Mercy - Small change for Valkyrie

Thing is combining beams just takes away decision making.

Sure it’s interesting but the biggest complaint is that Valk takes away a lot of decision making from Mercy with the chain beams with no compensation with who you lock the main beam on.

Combined that’s even less you need to do because now you don’t need to choose chose who gets the beam with the chain but now you don’t need to choose between healing or boosting.

I’ve always felt like I’ve heard “lack of impact” take more than I do the “easy/boring” take…not to say the latter doesn’t exist

It would certainly address the former

To be honest I just want a number shift. Increase main beam power, lower the duration, POSSIBLY reset cooldowns.

I just don’t use Valk like an ult because I really can’t get any value from it like that. I just use it as a basic ability on an inconsistent cooldown.

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I mean as much as I love playing Mercy, it says a lot that I have popped Valk, attached to someone, and then used my wasd hand to get a drink or eat. (Granted, there are a lot of times I don’t do that or can’t afford to, but…)

I would love something that put more skill expression and decision making into her kit!


It could be interesting making the switching weapon faster during Valkyrie. I also love shooting during Valk :wink:

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  1. Good idea
  2. Bad idea

Sure to the healing change.

However the whole lack of impact/decision making argument whatever you want to call it, is getting old. Valk is very versatile, you don’t need to hover in the sky and hold down a button.

Like someone already said before, we’re talking about a ult, it has to be more impactful than an average ability, just think about Orisa’s ult: 50% more damage for EVERYONE for 15 sec (same duration of Valk). With Valk it would be only 40% for just 1 teammate and for the others only 25%… Besides, Orisa’s ult has an infinite range, while Valk only 10 m radius… It’s not the end of the world…

Many Mercy players are still complaining about Valkyrie… after 2 years… And other players keep saying that Mercy has one of the lowest skill ceiling in the game

Fair, and now that I think about it Baptiste, Ana, and Orisa do a lot more than 40%.

So hesitantly okay idea.

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Also Orisa’s SuperCharger radius is greater than Valk as well.

If you want to pin or add Orisa’s SuperCharger Damage boost to the OP as a point of comparison it might help to stop the “that’s too strong!!!” argument.

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  • Healing for primary target increased from 60 to 75 health per second
    i dont really like buffing primary dmg beam because it’s like a 15 second nano
  • Healing from chain beams reduced from 60 to 50 health per second


  • Removed

Caduceus staff (Excluding Valkyrie)

  • Healing increased from 50 to 60 health per second

I am much satisfied, yes

You would probably see Mercy nerfed again with any significant boost to her damage boost.

And while I appreciate trying to make a, for me, dull ult better… it still won’t cut it. I hate that Valk is so similar to SuperCharger that you can easily mistake them on the battlefield. I hate that my friends don’t even notice when I ult. And I want my ult to be a significant break in playstyle. Like how Sound Barrier is completely different from anything in Lucio’s kit yet still so in character. I want something new and exciting for her when she ults, nit just holding the beam while free flying.

So yeah, I’m whiny yada yada but it’s how I feel about it. I doubt there’s any balanced version of Valkyrie that can do that for me.

Tweaks to Valkyrie are meaningless. Valkyrie need to be buried deep under the bottom of the ocean. Then bury mass-rez and rez on e right next to it to satisfy the critics.

Well… for sure this version would be more impactful. And if not so many people would notice the difference, surely the Mercy mains would see a different way to use Valkyrie and more possibilities… It would be more fun for Mercy mains at least. Then, if someone else would notice the difference would be even better, but that’s not the main point. Besides, by using the team chat you can actually create combo with certain heroes, if you know that you can do more things you are the first one who should make that noticeable.

But there’s no insentive to swap targets, which has always been Mercy’s thing. The only time you need to swap targets is when your original target leaves your LOS. It’s why Valkyrie is used the way it is a lot of the time: It does Mercy’s job for her.

That’s what needs to change. Valkyrie needs an insentive to change her beam targets and juggle them effectively. It’s a lazy ultimate that just simplifies Mercy’s already simple kit. That’s just bad game design, and theres nothing rewarding about Valkyrie.


The purpose of these changes is exactly that

Some characters on the game have a Strong kit with a weak ultimate is the way the dev team balance the game

For example


  • Can one shot
  • Storm arrows is a one shot to any 200-250 target and increible tank buster
  • He can walk vertical on the walls with another little jump

Sadly Hanzo ultimate is bad and is only usable if you combo that with graviton.


  • She have the best mobility of the entire game 1.5 guardian angel + unlimited super jump

So her ultimate is weak compared with Zeny.

That would make it even worse. Valk needs less skill covering powers not more.

this sounds a lot like BigMainLittleChains

Yes, it’s basically the same idea :wink: