Mercy stopped being fun for me 11 months ago (or perhaps longer)

You can’t make that claim because you can’t know why why he liked Mercy.

Maybe he liked that Old Mercy was actually a very high risk high reward hero and New Mercy most definitely isn’t.

Maybe he liked that Old Mercy was the only way to go all in on team healing and sustain, being the only hero in the history of Overwatch who both had decent mid fight healing and a strong defensive ult.

Maybe the thing he liked about Old Mercy was that she constantly hunted because of Mass Resurrect and New Mercy rarely gets hunted.

Maybe he really likes Mercy’s mobility. New Mercy locks him in place for 1.75s during Resurrect and Valkyrie largely makes it so you don’t have to use your mobility much, if at all.

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And you cannot make this claim either because what you don’t know is that I’ve had several online conversations/discussions with quite a few people in here xP

I can absolutely say that your claim is unfounded.

Logically speaking, unless you have asked Qwazi why he dislikes Mercy, your claim is unfounded. Talking to other people doesn’t help your claim because you can’t extrapolate conversations with other people to an individual’s opinions.

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I have

Ok, and what did (s)he say?

he dislikes that Mercy now has no ult management options like she did before since you had to strategize heavily around mass rez

So… that earlier post is basically you saying that he’s wrong about why he found Mercy fun?

no, he’s wrong about wanting the kind of power that mass rez gave to Mercy because in reality he or she doesn’t care what it is, he wants Mercy to be as powerful as she was before even though the game have moved forward quite a bit and several of Mercy’s niches have been distributed to other characters who fulfill those roles better and allow mercy to bring her own light as the rez character who happens to be balanced around said skill

Mass Resurrect was powerful, I’ll give you that. You do realize that overall, Mercy herself wasn’t spectacularly powerful… right? There’s nothing wrong with wanting Mercy to have something in her kit that wildly powerful. Everyone else has something like that.

Name one of her niches that have been given away.
Highest Mobility main healer? Still has it.
Most Consistent heals? Still has it.
Resurrect? Still the only hero with that.
Pharmercy? That’s still a thing.

You could potentially do that… make a hero balanced around bringing their teammates back.

However… you cannot do it without wild and radical changes to Mercy as she stands now. Resurrect has a 30 second CD. That’s ridiculously high. It has a 1.75s channel time, making it obnoxious to use. Gutting the rest of her kit to make room for an ability that is not available very often and feels like a chore to use was a terrible decision.

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I do but the game also was very different and Mercy was covering for a bunch of deficiencies that were present at the time

most healing per game has been fluctuating between her and Moira and arguably Moira is more of a pure healer than Mercy since she has no other utility besides healing

Mercy isn’t always trusted as a solo healer anymore either and this one hasn’t been distributed anywhere, it just shouldn’t be a thing

Mind you, at the time there was no such thing as burst healing so the one with the most amount of healing was Mercy because mass rez was a huge burst of utility and healing at the same time (no cast time) Trans too but surviving on Zen was way harder

I’m sorry you feel that way but Rez is Mercy’s niche, it has always been her most powerful tool and as such it needs to be balanced and present, a Mercy without rez is like a sym without turrets, basically rez = mercy, if you don’t like that then you should pick a different healer who fulfills your needs even though there aren’t many healers and that IS a problem, we need more healers in the game (and tanks)

False. Mercy is much more of a pure healer than Moira.

Moira is a hybrid between massive heals and damage. Her orbs can do either, her ult does both, and she is forced to use her purple damage beam to get more juice for her healing spray.

Sure Mercy has Pistol, Resurrect, and Damage boost, but have you looked at her average numbers for those things? Overbuff has Mercy at an average of 443 pistol damage, 703 damage boosted, and a little above 6 resurrects. Resurrect takes up at maximum 1.75s out of every 31.75s with 100% perfect cooldown management or at max 5.5% of the match. That’s the hard and fast upper bound and you KNOW no one is hitting that. Mercy’s total damage added through both pistol and boost is just north of 1k and Moira is averaging north of 6k. Mercy’s “Damage” numbers are truly pathetic and it isn’t much of a stretch to say that the average Mercy rarely uses either. I don’t think it is out of line to say that the average Mercy is spending a minimum of 80% of her time using her healing beam

That plus the fact that their healing per match numbers are similar and Mercy’s raw healing output is SIGNIFICANTLY lower than Moira’s tells me that… Mercy spends WAY more time healing than Moira does.

