Mercy Super Jump

Well there you have the issue.

Even I, who has barely put in any meaningful time into her can make a successfull jump about… 70% of the time, it all comes down to muscle memory.

For me personally it took me a bit of practice. After a lot of pressure I can miss it from time to time, especially if I get flanked by multiple enemies, I panic and F-It up. I often play QP meet different variety of players, I rarely see it performed tbh. I don’t have source, it’s just my observation.

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I mean, QP is also a cesspool of… I don’t know what, probably most people who don’t main Mercy, or don’t play comp won’t bother leaning to superjump cause… why would they ?

That’s the thing…people don’t even use it that much and when they do they call it abusive use of her glitch, it’s like it’s not that hard to kill her and seriously it also can put her in a huge amount of danger. Yet someHOW IN SOME WORLD her glitch is being abused

You don’t even see most people use it. But I’m going against them because you shouldn’t get rid of it cause people still can use it if they have the skill

Majority of players are playing casual mode over competitive. I do agree sometimes it feels like people are not giving their best, however why wouldn’t they learn? It can save your skin like it saved mine multiple times. Besides it’s better to practice in QP then Competitive,no? :smiley:

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If they dont main Mercy and only pick her up now and again theres no point in learning the superjump, neither if you really aren’t a competetive player, as Superjump really only gets used in comp, in my experience anyways.

It’s not a bug. Well, until Blizz deems it so and decides to remove it, just like how it had been for other heroes in the past.

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If it gets removed, I riot. Like the whole rework + the 18 nerfs? Fine, grain of salt, with a side of biotching, but if superjump gets removed its riot time. The only fun thing left in her kit, I dont care if its a “bug”, its fun to do, and I am now trying to get good at backwards GA (look it up, is similar to superjump, way way way harder), once again I HAVE FUN, alright? FUN, do you get it? FUN, its FUN, I like it because its FUN, idc if its OP or UP or whatever, I like it because its FUN, which people on these forums seem to grossly oversee, and just cry and whine about MUH STATS, and MUH BUFFS AND NERFS, and MUH SR and MUH RANKS… give me a break.

Ill make a compromise in its removal, a freaking REWORK that isnt some hashed thrown together boring piece of crap from pre beta that was not successful in the first place. Hopefully, they take inspiration from Titaniums megathread, so many good ideas, would be a shame not to.


Amen :heart: Ahahaa love it

No. A ‘bug’ is an unintended feature of the game. Superjump is a feature that devs know about and let be. There is a difference. Thus you should say that superjump is a ‘feature’ rather than a bug.

(I hate people who take words out of context. It infuriates me.)

I dont think devs are going to remove superjump, it would make no sense. Its one of the few things that put some skill into playing mercy. (I cant do it due to my keyboard, but I know how its done. I dont play support)

Link to Overwatch Thread to remove Mercy Superjump

This thread is the thread that involves 2 individuals and wanting to completely remove mercy’s ability to super jump if anyone is interested!


Also to clarify I do not want any arguments to be had if you decide to direct yourself to this specific thread • these people tend to be a bit delusional and will report you/ flag you for not being on their side

Seems to me this effect was a result of changes/tweaks in the physics mechanics. Neither it was the goal, nor it was foreseen. Team4 were aware of this effect the moment it became known among the players (may be even earlier). And because from the devs’ perspective it neither breaks anything, nor gives Mercy any unfair advantage/expands her kit in an unwanted way, the effect was allowed to remain.

Things which break mechanics/provide unfair advantage are being addressed by the devs at once. This effect was allowed to remain which hints at what the devs think about it.

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Yeah well clearly the people that I have in that thread (near the bottom) don’t understand and refuse to believe it shouldn’t be removed #link

Then there are bugs that are so important, it determined the success of the game. One example is GUNZ Online, a f2p fps game from 2003, the bug became such a core aspect of the game, that without it, it would have bombed from it’s release. To be honest, I’m surprise the game is still alive.

Don’t tell them or we’ll have countless posts saying that it makes her OP because a streamer forgot it wasn’t Orisa’s role to focus a mercy a tunnelvisionned on her and abandonned the team 0:)

It started out as a bug, no question about that.
They became aware of it a while ago but I don’t think they ever commented on it so it technically isn’t a full feature either unlike her glide for example (they did comment on that).

I don’t think they’ll remove superjump either because it does no harm to anyone and it isn’t an op survivability tool because it can get you killed fairly easily.

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It was on the PTR on her release. She was able to superjump from the ground level of Junk town onto the 2nd floor.

When it comes to superjump, the dev are very inconsistent about it. imo, Genji should have been able to keep his if they fix how high of a jump he gets because skybox height was a bit too much.

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They seem to be in a hard denial of the fact Team4 know their own game and are aware of the existence of Mercy’s ‘super jump’. That is all one needs to know about their position, the diagnosis is solid.

It WAS a glitch. Now it is intentional.

Just noticed that my thread in the bug reports section has been linked here. Some clarifications: the intention of my thread is not, how OP in this thread has stated, hating on Mercy or trying to ruin her even more. See for yourself. My intention are genuine: making OW a free of any dominant, unintentional glitches and reporting them. By any means I don’t want to imply devs are bad and don’t know their own game, like some said here.

That being said:

  1. A lot of people in my thread, and here too, are assuming this: since devs have not removed it already, then it’s a thing that devs want in the game. That’s not how it works unfortunately, since there hasn’t been a public recognition of the glitch by devs.
  2. “Mercy is viable only thanks to that glitch and if they remove it we riot” and “Mercy is a free kill after using the glitch, players are not abusing it” are two contradicting statements that somehow are existing in this thread. Just pointing this out.
  3. An abusable glitch brings advantages or disadvantages, sometimes they also “promote”/“are caused by” unnatural habits. Slingshot imho brings an advantage (and Mercy is not balanced around that), is caused by an unnatural habit (pressing crouch for no reason, you won’t do that if the glitch didn’t exist), and promotes unnatural habits (people have to learn the timing of crouching and the right distance at which you press it in order to replicate it).
    Therefore it should not be in the game.

PS: The OP of this thread (which is the same guy that linked my thread here) has taken the moral ground and is acting very polite here, while in my thread he brought, in order:

  • zero contribution to the discussion
  • undeserved attitude
  • troll behaviour
  • rank shaming
  • flame (called a guy disabled)

And now he made is own thread. Fair enough.
But I will not grief it like he did with mine.

Is this an official, announced by Team4 workflow, that “anything we do not explicitly acknowledge is an unintended glitch which we’ll fix asap” (please provide reference if so) or just your vision of how you want it to work?

Seems to me the devs have a consensus and are long over it, focusing on more pressing matters, but a handful of players are stubbornly refusing to let go their holy crusade…