there. She had a good pickrate but a pretty bad winrate even in GM. Lucio+Zenyatta was a common combo in very high rank but was steadily losing ground to Mercy.

I thought, at the time, that Mercy was creeping up to must-pick status even before Mercy 2.0 was a thing.

That doesn’t make any sense. I have very strong opinions, I just get bored as heck typing out the same stuff for a year… hence I pointed to go to Titanium’s thread. There’s plenty there for you to read.

Here is the link btw
Check it out Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I wish people would actually bother to read the Mercy mega threads. Or many of the other threads about her. And then they complain about how many Mercy threads there are… Sigh… having the same conversations over and over again gets so very tiresome.

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Old ult - Over and done with in 2.25 seconds for better or wors. Flowed with gameplay
New Ult: 15 seconds of a transformation ultimate that takes all the fun out of Mercy’s base kit even haling prioritization.

No E
New E that cuts into the flow of gameplay with a 1.6 second cast time that makes me feel like I can move faster with heroes like Roadhog.
I should not be feeling moe restricted movement wise with Mercy the mobil healer then I do when I play Roadhog the fat tan.

That is why 1.0 was more fun. The rework was so bad the new things are not just not living up to the enjoyment of pulling off a perfect rez ult but they actively take away from the base kit’s enjoyment.


Actually there has been a shift in her playstyle. With the hps nerf her value has moved away from healing to rez and dmg boost. As a result pocketing and battle mercy, playstyles that used to be looked down upon, have become the viable playstyles as opposed to what a lot of her player base want: which is juggling.

Actually i couldnt care less whether she has valk or mass rez as ult. I just want 60hps back and cd rez removed from her base kit

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Devs doesn’t hate anyone, they gave you one of the most fun and broken mechanics in the game for a couple of months before nerfing it (Valk 1.0 was a blast , extremely fast, multiple resurrects up to 4 in 20 seconds and the ability to reach any unreachable parts of any map by having a better fly ability than even Phara and god speed blinks between allies-corpses )

Old Mercy was the epitome of unfun/boring and unoriginal character design specially her ultimate mass resurrect, and ult that contradicts the whole purpose of being a healer I mean "just die so my ult have value " isn’t a good game design.

If you want a real fun Mercy she needs a complete remake, no more holding m1/m2 without reload and get rid of the auto-self hp.