Why should Moira get more total healing when Mercy spends more time doing it?

Why not?
Seriously, why shouldn’t there be at least ONE healer someone filling can pick when everyone else has picked and you’ve got 1 tank and 4 DPS?

Now I’m not saying that that comp needs to be good or viable. There just needs to be a healer who has a chance to tie that together.

Did I ever say that Resurrect should be removed? No. No I didn’t. What I am saying is that… unless a hero is built from the ground up with Resurrect as a basic ability in mind… it WILL NOT WORK. Resurrect needs to be put back on her ult.

Do also note that I did not say Mass Resurrect either.

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Because Moira can’t rez

Because that would require simply too much power and wouldn’t be balanceable

imagine a dps who could could count for 2… OP right? sadly the game needs to be balanced towards 2-2-2 if not some heroes would be a ton more viable then others when put in a situation like 2-2-2, there’s no way to avoid that

it was, they thought of Mercy with valk in mind and needed something else added on top of it, they sadly overdid it and were forced to make it into her ult (regular, no cast rez with multicast is sort of ult worthy) and even push it further (mass)

Mercy was always a heal-bot.
You spent 95% of your time pocket healing.
If you don’t find that fun, well…


The devs have to think about the game in general, not just one hero. Mercy was OP for a long time and because of that she was a must pick which is not ok. I’m not entirely sure if the way she is now is the most balanced or efficient, but she did needed to be changed one way or another. I personally think Mercy is still good and perfectly viable, it’s just another case of people getting used to something that was not right to begin with, and now they are feeling the change and they don’t like it. I still blame Blizzard for taking so long to address the issues, if they acted fast as they should, people would not get the wrong idea of how the game should be.


She doesn’t need to Resurrect because on average she adds 5k more damage and helps with 14 more eliminations than Mercy does.


So in general…
Main Healer = Healer who can heal off a good amount of the damage that gets slung around in a non ult fight.
Off Healer = Healer who doesn’t provide as much or not as concentrated healing but packs an ult that can bail out your team from an ult combo.

Consider Old Mercy.
60 single target HPS does push her into the main healer category. However, she’s not nearly as good at sustaining a mid fight as Moira or Ana because her raw numbers aren’t as high and they both have an E that can add additional healing.

Mass Resurrect also put her in the off Healer category because that had the potential to save your team from ult combos like Trans and Sound Barrier can. However… Mass Resurrect is less consistent and therefore in a lot of ways worse than… I’d say either. Why? Mercy’s team needs to die while she survives whatever happened. Both Trans and Sound Barrier come out when your team is still alive.

There you have it… a healer who has a prayer of fulfilling both the main healer and off healer role at the same time but isn’t as good at either job as the more specialized members of the cast. A healer who you yourself said wasn’t OP.

Also… There kind of is a DPS who can potentially fill multiple roles like that. Soldier 76. Pulse rifle gives him sustained damage. Helix Rockets give him a burst damage option. Sprint gives him the potential to flank. Heal Station even makes running him in one of the healer slots not completely insane. Is he OP? Not last I checked.

More like back before beta they realized that chain beams wasn’t worth anything and wasn’t exciting, so they wisely scrapped it… then who even knows who thought it was a good idea to bring it back.

Also way to ignore the entire rest of that paragraph.

*vocal minority

20 characters

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There’s evidence to suggest that the majority thinks Mercy needs either a rework or revert.

Did everyone who plays this game take the survey?

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This is true because she can’t rez too, if mercy had no rez then she would need something similar to those numbers somewhere else, that’s the point

Both of them can also wiff their healing while Mercy cannot, reliability is a huge part of Mercy

Mass rez was never less consistent than trans or sound barrier if you used it correctly… either tempo or the dreaded hide and rez. Both of those also require fine tuned timing while mass rez timing was only tied to your team dying

she was better at both jobs and that’s the point, you think that’s not the case because you choose to see the things that were against you but the benefits that Mercy had were huge in comparison to every other support

He cannot fulfill the role of two dps since a dps job is to deal damage, therefore he would need to deal at least 60k easily and 90k at full efficiency, it’s not happening

A balance team with a ton more data statistics than we do, that’s who

I don’t ignore anything anyone writes, I just quote what is pertinent to my answers