Mercy Survey - Results

Census is mandatory, voting is not, and if you don’t need the topic you don’t have to ttake the survey. I’ve never seen a mandatory survey to access something.

And what about the thousands of different surveys and test groups and what not that are supposed to emulate the real world? What about medicinal testing; people choose to be part of medical research, are those results biased because not everyone decided to do it?

Your responses would make sense if everyone was made out to be a mercy main by the survey; by separating the survey into different categories as OP did, and using percentages instead of population, any Bias is taken out of the mix like it would be in any other survey.


I still think that most people (specifically the 7.1% that don’t want her to be changed) that wanted mercy to stay just as currently is are the people that currently rarely play mercy. Their 50 hours or more could be gotten when they play mercy in the previous seasons when she is a must pick, and i think that they prefer her to keep being trash pick so they don’t have to play her again.
Current Mercy is fine is a fallacy.


I’ve played her back in the days of mass res and think she’s fine/fun in some terms (opinions, opinions, opinions). I know I’m not everyone, but anyway. With 100+hours on her as mentioned before. 41 hours in comp (total not this season), 104 hours in QP overall. In comparison my Zen comp time is only 16hours total and he’s my main! Haha.

I play her in comp in this season, and in qp. I’ve played her in all seasons I think when I have played since season 5. I put my profile public for a bit before people start spitting at me for being a DPS main or something, should be visible now ^^


I know right? I wasn’t expecting it to confirm anything other than what I already saw on the forums 'cuz that’s who mainly took it. -shrug-

But it has begun.

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Did we actually not know mercy mains wanted mass rez back?


Just a quick remark on this.
I’m seeing a few people here saying “Oh. It’s mostly mercy mains that answered. We can’t use this data!”
What did you expect? The people who don’t care about mercy weren’t going to participate anyway.
I honestly would LOVE to see everyone’s answer but if most people don’t care ain’t much you can do about it.


If you take out the Mercy main responses, like OP did, then you can see a rough estimate of everyone’s answer


Mercy mains doesn’t even consist of half of it. Only 42.2%. Mostly are flex players and non mercy main that fill this survey.


I think that’s why it’s a good thing that they did those breakdowns of the “sub-groups”.

It shows a pattern for those who aren’t even Mercy Mains.


Yeah this poll didnt really have enough controls in place. However, overall I’d say it’s still an impressive amount of work and thought that did go into it.


Excuse me, but I exist. 160+ hours on Mercy.

There are, like, at LEAST two other people that I know of that also like her current state and played her previous state.

See, there’s 3. GOTCHA.


Actually what do the NON-Support mains say. That would be the most interesting as that would be most of the player base


Which doesn’t even happen in official surveys. THat’s the point of a survey; to get an idea of a larger population by asking questions of a small group.


Now this…this is how you make a mercy post. Nice and sweet. Very little bias if at all. Well done. I’m a little sad I didn’t take part in the survey, but I really must wonder how long this took you?


Dps is the majority. They just have little interest a mercy survey.

It’s like have a Survey about do you think Tracer pulse bomb was better before or after the nerf with only Tracer mains taking the survey.

guess what the answer is going to be


I appreciate your feedback. Thank you for reminding everyone to take the results with a hefty grain of salt. Just a few things I’d like to say, though.

If you want to go that far, then, to be fair, you should also consider the number of average players who marked themselves as Mercy mains to “fudge the results” as well.

Though I will say, 68% of all responses were confident enough in what they were saying that they gave me a direct ID, with a few dozen more apologizing that they couldn’t remember the full ID. So if I truly wanted to, I could double check all of those. If you’re concerned about private profiles, I could limit it even further to public-only if I really want to.
Plus, as I said before, the difference between shared ID’s and Non was minimal at best. The biggest difference I have in my notes right now is 2.3%, which is just naturally expected when you have to cut out a third of your responses. Still the same, solid point across.

Which is why it’s important to look at what others are saying too. I tried to come up with as many categories as was reasonable to get different perspectives (people who don’t play support, people who play support but not Mercy, etc) and would gladly add more if you want to help.

But if they all come to the same conclusion, then is it really completely unreliable? Or is that just the general consensus of those who are around at the time?

Either way, I made this with the expectancy that it would be skewed towards Mercy mains. I never doubted it would happen (hence the first disclaimer being “hey, this isn’t 100% reflexive of everyone”)

But isn’t that how every poll in existence works?

If a surveyor were to outright force you to take a poll, then not only would the poll be discredited, but the surveyor would lose all funding due to misconduct. No one can hold a gun to your head and say “Hey, you have to take this.” They can be assertive as they stop people walking by and such, but you can still ignore them, and that’s it. Send me it in the mail, and I can choose to respond or throw it in the trash. Have it pop up on my computer, and I can choose to just close it. In the end, it’s always voluntary. It’s simply the nature of a survey.

Every single year there are stories about how “half of America didn’t show up to the polls because they didn’t think their vote mattered” or something along those lines.

The number one best way to take a survey is to be upfront about your purpose.
All responses to your survey are unreliable if the participant doesn’t even know what they’re answering.

I feel like you get my point. I’m going to stop now.


I’m on a phone and I’m dumb, I would reply to all post but I’m picking this one.
I wasn’t very clear in my post, I specifically want to hear from more non support mains, maybe I didn’t take that other category seriously because I assumed they were like me, once a mercy main but not anymore.


Let me get back to you on that.


This is really interesting, I’ll have to go through the csv myself when I have the time.

If you aren’t doing so already, I’d suggest further analysis on:

  • support mains that explicitly do not play mercy at all
  • stat breakdowns for main tank, off tank, all dps, hitscans+Pharah and/or other common pockets
  • the degree of flexing to Mercy relative to a player’s demographic and how fun they found the character

I know this survey focused primarily on how fun her current state is(n’t) but I get the feeling that there’s substantial info on the people that picked up mercy after the rework and their motivations for doing so.

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Except not only Mercy mains took this survey.