Mercy the Rezbot, can we fix it?

Yes, we can!

Mercy’s arrived just in time to fix your positioning mistakes.

But now really,
She’s a “Guardian angel,” Mercy should protect allies from death, not hand out free lives. What exactly Mercy can do to protect her allies?

  • Heal them

Too bad everything in the game shreds through your healing.

With that said,
I’m sure nobody here would mind resurrect being removed from the game. Give Mercy an ability that actually protects her teammates from their inevitable fate for some time.


I second this. I’d very much like Rez to be removed and her healing back to 60hp/s as well.


There are constantly threads arguing for mass rez back, Aria Rose even has an entire video justifying why mass rez should still be in the game and was nerfed for improper reasons. Look, the devs decide game balance and what kind of gameplay they want from their group base. They felt – in their words not mine – that mass rez “encouraged bad gameplay” and that it was “OP.” It’s not accurate to say most mercy mains would be ok with no rez, because many mercy mains feel rez is an ESSENTIAL, CHARACTER DEFINING TRAIT that they want buffed (also see Aria Rose’s video on how current res sucks and it should be reworked).


Oh don’t bring up Aria Rose…


I would rather see Valk removed completely personally. When broken down to the sum of it’s parts it sounds amazing, but actually playing it you feel like you’re just there. Teammates are rarely in the radius for the chains anyways, flight isn’t even that well done mechanically and the only good thing about it is infinite ammo.

She needs an ultimate that is her “heroic moment”. She’s one of the only characters NOT defined by her ultimate any longer… besides Symettra.


Im not trying to attack, its just that devs or any opponent of Mass rez always use the “hide and rez strat” which would have been soooo easy to fix with LoS and a cast time (1 sec). It really boils down to damage dealers being annoyed with the ult, not its “incentive to bad gameplay”

Not trying to attack either. But it doesn’t really boil down to “DPS are annoyed with the ULT,” it’s about how the ULT functioned relative to the entire game. One hero ult could not only negate hard earned kills, but also effectively cancel the ULTs the enemy team had to use to secure that kill. Now the enemy team who just successfully won a team wipe has little to no ults because 1 hero is able to reverse kills and essentially negate your ULT. That was too much.

There is nothing unstable about Resurrect in its current state. It doesn’t cripple Mercy as the value of a singular Resurrect, with its limitations, is a balanced but impactful ability that cuts Mercy unique from any other support. It goes well with her kit, it has tremendous value in games, and there will always be a place – in some metas more than others – for the ability to quickly bring back players after death.

In fact, I would even argue it’s extremely healthy for the game to have this ability, as it allows insta-kill abilities that keep the game quick and popping to exist. Fast deaths can happen a lot, but Mercy can revive people in much the same manner, keeping them in check. And it isn’t like giving Mercy an ability to keep allies alive would, you know, magically make deaths just never happen. Deaths do happen in this game, no matter how good you are, and the power to correct those mistakes (or even strategically allowing those mistakes to happen) gives Mercy a unique attribute separate from “press one button to heal, press another to damage boost, and mobility.”

And beyond all that, Resurrect is an iconic ability. It’s not going anywhere. It would be like taking out Roadhog’s Hook or Doomfist’s Rocket Punch. If you’re going to rebalance characters into states where they almost nothing unique about them, why are they in Overwatch, a game that prides itself on diverse characters?

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Somewhat agreed that the Q revert button in its 1.0 state(from behind walls and instant), yet it also punished teams from literally throwing every ult at once, cause none were left to counteract the mercy. as well, if Mercy is the last hero alive, I think the enemy team isn’t prioritizing their enemies well, i.e the healers.


Maybe give her healing charge.People already say she’s a single target healer so why not.The longer she holds onto a target the more charge she builds up 50-60-70-90 max.And as soon as the beam detaches she looses the charge.It would also require the Mercy some level of skill.

