Mercy Super Jump

Bunny hop is jumping a few times to conserve SOME momentum as Lucio, there’s a massive difference between that and slingshotting yourself upwards.

It’s not an animation cancel. You’re completely stopping the ability before it does anything. That would be like being able to stop Reinhardt’s charge half-way though by melee attacking

And it is? If you don’t know that you can stop Orb Volley with melee, you get stuck in the animation for attacking, and are unable to ult/ use abilities. That means you can ult/ Discord people before those who know about it, giving you more power than those who don’t.

Which is actually WORSE than Mercy, as she can’t save teammates/ swing the fight the same way Zen can by being able to cancel his attack.

Also a BIG lolol at the “no skill” comment. Meleeing as you hold mouse 2 = skill? Lord you people are a circus

It’s a bug. And I think bugs should be fixed. No exceptions.

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Yes well done that’s an animation cancel, that has been in the game since what the start? The Mercy superjump hasn’t, it came accidentally with a patch because it was an accident and a bug, it needs to be removed.

Bunny hop was the term the community gave to the mechanic Mercy uses when she presses space after GA to conserve a lot of momentum 2 years ago when they reworked Mercy. This was later implemented as an intended mechanic by Blizzard due to popular demand. I’ve since called it the same thing.

I recognize it’s a common term used for many things though, so it’s fair to misunderstand what I meant. Lucio’s sounds more like CS’s bunny hop, which is much more universal.

Yes because it’s 100% mechanically more difficult that playing a healer like Ana. People who think Mercy is a skillful hero unironically are just idiots.

And superjump wasn’t what’s your point

Doesn’t matter if it was there from the start, still an unintended bug and needs to be removed.

There’s plenty of bugs that have been in the game from the start and are still around today.

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True, abusing bugs should be a bannable thing IMO.

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Bunny hop was, and super jump is just directing a bunny hop upwards.

That’s my point. It’s like saying SS is a bug if Genji looks up when doing it to gain height.

You really are a clown eh?

Zen stopping his volley with mouse 2 = Skill
Learning to Super Jump = ezmode

It is ez mode, and a bug, that’s why it is stupid

Then you should ban every Zen player who cancels his Orb Volley too

Glad we’re on the same page

No that’s not at all what it is like, Genji switstrikes in the direction he is looking, by looking up he doesn’t get anymore height it’s still the same distance lmao

There’s a fine line between animation cancels and unintended bugs

And Mercy is slung in the direction relative to her teammate’s center.

Glad we had this talk.

Not a bug.

It was added on accident therefore a bug, and a broken one at that. As Genji you dash so far looking in a direction, then as Mercy you fly to someone then slingshot yourself upward. There’s a difference.

But it was not added on accident.

How many times do I need to say that for you to understand it?


Guardian Angel

  • Players can now glide past a targeted ally using the jump key

Super jump is just doing this in an upward direction. That’s why crouching is a key part of it, to let you get that upward vector.

There is no bug.

Every other character that has a channelled ability clearly tells you onscreen that you can stop it in some way

Orb Volley is the ONLY channelled ability that has 0 information telling you it is cancel-able

Therefore you can say it is an unintended bug.

There has been no mention of its function on any official source.

You know what HAS had mention and a demonstration from official sources? Super Jump

Ironically, they have removed Reinhardt’s animation canceling.

Not superjump though, no.

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