Mercy should be the weakest character

Mainly because she is the easiest mechanically wise. Game sense wise all characters are equal as all require game sense.

Edit: thanks mods for clearing the flags. Id also ad i believe mercy needs changes to make her more skilled

Edit2: yikes, probs jist delete this thread then, dont think the mercy community can tolerate certain opinions


I disagree.


I’m already the weakest character anyway…


Oh me oh my…

Where did I put that popcorn… and the smores, for the inevitable flame-war about to begin.

This Support Main is going to be on the sidelines for this one.


If we’re going to keep that mindset blizzard should just end any easily accessible heroes if they’re just going to take up a slot.


There isn’t enough healers in the game for Mercy to be the weakest character. I also don’t think people should be designed to be worse than others.


With all due respect… You are a tank main. So please don’t tell us what Mercy should and should not be.
Reinhardt is easy as well - does he deserve to be terrible tho?


No one 1 tricked a Tank to GM. Many 1 tricked Mercy to GM.


Back during the Mass Rez SR exploit, yeah. Not currently, though.


I don’t care for Mercy aswell. In fact due to the dev’s nerfing her it actually made the game more enjoyable. However all because she takes less mechanical skill does not mean she needs to be weaker than every other support hero.

In my opinion she is fine the way she is.


So during a period where mercy was easy and op she caried people to GM, Rein nor anyother tank besides early Hog did that


Mercy is a low skill floor, low skill ceiling hero. So, technically speaking, she is easier, and has fewer rewards the higher in SR you go. So in that mindset, you are right. She is the literal inverse of Ana. Mercy should and is a higher pick/win rate at lower SR, and Ana should and is a higher pick/win rate at higher SR. That’s a good sign that the two of them are balanced, as Ana is a high skill floor, high skill ceiling hero.


No, during a period when there was a flaw in the calculation of SR did they climb. XP
It wasn’t inherently Mercy. It was how the game calculated ranking up.


And where do you take this completely un-biased information from? Excuse me mate, but talking after streamers who claimed stuff like this like one year ago, that’s kinda sad - I’m sorry. You should take some time to do some research before claiming something.


I agree, anyone that doesn’t require every skill in the game should be useless, thus everyone should be useless except lucio as he requires all skills and his own unique one’s.


Except for GM tank one tricks… that is. Not that it has anything to do with this discussion, mind you. The question is whether or not the difficulty of the hero should influence their balance for whatever reason.


But what do you answer him? You do not understand, just want notoriety, at worst it wants to do the troll and feed the toxicity on this forum.

I thought that Brigitte was the easiest character, according to this forum. :thinking:

Mercy still has bunny hops and superjumps to master.


Pickrates and winrates? She almost had a 90% pickrate and over 55%wr post rework. Now shes been nerfed and is where she belongs for her mechanics


Not to fan the flames of this thread (because it’s definitely going to get heated on its own), but from my personal experience, I actually think Mercy requires a bit more positioning awareness than a lot of the other heroes. Her life literally depends on it.

I explained it to my friend like this: It’s like playing a game of pool. When you line up the cue ball for a shot, you don’t “just” think about making that shot. You also think where the cue ball will be once that shot’s made so you can more easily move onto the next shot.

This is basically what Guardian Angel mastery is. Good Mercys don’t just fly to a random person to get out of trouble, they’re also already thinking in advance who they can fly to next, either to juke their opponent (Genji with Dragonblade chasing you), or to acquire a safer position once trouble starts at the new area they landed at.

She has to constantly know where every (or at least most) of her teammates are, maintain as much LoS as possible, and adjust her own position accordingly.

Yes, she’s easy to pick up. It’s easy to just fly to that Widow perched up top to escape a Hanzo ulti, etc. That’s because the entry level skill requirement for the hero is very low. It’s designed this way.

BUT, it’s very easy to tell when you encounter an experienced Mercy. Good Mercys are ridiculously hard to pin down and kill. Bad Merys … after the first jump, are usually sitting ducks.

So no, the usual “every hero requires positional awareness” argument kinda falls flat here. I mean, I get where people are coming from with this, as it’s true to an extent, but there’s just more to it with this hero. If I had to guess, I’d say only tanks had to have a higher level of thinking in that department.


So Brigitte should be an actual walking trash bag?