Mercy stopped being fun for me 11 months ago (or perhaps longer)

No, but tossing out a survey because “not everyone took it” would make every single survey ever worthless. They aren’t, so thats a bad argument.

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Fair enough, but who do you think is more likely to bother taking the survey? Someone who thinks she’s fine, or an upset Mercy main?


You mean players who is in the forum who is consider 2%-5% from all overwatch players? How do i know that most of them aren’t biased mercy mains

Don’t play her.
Are you a one trick?
If you are not enjoying her, why don’t you swap mains?

So… why does Moira get more healing, more damage, better burst healing and all Mercy gets is Resurrect which… is powerful but is super inconsistent and probably the 2nd worst designed ability in the game.

Ana sure. Can you honestly say you have whiffed Moira’s healing even remotely often?

Also that doesn’t change the fact that… if your Reinhardt gets pinned and you are Ana/Moira, you’ve got a pretty good shot of saving him. Mercy? Eh… not so much.

Are you serious right now? Old Mercy gets caught in a grav combo = no mass resurrect. Zen or Lucio gets caught in a grav combo = Trans and Sound Barrier can still easily happen and get value.

That alone means that Mass Resurrect is less consistent than Trans or Sound Barrier. Add in all the times that I got a big Resurrect and my team died instantly afterwards or all the times me pushing Q signaled a deluge of ults from the other team… yeah Mass Resurrect was much less reliable. That’s why she was almost never picked in pro play until she got her rework.

She was never better at both jobs. Correction. She was the best main healer when there wasn’t another one. Other than that… she only surpassed Ana after her 60 damage nerf and Mercy got invulnerability. Even after all that… she STILL didn’t get picked often in pro play. Instead they went Lucio Zen dive comp.

That’s not what I meant and you know it. I meant that he’s a hero who has enough different pieces of his kit that he can theoretically function as a normal in the death ball ranged DPS, or a burst damage DPS, or a flanker. Now he’s not as good at ANY of those roles as someone who specializes in it, but he CAN theoretically do any of those things.

More like a balance team who is getting pressure from execs who know nothing about good game play.

You have a point, but the survey asked who people mained and he presented his data in a way that broke it down into what sort of mains said what.

All groups had ~30% of responders wanting Mass Resurrect back, ~30% wanting her to get some other rework. The one exception to that is Mercy mains were at 50% for mass res back.

The guy even had an optional question asking for battle tags to try to cut down on multi voting shenanigans.

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Roughly 2700 people answered that survey. 40% of them confirmed to be Mercy players. That leaves the other 60% of the participants as the remaining 27 heroes. That looks pretty biased.

Let’s also not forget that 2700 results from a survey targeted to every Overwatch player is abysmally low. Let’s just be fair and say there are 5 million active players from that apparent 40 million accounts number we were given. That means only .054% of Overwatch players completed the survey.

That data pool is stupidly low, and statistically speaking, would never be considered relevant until that number reaches closer to several hundred-thousand.

It’s unfortunately really hard to get accurate data on situations like this because Blizzard themselves would have to release the survey, and the survey would also have to be objective.

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40% of disgruntled Mercy mains from a very bias set of forum users.
The ones who are happy with her arn’t going to bother.

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And that 40% probably came from the forums, so realistically, the number is probably even lower.

Plus ones sent on a certain youtubers crusade, they totttally arn’t bias at all. :rofl:

Mercy players have the right to be unhappy.
But this set of data is insignificant when you break it down in terms of bias and numbers.

I am fairly certain it got posted to reddit as well.

Also… I don’t see any survey at all saying the opposite. Do you?

I’m not trying to claim that this survey proves anything… merely that it exists and seems to say that most of the community thinks Mercy needs some massive changes.

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Who says I don’t care about other characters? You’re calling people names and generalizing quite a bit here.

You don’t know my opinion or that of other mercy mains at all. Don’t you think you should take that into account before labeling me and others like us as uncaring?

All I read from your message is you think Mercy mains as selfish and you think they don’t care.

You’re certainly doing a good job categorizing people and creating problems for the community.

You’re ignoring the fact the math still shows only .054% of the playerbase completed the survey. Any fundamental statistic class will tell you that datapool is irrelevant, and can’t be considered valid until considerably more information was given.

It’s not great, but it is significantly better than ForumGoer#12213 insisting that Mercy is fine. Or ForumGoer#23412 insisting that she isn’t.

Which… that’s basically all we had to work with before today.

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Doesn’t make a difference that its all we have.

I am just merely stating that none of these things can be paraded around as fact. It’s far too small of a datapool, and if anything, is just adding to the drama we already have circling Mercy.

Blizzard is the only true source to have accurate information. Their lack of communication on her (aside from Jeff’s last messages that indicated the Support role is in the best position they’ve ever seen, and that they want to put the notion of Mass Resurrect ever coming back to rest) should tell us that they believe there are no issues.

I know it’s annoying, and I know it’s not something some people want to hear, but the facts are obvious, in terms of what direction things are going for the Support role and Mercy.

To be fair, even if Papa Jeff made a video solely on Mercy, saying Mass Res is never coming back or something along those lines, there will still be uproar daily on the forum about it.
Even more so if he said they believe she is fine atm

Keep in mind Overbuff is not accurate.
Her winrate/pickrate could be very different than what we have access to seeing.
But Blizzard being Blizzard, fat chance of getting any actual data out of them.

It’s a lose-lose situation at this point. It’s all really unfortunate that drama on a hero has been going on for this long in a video game. I’ve never experienced anything like it before, and I’ve been playing online video games since I was 10.

And yes, I agree Blizzard needs to be more vocal, but they won’t be. They’re doing it to World of Warcraft as well.

That’s why I worded it the way I did.

It’s their own fault. They’ve let the discontent fester and the… 3ish times they have said anything has come across as tone deaf and not addressing people’s actual issue.

The complaints about DVa being boring didn’t go away on their own either.

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Rez value is enough as to cover all of that, it’s inconsistent if you don’t know how to time it right I agree but it being badly design is honestly your opinion, design wise rez has pros and cons and it’s more of a fun minigame than pretty much anything else in overwatch

You run out of juice and if your ball is on cooldown you are forced to either ult, do damage or escape not to mention that healing orb can randomly fly into the sky and you are left with nothing but left click until you run out of it, your teammates could also be apparently allergic to the ball and will run away from it so yes, you can wiff it with Moira

I did say that the best way to get a good ult was hide and rez did I not? if you play to the strengths of a character instead of his weaknesses you find a very different world

This did happen, I’ll give you that and it still happens today lol

exactly! and now there are others who also deserve to see some play!

This is probably thanks to the relevance of dive and not really tied to mercy herself, if they would have tackled dive as they did in the last year, Mercy would have been catapulted forward

Then we are talking about different things, if you want a character that can occupy the space of 2 you have to give him enough tools to bring double value, if it’s a dps, double regular dmg, if it’s a tank double regular defense, if it’s a support double regular healing

what? you think execs hate mercy? lol look at how alive this forum is thanks to all this controversy, execs don’t hate anything but they in fact love money…