Mercy stat snapshot

Wow… that is even more depressing than I thought…

Yes and no. Dont nerf her healing while glinding because it hurts not just Paharhs healing. It would hurt all characters. I often glide throgh the air while healing tragets. Nerf Paharh if this becomes a problem and not Mercy.

Mercy wasn’t outhealing Moira when she had 60 HPS.

She gets free wins because she makes ashe go from very good to BROKEN with a single button and a few braincells. Also, genuinely F rez. So stupid, it cannot exist in this game anymore as a standard ability, it SHOULD be a single target ultimate that does it just like that. but no… They wanted her to be boring, slow, yet still enable a REALLY DUMB degenerate combo. I am losing my sanity over this hero.

You’re looking at for the week. I used the month for a better sample size and more reliable data without including the time before notable support changes.

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Love statistics. My dear friend im not going to discuss if mercy is good or bad. In this case I will point up how the use of statistics without a context, one hero by one, without comparison, with raw data, can lead to strange conclussions.

You can see the same stats and victory rate of the heroes this month. Moira and Ana are over her by far. Both supports, both on pickratio and win ratio this month. Lets forget the pickratio for a bit same as someone knowing statistics would not compare different samples from groups that have different sizes. Pickratio of Dps will be always lower due to the variety the pool has.

At the same time the more you climb you can see Lucio getting ahead in masters, been an off healer supposedly, along with Moira and Ana. So that makes 5 supports along with reinhart and Zayra in the most picked heroes overall. So mercy is the 5th one in the category of supports.

Is interesting that Phara has so low pickratio, of course if you take into account you have so many DPS to choose from and compare with the pool of support or tank heroes is easier to see their pickratio increase in comparison.

Mercy gameplay is now most of the time increasing and supporting damage of dps, so of course we can talk about stats but we all know that, is not in the vacuum.

Let me put you an example of what you posted, with another example taken from the same stats.

If we check console in xbox she has a pickratio overall this month lower than 50% (49,61%) been behind Lucio Ana and Moira. but with a decent pickratio of 5.56%
The stats overall if you go to ps this month will tell you that mercy has a pick ratio almost one point higher, 6.48% with a 50,17% victory ratio.

With such difference we can say for real that Mercy in playstation does better than in xbox, and with such pickratio the amount of data collected is enough to make that variation significative.

So basically Mercy is a better character in playstation, if you have an xbox play another hero. Cause now the brand really defines how effective the hero is, as data has shown. winratio of Mercy in switch increases by the way. Curiously Briggite has a decent pickratio as well, so that means she is a good hero, is that the pc players do not know how to take advantage of her.

In resume, Im not going to discuss if mercy is good or bad, if she is or not in a bad spot, even less if people find her funny to play now or not. Im just pointing out that even if I love how you used stats to defend your position and ideas, the data you have shown do not have to defend your cause.

Aaaand Mercy’s banned this week, ha. That sucks.

Pick and Win rates aren’t everything. She still looks broken to me. :frowning:

she’s supposed to be at her strongest as pocket, was designed as such from the start, and became even stronger as one after her rework
why is pocketing an issue now, 4 years after the game came out

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Its always been an issue for me, thats why I have developed my own playstyle to suit my needs of fun and effectiveness. I think just now people are starting to realize how mundane pocketing a dps is compared to what the other “main healers” are all about.

That also being said, I think there is a small minority that has been increasingly vocal about the pocketing, and their word is now starting to get into the mainstrean mercy playerbase as time goes on, myself included.