Mercy stat snapshot

There are even more threads than usual this week about Mercy this week so I just wanted to share some stats that I think indicate what her current viability actually is.

According to Overbuff (the only stats we have), for the last month, on PC, Mercy has winrates of above 50% for every rank starting at platinum up through GM and that percentage goes up higher as the ranks do. She peaks at 54.45% in GM, which is 2nd for all supports behind Brigitte at 55.58%. She’s also the third-most picked for the month (though hero pools have something to do with that). Gold, Silver, and Bronze are the only ranks where she’s under 50% win rate. These trends follow on console, too, with minor differences in percentage but still, generally, she performs better at mid-high ranks than at low ranks.

These are objectively some pretty stellar stats overall. They say a few things to me that go contrary to popular belief:

  1. Higher-skilled players are getting more value out of her than lower-skilled and that’s interesting to me because it goes completely against what the forums thinks (“Mercy is for low-skill players, easiest support blah blah”). It also tells me she actually is viable, especially at mid to high ranks, and actually is being used. Is it possible that lower-SR players are the ones that most think she needs buffs?

  2. There’s this idea that Mercy is only used to pocket Pharah at high ranks, but she actually gets picked over five times as often as Pharah in GM so that’s clearly not true either.

  3. She’s also performing better on PC than on console as far as win rates go, which goes against another popular myth on these forums (Mercy is supposedly way better on console and garbage on PC).

I think we should pay attention to stats before we flood the forums with more “Mercy isn’t viable” topics. The stats say she’s performing well and the developers know that, too. That’s why we don’t hear from them often about her even though she’s supposedly in this terrible state.


Ok, but pocketing a DPS all game isnt fun


That’s a valid argument and what we should be debating if anything. I just don’t think it’s fair to have so many people arguing that Mercy’s ineffective when the stats say she’s not.

Personally, a lot of my fun with Mercy comes from zipping around while everyone is trying to kill me and using her physics and the geography to try not to die while still doing my job. It’s kind of a rush that I don’t get with other supports. I also like being able to look around while healing so I can call things out better.


Enough with your facts and common sense, we will not have them in these forums, begone!!


from the stats on overbuff, her winrate on GM is the second worst, her healing the fourth-fifth best, and damage dead last.


I’m seeing 54.43% win rate now for Mercy and every support but Brigitte lower. Are you looking at the month for GM on PC?


… lemme try to find the post…

Ok, it was this week, pc, gm, comp


I’m all for mercy buffs as long as they don’t change her healing. It was nerfed for a reason.


Mercy is still playable, but she can’t be played as a solo main healer anymore. And by this I mean she can but it is much more difficult to do so.

I’m sure you’re now going to look at the stats and tell me that she has the second best healing of the main healers, but there is more to it than overall healing output. What separates the other main healers from Mercy is burst healing. Mercy’s biggest drawback is that she cannot heal through burst damage like the other main healers.


I think it just depends on the situation. I most like playing her with Ana so that Ana can take care of the tanks while I zip around take care of the DPS but only if our comp is mobile enough for me to do that. Otherwise, I think she still works well with Lucio, Brig, or Baptiste. I think pairing her with Moira is usually a waste because then neither of the supports has any utility. She is admittedly tougher to pair with a Zen these days unless your team has a ton of mobility and self sustain and is really coordinated in nuking discord targets.

And I understand that Mercy lacks burst healing so I don’t pick her when that’s what we need unless I also have another support on the team who can take care of that. Mercy’s more valuable over long periods than short ones so we agree on that.


From my experiences though, burst healing is almost a necessity. Not being able to heal up a critical tank fast enough means that tank will die if the enemy is smart enough to push in before they can be healed. What if both tanks are critical? That kind of situation is already hard enough with a burst heal.


This :clap:t5:Is :clap:t5: What :clap:t5: These :clap:t5: Types :clap:t5: Of :clap:t5: Threads :clap:t5: Consistently :clap:t5: Ignore

Most Mercy mains aren’t trying to make her the best support, we just aren’t happy with the way she’s been balanced.


I’m not ignoring that. That’s why I only said we shouldn’t have any more “Mercy isn’t viable” topics for now. I’m up for having subjective arguments all day about fun and how we all use Mercy differently. This thread was in response to way too many people claiming that Mercy is ineffective/not being used, especially in high ranks, which is objectively untrue.


While Mercy typically has above a 50% win rate, so have plenty of supports that got buffed anyway.

I will be using GM stats from a couple months ago for the following argument, so it may be slightly outdated:

She’s very consistently the second lowest picked support (or lowest) and has the lowest healing of all the main supports, reaching up to 3k lower. She only beats Lucio and Zen. She is on par with Brig, who also provides 5k armor on average. Sure, she has resurrect, which averages 6 per match. For consistency sake, let’s say she resurrects 2 tanks, 2 DPS, and 2 supports on average. This means she is “healing” 1,800 additional healing (not entirely accurate. I just used 500 HP as tank baseline), meaning Brig is still doing more overall, leaving her as the 3rd lowest.

She is apparently supposed to heal the most over the course of a match, but only keeps up with off-supports in healing output.

Her average damage amp the last I checked is 1.1k and 500 damage done. 1.6k total. The SECOND lowest damage dealer (Ana) does over 4k per match on average (can’t remember the exact number), which last time was over 3x more than Mercy’s damage AND boost combined. The SECOND lowest. Also, the second lowest eliminations on average (Ana) was 12 elims on average. Mercy’s damage boost assists and elims combined was 11, meaning both of her stats combined was STILL beaten by the second lowest average elims support.

Then again, her healing is the 3rd lowest.

She does nothing better than any of the main supports except resurrect. Her damage boost isn’t worth it, because with her damage and boost combined, it still doesn’t even equal to the second lowest support, even if it is “trash” damage, that trash damage still averages more elims.

She needs ONE thing she does better than the other supports (stats-wise), but she doesn’t. All of them are worse. She definitely needs help somehow.


That’s because of her latest buff: ashe


So the stats say she is fine contrary to the FORUMS popular belief, something many of us have been saying a long time.

How we do address the “fun” aspect when “fun” is something entirely subjective? Some portion of the playerbase is always going to be unhappy.
You can argue about the fun part of the argument all you like, but its difficult.


Ashe, Echo.
The problem is OWL has shown us yesterday, that you cant efford picking Mercy when playing Ashe (since you miss the def. ult)
And the Echo tournament foreshadowed that you cant play Mercy with Echo either.
Anyway, I dont necessarily want a buff to Mercy.
I just want to play her as a main healer again. So I would even take a compensation nerf to keep her balanced.

The fact that Ana is picked a lot more than Mercy in freaking Silver says more than all the win rate stats, frankly.


Well, the obvious point there is that GM Mercys are presumably being played along GM DPS. It doesn’t matter how skillfully Bronze Mercy holds down RMB, Bronze Ashe probably isn’t hitting anything to begin with. Every now and again the comment will come up that Mercy is good for low-level play, and I can tell you from personal experience: she ain’t.

Lower the weapon swap delay and let us have fun down here, at least.