Mercy still doesn't feel right

I feel like I am just writing to an empty void at this point. I have payed mercy ever since she was least picked hero in the game, yet I still loved her and enjoyed her. Listen everyone, I don’t think valk was a bad change at all, but I liked the original changes to valk. So then you guys kept changing her over and over again. This is really frustrating. I love this hero so much, but then she turned into a whole different hero. I despise the cast time, I feel like such a failure when I die for stupid reasons. I played her at a GM level and I was fine with how she was. Blizzard, please respond to this issue. Something has to budge. Mercy is not mercy anymore what so ever. I personally was okay with the original mercy. I understand that is not a common opinion but please, work with us, I so so so want to return to overwatch comp, but I feel so left out and useless. This is just my opinion on the situation. Blizzard, Overwatch, I feel horrible whenever I play mercy now, she isn’t the same. Please respond to this situation, at least we won’t feel like we are being ignored. I love the game, but please stop making mercy, not mercy.


11 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018