Mercy stopped being fun for me 11 months ago (or perhaps longer)

I gave up on mass-rez a long LONG time ago. Please fact-check before insulting me or accusing me of something…

This is simply not true and I’m pretty sure you are aware of this. Sure, there are some that reason like this, but I would argue that the vast majority of Mercy mains want balance, but of course they have an invested interest in Mercy. That does not mean they want Mercy to go back to being overpowered. Her must-pick period was a horrible time to be a Mercy main because the insults and threats towards you as a Mercy player increased dramatically during this time. So frankly, I think you are just trolling now.


In many situations you are better off picking another main healer who can heal the team or even one target more reliably than she can, or brings more useful utility to the table.

I did not play Mercy much this season, but when I do we lose almost every time, of course if we had better teamplay the outcome could be different, I am not arguing with that, but still healing left and right, even pulling off good rez (you rez a tank? killed in no time again with burst you can not fight on against with your lesser healing) does not seem to cut it. You did not get worse, Hegemoness, Mercy did.

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Well a lot of people would like mass-rez back, it is already in the game so there isnt much code work to do and it was pretty balanced.

Click me


I think it should be pretty obvious that’s what I meant by an obvious roadblock.

If that’s the full extent of the Mercy community’s creativity, then they deserve to be ignored.

Aww come one Grey!

Also why isnt the trollface showing? :frowning:
If you click the details thing only the link comes up.

Try using HTML code for the image.

And yeah sorry if I’m a bit emotionally drained right now. Was finishing up a long piece of code for a job thing. So my chill is pretty low right now.

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Kind of disagree with the number changes being the solution to make her fun again. Her abilities are boring. Valk as an example takes away all the thinking and gamesense you need to have. Usually you have to fly around and pick your healing/boost targets wisely. Valk takes that completely away and is non spectacular on top of that.

Res as an e is the same… Not spectacular and not fun. It eighter needs to be a big ult or removed. Of course with res moving away from e her healing probably needs to be buffed, because i highly doubt they will find a abiliy that strong again?

Now don’t get me wrong, I am with you on that one. Numbers increasing might make her partly more viable, but they can not make her more fun or engaging to play if we take her ultimate into consideration, you are completely right about it being lacking in providing both engagement for Mercy or having comparable impact on a gameplay other ults give you.


Yes it does, you just don’t see that what you liked about the character is how powerful she was and not anything to do with having a sustain reliable healer who could rez fallen allies, because if that was the case

I’ll just cut you off right there and tell you that there was more diversity in season 3 then any other season. A lot of heroes were played back then much more than what we have now. Season 3 was by far the best season for me and most of the cast was in an enjoyable state balance wise and fun wise.


uh literally no? we had less heroes in the game so the only ones with true diversity was the dps slot who since then have had 2 heroes released and one of them plays a bit more like a support, so… definitely no, the support roster is now bigger and currently all supports are viable, if you think season 3 had more diversity you are particularly biased here


Soldier 76

Were played in their own way. Mercy/Symmetra controlled the anti dive scene Ana controlling Triple Tank Zen/Lucio controlling dive. Each had their own niche comp in which they worked.

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The current Mercy’s healing output is underwhelming. That’s why I don’t like her. Her main job is to heal, and she’s no longer great at it. They need to up her hps.

Would you say that her healing is underwhelming compared to before or is it just underwhelming in general?

let me rephrase that

In your opinion, would a new player perceive Mercy as underwhelming against other supports?

And that list is shorter than the current one… so, less diverse, the point?

Yes, when they nerfed her hps from 60 to 50 hps, it was the nail in the coffin. I can live with everything else, but that one change completely dumpstered her. It needs to be reverted, or at the very least bump it up to 55 hps.

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I haven’t even listed the viable DPS because I got lazy lol.

Her ultimate is underwhelming her new E ability is underwhelming her healing is underwhelming the only thing that hasn’t changed is GA and damage boost.

I enjoy Mercy’s as a character I enjoy what she’s known for but Rez was designed to be an ultimate for a reason.

so if you would have never experienced 60 hps Mercy you would still be dissatisfied with the change? hypothetically speaking

I know this is how you feel

But it wasn’t? I mean at some point in development Mercy had valk as an ult O.o there’s video evidence… someone internally decided to push her up to 11 by adding mass rez as a ult because single rez would be underwhelming as an ult…

Well they are definitely right because single Rez is too powerful as a stand-alone ability and Valkyrie is too weak of an ultimate that is good for your own survivability and not protecting your team. That person was right about Valkyrie being an underwhelming ultimate. Glad it was overturned on release and now back to the beta ultimate we knew was going to be underwhelming in the first place.

I experienced 50HP/S long before the healing nerf when that was Mercy’s healing during Mass Rez era. It felt bad then and it feels bad now.


It is powerful as an ability, that’s why it’s gated by channeling but I don’t think they felt Valk was underwhelming, they just realistically thought mass rez felt more like an ultimate but in reality mass rez’ power is beyond that of an ultimate, sadly

I did experience 50 hps as well and honestly I wasn’t bothered by it nor does it bother me now, however I was pretty bothered by her kit in general and how sluggish she felt so my bias here is in fact disliking old Mercy and liking current Mercy more