Aria’s videos are full of truth. She just doesn’t get the respect that truth deserves because she’s been… less than tactful on a few occasions while expressing it. Her demeanor does not make the truth less truthful.

People here on the forums reference her videos not because we’ve been led into believing something we didn’t before by watching them, but because we already agreed with her points and her videos provided a conveniently packaged way to share them with others.

She doesn’t deserve the hate. She deserves, at worst, a polite message about her tone or word choice.


From what I’ve seen of her around here, she’s not the most polite person around. If that is her of course, I’m just assuming.

Impolite pretty much sums up anything negative about her that I’ve seen. When that’s the extent of things that’s… actually not that bad when you look at what else is going on with the world around us. I’d rather she hold her tongue a bit better because it would help the position of her message in the wider community, but the OW community seems to like other youtube/twitch personalities that literally go all out raging at Mercy mains in the middle of streaming.

I am not surprised that one Mercy main among all of us is just plain fed up with that kind of treatment, and shows it on her videos.


It’s hard to take the speaker seriously if they don’t act in a respectable manner, so yeah

Only for someone who is a moderate or on the fence on the topic at hand. For someone who has already chosen a side in a debate, an energetic, emphatic speaker who makes no compromises in their rhetoric is a person that crowds will rally behind.

If that’s starting to make things sound like a political campaign, well… take a moment to think about it. All of us here are in a community where we each feel like our own voice should matter, but doesn’t. So, we rally behind others with more support whose causes align with our interests. We’re not officially electing representatives, but that’s effectively what Aria has become for the disgruntled Mercy main who’s fed up with the way Blizzard and other community members treat the hero and her players. She’s not our leader, like some people have suggested. She’s just a talking head that we listen to and clap for, because she keeps saying things that plenty of us are thinking inside even if we have a filter (or shyness) that keeps it from coming out of our mouths or keyboards in public.

As an outsider looking in, no matter how sane and reasonable an in-group like this is, I’m sure it starts to look cult-like, which was one of the more recent accusations leveled at Mercy mains in general. The reality, though, is that we are simply a group of people who have a common cause that is not being heard by the ones with the real power to do something about it.

The only thing we can do, in the position we are in, is make more noise. Having a youtuber around to make the noise for us is an attractive prospect. Even if it accomplishes nothing, we don’t really have any other great options beyond supporting the people who are willing to speak up.


My only problem with the whole thing is that, yes they are a person to voice the general opinions, but if they do it in a poor fashion then they are going to severely hurt the cause and damage the reputation of the entirety.

That’s kinda how I feel about a lot of these vocal Mercy-regulars that get a lot of support, they don’t speak or act reasonably but get a lot of attention so people support them anyways. It’s just bad for their entire playerbase by making the whole crowd look unreasonable.

Good. You should be giving your teammate a health advantage, not making them unkillable.

Yep, it’d be great if we could all get along swimmingly while discussing our viewpoints… but they are topics that people have strong feelings about both ways, and much of the impoliteness you see from Mercy mains is a reaction to the kind of person that will invade a thread just to let us know how they think none of us deserve the SR we earned. We’ll call this person the “stereotypical Mercy hater”.

That stereotype applies to a pretty small group, but there’s a larger minority who shares their opinion and, like most Mercy mains, just doesn’t speak up about it because they know it would be impolite to share their true feelings on the matter. But then… they see a Mercy main react to a stereotypical Mercy hater… and they buy into the Mercy hate with even more conviction.

The same thing happens on both sides (though I personally feel the vocal Mercy-haters are the most out of line), and just like politics, both sides will continue to fight until the problem is solved.

Unlike politics, nobody fighting has the power to solve the problem. So we might be here a while.

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I don’t mean Mercy mains in a general sense as far as impolitness goes, just the most vocal few

Fair enough, although if vocalization is measured by word count I’m pretty sure Titanium wins that contest. And I don’t think I’ve seen him be very impolite.

Still hasn’t gotten the devs to listen to us.

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