Mercy stat snapshot

Okay, so we need to buff Mercy for the low ranks. Let’s get it.

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Mercys winrate is still the 2nd lowest besides Baptiste so pinning all your hopes on that still makes her a weak pick. That coupled with the lowest heals among main healers and lowest damage, elims and objective time among all supports means she is a weak pick. But nice try, you’ve been ignoring her stats for 2 years that I’ve been writing them to you and the one time you see a stat that you might use in your favour suddenly act like they matter to you. very telling


No and thats the point. He healing was never the problem. The insta rez was. There was a reason why the devs buffed the healing to 60HPs in 2016 because she underperformed. 60HPs was never broken or the problem. It was the most useless nerf ever and since then she is not a main healer anymore but also not an off healer due to the lack of utility.

She need the 60HPs back. She is then still not “good” but not a “nothing healer” like now.

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Pick rate is the more important stat anyway, and she is far behind Moira and Ana in that. Even in Bronze is picked more, which is ridiculous.

Low skill floor doesn’t mean better players won’t get more out of the hero.

It just means it easy to approach and get value with in the first place

Low skill floor == low skill ceiling.

How do the pick rates compare, out of curiosity?

There’s more than just straight win rate to consider.


For the last 1, 3, and 6 month periods on public stats-

Mercy has a higher win rate in higher ranks on console (within one percent, so only slight. But higher. And she’s picked about 2-3x as much depending on the specific console and time frame you’re observing).

People will never accept that even tho this is true.

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Another fun fact. Ashe has a 60% winrate in GM currently and a 4% pickrate which is high for a dps hero

I wonder if it’s because echo ashe and pharah have all had buffs recently. Ie she is still only being used as a pocket bot

I will say I find mercy to be relatively easy to pick up and play decent enough with.

I actually think that’s a huge appeal of the character

But by no means do I think ez to pick up means you can ride on those coat tails with no investment to the top.

I have nothing but respect for good mercy players.

A mercy who can weave and dodge through a team fight- prioritizing properly?

It’s one thing to heal a team mate with 50 healing per second in gold when players don’t have the best aim

It’s another to make it be enough when they not only have good aim- but know when to prioritize targets and work on a single target together.

Or mercys who know when and where to get off rezs successfully, without sacrificing themselves in the process.

She’s ez in the sense her primary healing takes no aim or resource management, can go through walls and shields and doesn’t require LoS, has self healing and some of the best mobility in the game to herself out of trouble.

She’s not ez in the sense that your performance ceiling is limited due to her inherent consistencies- and you have to make the most of what you have.

Now I will also say that while I wouldn’t mind some small buffs for mercy-

I’m not of the mindset that she’s that bad either.

She performs fine I believe literally where 95% of the players are on ladder- with all platforms in mind.

She performs well in all levels of play on console-

And she’s fairly decent where 9/10 players exist on PC.

Even at high levels of play she’s nothing to scoff at.

For the last month she’s been in every other game or so and winning 54% of the time at Gm.

That’s admittedly not the best of the supports.

But it ain’t bad either.

Again- I’m not opposed to beneficial changes to her. I just disagree that she’s somehow dumpster tier like I’ve seen some insist she is.

Thank you. To hear something like this is imporant. I have seen enogh bad mercys that I picked her up and it took about 30 hours untill I realized what potencial she had.

Easy to learn, hard to master. Even tho it does not look like it.


But what if you wish to use Mercy as a healer and you find her ineffective at that particular role? Perhaps she’s completely viable as a pocket booster, but that is not what Mercy used to be. Times change I guess, but a lot of people used to enjoy Mercy as the beam-juggling healer she was back in the days.

I think people are still in the right to say Mercy is not viable for the role she is supposed to be the best at, if she is not even that good at that role anymore.


Mercy is apparently a main healer, but is played as if she is an off healer. Now tell me how that isn’t a problem?

I’d be happy if she was reworked into an off healer even, just so we didn’t have to suffer with a fake main healer.

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It was not a useless nerf, the whole point of nerfing her healing was to bring her more in line with other healers because she literally outhealed all of them. Mercy’s healing is the easiest to apply, doesn’t need to be reloaded nor on a resource, doesn’t need to be aimed, and she doesnt have to focus anything other than healing and damage boosting. She still is a component healer, go to overbuff if you want proof.


And she should as a character that does not put out any damage in a fight. They buffed it in 2016 from 50 to 60 because she underperformed. And now SURPRISE she is not a mainhealer anymore but also not an off healer. Give her healing or more ulility. Right now she is something in between…

Moira is in the game, you know…

Well what would you personally give her as utility? Because damage boost and rez, yeah not as good as speed boost or anti nade, but it’s still pretty useful.

This is about Mercy, what does Moira have to do with this?


I would buff damage boost to 40% so that it is a viable option. She is not picked for damage boost anymore after they nerfed the most interactions.
I would also buff the firerate of her pistol and increase the damage while in valk so that you have the option to be offensive if you want (she had it after the rework but you know… the 13 nerfs).

If not that give her 60HPs back so that she is a real mainhealer.

Both would not make her OP as Ana currently is or even Moira.


Damage boost was always 30%

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My bad. Wrong number.

Also, 40% damage boost on number is not going to help. I actually disagree that she’s not picked for dmg boost; even in plat, Mercy is only really picked to dmg boost dps.

The best way to buff her without making pharmercy or ashe-mercy an issue is to bring her back to 60 hps, but when she uses angelic descent, she only does 50 hps and 20% dmg boost. Oh and make Valkyrie more impactful by reducing duration but buff healing & dmg boost by 50%.

That’s just my opinion.

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