Mercy Super Jump

No I don’t want them to delete it, I practice it like 2/3hours yesterday night and doing well with only 2 hours Mercy play.

I’m not implying and I haven’t implyied any of the sort, the ones that have to provide reference are the ones that previously stated in this thread “it’s a thing already aknowledged by the devs”.
Bring official statements to me and I guarantee I will change my mind.

= there are more important things to talk about.
Whatabout-ism mentality. Moving on.

Please not his again. I thought I’ve made it clear already.

Thanks for your time to clarify, now I think I understand why the devs are reluctant to communicate. =)

20 characters required.

Players like ML7 in his educational mercy stream yesterday acknowledged that superjump is an overrated maneuver, because you will get killed by any competent hitscan player.

I hope that people who are still crusading against superjump might find some shred of common sense and realise it’s not really THAT amazing. Doomfist able to maneuver himself behind high grounded platforms to delete people has far more impact than some damsel in distress with a crappy toolkit escaping momentarily.


That’s not how it works, you see you only watch streamers that play against the character (bonus if they are hard countered by targeted hero) and then you base your opinion on them and them alone.

I thought you knew this by now Nere. :wink:

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Oh no you got me, I’m so very ignorant about how OP superjump actually is, how silly of me. Should never have listened to the Ana and support god ML7, obviously he doesn’t know anything.

Goes back to bug abusing in Overwatch

I’m also totally top 500 mercy main now that I have got good grasp of this bug abuse. :wink:

I don’t understand the problem with it. I super jump and still get taken down pretty easily…

Only reason she couldn’t keep it is because people hated her at the time so the devs just did it to stop the whining.

Originally a bug but being allowed to emphasize mercy as the best mobile healer.
Her movement is unparalleled.
Yah lucio is a close second but not quite up to her threshold.

Maybe because ML7 is in Top500 where, you know, people have perfect aim. In that enviroment only, Superjump is useless of course.

Sigh here we go again.

Well he can do that thanks to his hero kit, also every new patch notes has like 5 bug fixing about Doom. Dunno what are you complaining about with this example. Whatabout-ism mentality.

People want it removed because it isn’t intended to be in the game. So when people abuse a mechanic that isn’t meant to be in the game you can see why there’s an issue.

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This isn’t the problem, yes she can easily be shutdown but she can still avoid a lot of things. If she gets stuck by a Tracer she can easily fly away from a team only killing herself, she can easily avoid a Genji blade, she can easily avoid a shatter (predicted or an accident), she can easily escape Molten Core. I could go on but I think you get the point.

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You forgot avoiding Winston after he jumped on her, resulting in him wasting Jump.
So at the end of the day, a 6 seconds legit cooldown got traded for a 1.5 seconds glitch, resulting in Mercy getting an insane undeserved value.
The funniest thing about this is that Winston is her main counter.

The GA cancel into glide was a bug. It was removed and propperly reimplimented as a feature. That also created Superjump. Since there is an official OWL guide how to do it it must be a legit and not a bug

If that’s the case they should remove Zen being able to cancel his Orb Volley with a Melee attack.

It is not stated on the official website, or anywhere in game that it is an intended interaction Zen can do.

It gives an unfair advantage to players who know how to do it, over those who don’t, because they can react faster to events happening around them.

See how crazy that sounds? Same thing here with the Super Jump

It’s not a bug. Nothing about doing it involves an unintented mechanic or abusing an error in the code.

Bunny hop is 100% intended now that Blizz properly implemented it, and super jump is just directing the bunny hop upward via crouching and proper timing.

The input is intended, the outcome is intended, the method is just a little obscure, how is that a bug? It’s not like Genji’s ledge dash or Brig’s shield jump where you would ani-cancel the part in the code that’s set to cancel momentum.

That’s an animation cancel, I’m pretty sure every hero in the game has an animation cancel.

You know what else isn’t stated…? The superjump.

Animation cancels aren’t easy ult avoiding with no skill

Low-key chat here…

It doesn’t feel any more buggy (to me) than a Soldier using his rockets to jump across a gap, or Zarya timing her shots at her feet to get more height to climb something she couldn’t normally. They are little actions based upon mechanics those characters have, used in a creative way. I dig those kinds of things. It adds a little depth to the game-play of a character and seems to expand naturally on the abilities used to achieve it…and doesn’t feel out of place or disconnected from the actions that went into achieving the effect.

As to Mercy, people don’t seem to mind her GA. And they don’t seen to mind the boost in distance she gets by hitting the spacebar toward the end of GA. No one seems to mind her arched flight path, or reaching another level on a map to escape to safety if she flies in an arch. Nor do they don’t mind that she can gain considerable altitude by slingshotting off of players above her. None of that falls into the “Superjump” catagory.

What those that dislike it (Superjump) get stuck on seems to be the near-vertical nature of the motion.

Is that a bug? It’s honestly not clear or these debates wouldn’t exist.

Do I have a problem with it? No.
Why? It just feels like part of the mechanic Mercy already has with GA and boosting the distance of flight with the spacebar. I can achieve different arched flight-paths depending on when I time hitting the spacebar. Sooner, and it’s a shallow arc; later and it’s a higher arc; extremely late and it reflects me back and away (and if I’m a little below the target, up and away, in a very steep arc…the Superjump). The more vertical the arc, the shorter the overall distance traveled (I can travel twice as far in a more horizontal jump, than I can in a (Superjump) vertical one).

All of that seems very reasonable to me, nothing outside the norm of where she can travel with her abilities. Sometimes everything is lined up perfectly for a long low flight, sometimes they line up perfectly for a more vertical one. It’s always a matter of alignment. Sometime I have an alignment to a player across the map, sometimes I only have one to a close player, sometimes one above, and sometime one below. Each position rewards with its own flight-path, and none are always available at all times. Superjump is no exception to that rule.

Anyhoot, I hope it stays. It gives Mercy play a little extra flavor and has to be used wisely and at the right times or it’s more a detriment than a benefit…which fits her total kit perfectly. Know when to heal, when to boost, when to rez, and when to to run…Sometimes you need to fly far, sometimes you need to fly high, but no action is inherently better or greater than the rest, and all have limitations placed upon them, even Superjump.