Mercy Rez still goes off if you boop her mid animation?

This interaction feels very inconsistent and should be patched so it’s not.

If you boop Mercy mid rez with whatever ability, the rez should be cancelled, it’s part of the built in counter play of the ability but right now it’s not working properly.


If you try to boop her mid-animation, it’s already too late. You have to knock Mercy back as she starts the animation, and you still have to send her far enough away. Rez has a halo of activation around it. As long as she’s starts close to the soul and stays within a few meters, the rez will go off.


Oh, that’s dumb. That should be changed.


I flew at a mercy as dva as she started ressing and it didn’t cancel the res.


To be clear, you can interrupt resurrect at any point before it finishes, but she needs to actually leave the resurrect radius for it to be interrupted.


^ This. I am surprise that people think that a simple boop should cancel resurrection, if that were the case, then a melee should cancel Mercy’s Ressurection.

Her range is 5m, but Mercy can manipulate and increase the range from 5m to 7m when starting the animation.

Also, as Mercy, you can go against the boop to ensure that you do not get rez canceled.


You aren’t stopping the cast, just moving the caster.
Just to be clear, what you want is a interrupt on top of the boop (like hog hook, but in the other direction)

And should not be changed. You just need to be faster.


If you interrupt her yes, if you boop her you have to hope the boop was far enough to force cancel the rez (because she has a range where if shes too far away the rez cancels). The size of when Mercy is to far away to continue rezzing is also slightly larger than the range to start the rez, so both of those thing makes canceling the rez with a boop suck. Booping her off high-ground alongside a body or in the direction she is also floating to propel her farther than expected help with force stopping the rez.

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Does boop cancel high noon and numerous other channeled abilities? Lol

Should they all be changed? Lol

Rez will cancel if Mercy is beyond 6m from the soul

That includes Ice Wall, Platforms, any boop, and herself if walking or flying too far; like when not paying attention to Lucio’s speed boost

On the spot, like right on top of the soul, Mercy can hold crouch for immediately glide when getting booped; reducing the pushback effect while being in the air

But that’s a tech, and is not like many are aware of it. Like Samito; who uses Valk for flying over Mei’s wall xD

Game would be too challenging for mercy mains if resurrect was interrupted on damage.

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Her entire kit still goes off no matter what CC she suffers.

So unless its a hard CC like Hog hook, Mauga cage, Mccree nad, or a stun Mercy will get aeay scott free.

Did I forget to mention that most if the CC in the game is boops and slows now?

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no, because boop is just a knockback, not a stun.
Stun will interupt channeling abilities, boop will not.
also Mercy is literally a glowing target when Rez, just shoot her lol

You need to push her far enough away from the corpse to interrupt the rez.
I’ve used dva to cancel multiple rezzes.
Also used wreckingball for interrupting in mystery heroes.
Just yesterday i javelin spun a mercy off a corpse after missing the javelin.

wild how people just be making thread calling for changes when they don’t even know how the thing they’re crying about works


the only way to cancel it is to throw her like 7 meters from the body fast enough, kill, or to use stuns like hook/hack/javelin/doom punch

people just need to cooperate better. rez is kinda nuts but she will rez when one person is busy reloading so someone else needs to drop her

I don’t think the devs care, honestly. There’s also meant to be a slowdown to make her an easy target when rezzing, unless behind a wall, but somehow, I still see Mercy the F16 fighter jet whizzing around the rez target.

Rez should just be reworked so mercy has to sit on your dead body like an egg and roost until the rez is over.


(Or alternate she eats you like Yoshi and poops out an egg that your body is crammed into)

mercy is a support so obviously blizzard makes rez more uncancellable than some ults. i’ve had a mercy rez right in front of me as pharah (boop on cd) and she gets the rez. winston is the same. all you do is tickle her before she rezes then flies away.

sometimes i think the only way to play this game is just main sombra and troll matches.

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Venture is great at interrupting res with her drill dash move. So long as you’re fairly close to Mercy when she starts the animation, you can push her outside of the range with the dash.

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